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Older and Wiser
Silver Member
The inclusion of aiming threads had begun to compromise the main forum at one point but this problem was resolved when the aiming forum was established.

DR_DAVE, one of the most respected superstars on this forum, gets a pass from me because this is a first offense.

Most of us get it wrong occasionally on AZB but we try to learn from it. I'm sure DR_DAVE won't repeat this error in judgement.


Silver Member
I think that the whole point of Dr. Dave's video is that the best players don't really "aim" at all.
I agree and it makes no sense whatsoever nor is it true.
They just look at the shot and know (from HAMB) how to execute it successfully. I don't care what forum it is in.

Could they do it blindfolded? What does execute it successfully mean? What are they looking at specifically when they just look at the shot? What contact looks like between CB and OB? Where the center of the CB or Edge of the CB would be at impact? Where another part of the CB would be on the OB?
Where their cue tip is positioned on the CB and what it's aiming at? Is the shaft/tip in a straight line or angled? Why, one way or another?


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I don’t mind if he does make that same error again. Generally I’ll catch all of Dr Dave’s material but won’t go out of my way to look for aiming topics, so being notified via the main forum is a good thing for me.
Unfortunately, once you start to make exceptions to the rules, the aiming threads will come back to the main forum, and that's an undesirable scenario.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It seems that the word "aiming" is being pulled in two directions when it comes to shooting pool shots. "Aiming" in my definition- is lining up the tip of the cue in a straight line through the cue ball to a pre determined point on the object ball, where one has also pre determined the point on the cue ball to be struck as well.

"Aiming" is not the same as determining the correct contact point on the object ball - that correct object ball contact point is already pre determined by the angle of the CB to the OB in relation to the desired pocket for the OB. The correct OB contact point is learned and memorized via the million shot process, if one pays close attention to every make and miss and understands the differences and makes the adjustments over time.

Pros and very, very good amateurs will recognize the OB contact point on each shot and then use their PSR to properly "aim" their cue tip to the determined shot line. Final focus - supreme final focus on the OB contact point- will greatly assist in keeping the "aim" correct through the entire stroke to completion.


Silver Member
Your marketing spoof, how clever. Start a thread and video claiming pros don't really aim but at the same time have all of your material posted at different places and at the end where those who watched it could then pick and choose which ones about aiming or otherwise to purchase.
Now that was $$$$$$LICK! (also incorrect and misleading)

Maybe you aren't a good listener or observer. Have you observed their eye movements back and forth from CB to OB, OB to CB and balls to pocket when they get down on the shot? What do you think that's all about if it isn't aiming or aligning the orientation between CB and OB to cut angle of pocket?

They do reveal how they aim. Because just like you, they produce videos on how they specifically aim or do other things as well as give lessons. It's beneficial to pool players who want to improve and puts money into their pockets. Isn't that what you do? $$$$$$$

Which instructors are inexperienced and not respected? The ones who say to aim by "feel"? Or are they in the most highly respected?
Who knew that someone could possibly this butthurt over a thread? I am completely stunned that someone actually feels so wronged over the placement of a topic. This topic could be 2 pages shorter if just one person would drop the drama.


Silver Member
That's one main point of the video. They don't use a "system." They just do many of the things discussed and demonstrated in the video that help them be effective. They don't all do everything in the video the exact same way on every shot, but these are certainly the "best practices" followed by most of them.
I know of 1 successful pro that uses, at least it looks like he still uses it, CTE. He taught me when he was a strong local player. The way he aligns and steps into the shot make it look like he is still using CTE.


Silver Member
"Aiming" is not the same as determining the correct contact point on the object ball - that correct object ball contact point is already pre determined by the angle of the CB to the OB in relation to the desired pocket for the OB. The correct OB contact point is learned and memorized via the million shot process, if one pays close attention to every make and miss and understands the differences and makes the adjustments over time.
Mike: For those who prefer using the OB contact point, memorization of a million shots isn't required at all. It was my primary way of aiming for years before getting drugged, brainwashed, beaten, and starved to switch over to something else with 3 letters.

The contact point can be determined by standing in a straight line from the back of the OB to the center of the pocket you want to shoot it into. If the CB is on a straight line to the OB to the pocket, you strike CB center to OB center to pocket center.
Good stroke and the ball goes in.

If the player moves a few paces to the right or left which is where the CB is now located, the contact doesn't change on the OB. The perspective will be different but not the contact point itself. What does change is the contact point on the CB when it strikes the OB. It has to be an equal and opposite spot on the CB linked to the NEW position of the contact point on the OB.

Does this make sense?
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Silver Member
Who knew that someone could possibly this butthurt over a thread? I am completely stunned that someone actually feels so wronged over the placement of a topic. This topic could be 2 pages shorter if just one person would drop the drama.
Or you stopped posting yourself. Drama, wordsmithing, and all that goes with it makes the thread count go waaay up.
How boring it would be if everyone agreed. NPR proves that agreeing ain't gonna happen and gets the most action.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You'd think after all the cool-down time they've had that cookie and spiderman's butthurt-itis would have faded way. Guess not. ;) I normally keep them on perma-Ignore like i do justnum but sometimes i just have to monitor the ongoing effects of 'AZBDS' (AZBilliardsDerangementSyndrome). ;)


Silver Member
You'd think after all the cool-down time they've had that cookie and spiderman's butthurt-itis would have faded way. Guess not. ;) I normally keep them on perma-Ignore like i do justnum but sometimes i just have to monitor the ongoing effects of 'AZBDS' (AZBilliardsDerangementSyndrome). ;)
And what do you call your syndrome for hanging on our every word and post so you can then whine about it? You don't have anyone on perma-Ignore, least of all me or Cookie. BS!

cookie man

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You'd think after all the cool-down time they've had that cookie and spiderman's butthurt-itis would have faded way. Guess not. ;) I normally keep them on perma-Ignore like i do justnum but sometimes i just have to monitor the ongoing effects of 'AZBDS' (AZBilliardsDerangementSyndrome). ;)
Thank you for monitoring us. Maybe you should apply for moderator job.
So sorry to hurt your feelings. I will not point out a violation of the rules no more just for you.


I don't think you can call feel and intuition any kind of system. It's kind of the opposite really.

That being said, the "Shot Picture" may be called a system. But I'd argue that's more recognition that comes from HAMB and not a system.

Thanks for another great video, doctor!

p.s. SSOP calls it the "Sight Picture". Maybe someone should copyright the "system" lol!


Also, in football, does the QB use a system for hitting the money on the receiver? Does he calculate the receivers speed, angle, and a hundred other things before he delivers the ball exactly where the receiver will be in a few microseconds? No, he just uses muscle memory that comes from TAMB (throwing a million balls)


Silver Member
are the ways people aim really METHODS (step by step procedures) and not
SYSTEMS (set of interconnected components that work together to achieve a specific goal. )
According to this answer on the internet, YES, "BUT"

Speaking specifically of U.S. law, a system is a physical thing, just like a device, a machine, an apparatus, a manufactured item or a composition of matter. A method, or process, is a series of steps or actions to achieve some end. A method might be performed by a person, or it might be performed by a machine/system. A system, inherently, is a complex "machine". Therefore, when a system is activated, it generally carries out a series of steps.
If your invention is a system, you might have one or more system claims that describe the parts of the system and how they interrelate. It might describe a part of the system (a transmitter) by stating that it performs an action (transmitting a specific signal) under some condition - as a way of defining the structure of the machine. A system claim reads on a system even if the system is not plugged in and in a box.
A method claim trying to cover that same system would claim a series of steps. Step 1 might be transmitting a particular signal. Notice the "-ing". That indicates an action, not a thing. A transmitter configured to transmit a particular signal is a thing whereas transmitting is an action.
Patents cover making, using, selling, offering for sale an importing. As I said, a system claim covers the physical system whether or not it is use. In contrast, a method claim coving that same system is only infringed when the system is activated and actually carries out the claimed steps.
For simpler inventions, method claims might be a method of making a physical item or a method of using a physical thing.
A single patent might have claims to a physical structure, claims to a method of using the system (by a person) and claims to the method of steps performed by the system itself.

And here's the BUT:
What is the working definition of a system?
A system is a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone.

What say yee?


Marital Slow Learner.
Staff member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Also, in football, does the QB use a system for hitting the money on the receiver? Does he calculate the receivers speed, angle, and a hundred other things before he delivers the ball exactly where the receiver will be in a few microseconds? No, he just uses muscle memory that comes from TAMB (throwing a million balls)
No particular disagreement with what you've posted here, but you could also take another angle with respect to this "argument."

When a contractor builds a home, does he/she guess where to make the cuts when framing the structure, or wing it when they calculate the materials needed for the job?

In my opinion, pool/billiards is likely a combination of the two trains of thought. Certainly there is a feel aspect associated with the various games. Methods/systems build foundations. The execution of those "systems," along with the experience (feel) garnered through practice/play, produces the result/s.

Texas Carom Club

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
According to this answer on the internet, YES, "BUT"

Speaking specifically of U.S. law, a system is a physical thing, just like a device, a machine, an apparatus, a manufactured item or a composition of matter. A method, or process, is a series of steps or actions to achieve some end. A method might be performed by a person, or it might be performed by a machine/system. A system, inherently, is a complex "machine". Therefore, when a system is activated, it generally carries out a series of steps.
If your invention is a system, you might have one or more system claims that describe the parts of the system and how they interrelate. It might describe a part of the system (a transmitter) by stating that it performs an action (transmitting a specific signal) under some condition - as a way of defining the structure of the machine. A system claim reads on a system even if the system is not plugged in and in a box.
A method claim trying to cover that same system would claim a series of steps. Step 1 might be transmitting a particular signal. Notice the "-ing". That indicates an action, not a thing. A transmitter configured to transmit a particular signal is a thing whereas transmitting is an action.
Patents cover making, using, selling, offering for sale an importing. As I said, a system claim covers the physical system whether or not it is use. In contrast, a method claim coving that same system is only infringed when the system is activated and actually carries out the claimed steps.
For simpler inventions, method claims might be a method of making a physical item or a method of using a physical thing.
A single patent might have claims to a physical structure, claims to a method of using the system (by a person) and claims to the method of steps performed by the system itself.

And here's the BUT:
What is the working definition of a system?
A system is a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone.

What say yee?
so much mumbo jumbo to say" my way is better than yours "
terabytes of arguments that boil down to that one sentence


Silver Member
so much mumbo jumbo to say" my way is better than yours "
terabytes of arguments that boil down to that one sentence
You left out a couple of words. "My way is better for ME than yours."
Or "My way is better than yours for ME."

There are some on here that claim or make others believe that they don't even have a "way".
They're just blessed from hitting a million balls to automatically know what to do in the setup and
alignment to make everything by the magic word..."FEEL". Greatness comes in many different "ways"
especially on an internet forum.
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Texas Carom Club

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You left out a couple of words. "My way is better for ME than yours."
Or "My way is better than yours for ME."

There are some on here that claim or make others believe that they don't even have a "way".
They're just blessed from hitting a million balls to automatically know what to do in the setup and
alignment to make everything by the magic word..."FEEL". Greatness comes in many different "ways"
especially on an internet forum.
please continue
im totally reeding all this mumbo jumbo
pinky promise
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