In Praise of Realkingcobra . . . .


AKA: Sandy Bagger
Silver Member
In another thread , u12armresl jumped RKC and made the challenge :

"If you are so good , let others start threads and speak to your work"

So I will !

Not only is Glen a great table mechanic , but he's a super nice guy , more than willing to share his years of knowledge and experience with others .

When I first started in this sport/industry 30 years ago , knowledge was jealously guarded . The top mechanics/cuemakers/players wouldn't share their experience because they were afraid of the competition !

I actually encountered this again recently on the 'ask the cuemaker' forum . A cuemaker was afraid of taking an apprentice because he was afraid it would steal all his business . . . . :eek:

But not RKC ! He posts pictures and detailed photos CONSTANTLY !!
If he encounters a tough situation , he finds a solution , and takes us through it step-by-step.

Realkingcobra is an asset to this forum , his trade , and our sport .
We need ten more just like him !! (fortunately , he's trainin' 'em !!) :)

Oh , and about your screenname ? You really wanna armwrestle someone who wrangles one-piece 1" slates all day ? :rolleyes:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I enjoy his threads, espec. with pics. Also, want to thank him for his willingness to answer questions. It is very nice to be able to get a response from someone who is an expert in the field. Thanks, Glen.


Showin some A$$
Silver Member
Oh , and about your screenname ? You really wanna armwrestle someone who wrangles one-piece 1" slates all day ? :rolleyes:

My money is on RKC!!!

When you hear people say...."I will rip your head off and $hit down your neck hole" ........I think RKC would actually be able to phisically do that.

BTW....There was not a pocket in town that was this sexy until Glen came to town.


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One Pocket back cutter
Silver Member
It's my forum name, but sure if that is something you really have the desire to do. Lifting weight or moving things around has nothing to do with wrestling.

Oh , and about your screenname ? You really wanna armwrestle someone who wrangles one-piece 1" slates all day ? :rolleyes:[/COLOR][/I][/QUOTE]


One Pocket back cutter
Silver Member
I guess I just have to consider the source.
You send me 2 pm's which have 0 meaning. "it's like a nightmare" ya, that line isn't played out or anything

So what, you show me 2 threads and follow it up with your nightmare line.

And you comment about my name, take a look around your posts first, you make off color comments and derogatory comments and think that is OK.

Even if someone else said it, the tag line you have in your posts about African Americans is just wrong. Probably not to you, but to most of the rest of the World.

now THAT"S tight !!:cool:


AKA: Sandy Bagger
Silver Member
I guess I just have to consider the source.
You send me 2 pm's which have 0 meaning. "it's like a nightmare" ya, that line isn't played out or anything

So what, you show me 2 threads and follow it up with your nightmare line.

And you comment about my name, take a look around your posts first, you make off color comments and derogatory comments and think that is OK.

Even if someone else said it, the tag line you have in your posts about African Americans is just wrong. Probably not to you, but to most of the rest of the World.

So , uh , how do you feel about "Chinese Checkers" ?:eek:

"Indian Wrestling" ?:confused:

"Chinese Checkers" is a registered trademark of Pressman Games , inc . Use of its trademarks or images without prior approval is prohibited by law


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The real thing

Real king cobra helped me shrink some pockets on a GC 1 over the phone. He held nothing back and gave me more info than I could handle.If we had more people like him this industry would be hard to beat ....Thanks for everything...RKC...I owe you one man.......................Ray Weeks


One Pocket back cutter
Silver Member
You can make whatever jokes you want to make, the fact that you put something like you did in your tagline, tells me all I need to know.

So , uh , how do you feel about "Chinese Checkers" ?:eek:

"Indian Wrestling" ?:confused:

"Chinese Checkers" is a registered trademark of Pressman Games , inc . Use of its trademarks or images without prior approval is prohibited by law