I get what you're saying, and I appreciate your passion for this, but have you ever considered that most of us don't want to be remembered for pool? It's a hobby for most of us. I know the impact I make at my work, and I am proud of that. Good for you for being proud of yours.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your work and family, it just happens to be that pool is not only my job, its the life i live as well. I can't stand staying in one place for very long, not even for family. I love all my kids and grandkids with all my heart, but that don't change my feelings about wanting to live free to go wherever i want, for as long as i want, when i want. I was born into a life of moving all the time as i was born into the military as a baby, and never really called anywhere home my entire life. I truly enjoy meeting new people all the time and working on new to me pool tables that can be somewhat challenging to fix, and i never quit a job early to get to the next one that pays as i don't chase the money i could be making.
My mom showed me something when she died Dec 15th, 2015. She left my brothers and i quit a bit of money that she saved most of her life to aquire which did nothing for the life she could have lived, instead of the life she ended up living. While my brothers banked their money, i spent mine fixing up my truck, buying tools to do better work on the road with, and buying a White Hawk 24RKS travel trailer to live my life in for as long as i can enjoying what i like, just as my mom spent the remaining years of her life doing what she enjoyed doing...making stupid quilts for the fun of it...LOL
My son who was killed Feb 8th, 2104 at 17 years old taught me life can be over in a moments notice so enjoy it while you're still able to, as I'm sure he'd wish to still be alive today.
My ex wife died Oct 29th, 2016 taught me I'm not getting any younger as she was 60 years old when she died, same age as i am today, so as long as I'm still alive, tomorrow will aleays be a day to look forward to, i just hope it arrives, but I'll be okay if it don't as long as i don't give up first and keep trying for as long as i can.