Kamui Black


Silver Member
I need help. Could everyone please PM AZ user subdude1974 and tell him why Kamui black tips are the best. He's been using triangle tips forever and can't decide. Me alone can't convince him. I would never steer him wrong. I believe in these tips and I believe they are the best.


what's in your wallet
Silver Member
Using one now and the verdict is still out, have a triangle on another cue and I think there's not enough difference to justify one over the other right now except the 25 dollars I spent. I'll post a full update in a few weeks.


Go ahead.....run for it.
Silver Member
Sorry man, I cant do that. Ive tried three different kamui tips, and miscue more than any other tip ive tried. Ill take a milk dud over a kamui any day.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I just cut a Kamui black tip off my cue after two weeks of giving it a try. It wouldn't hold chalk and gave me many miscues. I scuffed it and used coarse sandpaper trying to get it to hold chalk, with no success.


New member
Hi Brain,

i habe the same point about Kamui Tips. I use them now since 2 months, i would never change it anymore.
I used moori before, but now i am really happy with the kamui (black medium).



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I need help. Could everyone please PM AZ user subdude1974 and tell him why Kamui black tips are the best. He's been using triangle tips forever and can't decide. Me alone can't convince him. I would never steer him wrong. I believe in these tips and I believe they are the best.

to be honest other than avoiding the break in period and every tip being consistent they're good but i wouldn't say they're better than triangles.

no joke a good broken in triangle will give a kamui black the 7 out and the breaks


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I just cut a Kamui black tip off my cue after two weeks of giving it a try. It wouldn't hold chalk and gave me many miscues. I scuffed it and used coarse sandpaper trying to get it to hold chalk, with no success.

that's what happened to me and another az're i play when i get the chance. they're great tips when you first install them but after a while they start to glaze over and tend to keep miscueing.

i'm a blue collar pool player. i was spoiling myself buying the kamui black in the first place (1 was a gift from my buddy rex, rex's hella cool). anyway i can't see myself spending 18+ bones on another tip then 35 on a fancy sander to fix the tip after it's already cost me a shot.

i don't mind maintaining my equipment. i'd just rather spend more time playing then working on my tip

SK Custom Cues

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Installation is the key to using a Kamui Tip. I used a Triangle for 15 years and was the most stubborn one about changing to layered tips. After trying a Moori for a little while that came on a Mezz that I purchased, I slowly began to see the light. The Moori did glaze over, but I had to make slight adjustments because I had to remain a little closer to center yet I achieved the same results.

Kamui Blacks are the best layered tip out there. For those of you who say you miscue with those tips, it is because you are not using the tips properly, stroking too far off center / and/or improper tip installation / maintenance.


Bruce Johnson
Silver Member
Unfortunately everyone is different, and that is why there isn't just one tip and one shaft out there on all cues for every player. I see guys that can consistantly us EXTREME outside english without miscuing, but it's all in your stroke style. I like Kamui Blacks a lot, but I also like the Sniper a lot and I miscue less with the Sniper, but it doesn't mean you will. Kamui Blacks are probably the tip I put on the most, but I still get people that hate them. I have a policy when someone comes to me wanting a tip but they are just not sure what they want. I suggest a tip for the level of the player and if they just don't like it after a break in period, I will replace it for free till I get them one they like. It is a small price to pay to gain a customer for life. If you go from a Triangle to a Kamui, you need a good month of solid play to be able to fully adjust your game to it.......... just my opinion.



Sound Design
Silver Member
I have never had a problem with these tips. I have been using them for over a year on two different cues and they never need any kind of shaping or scuffing. I don't use extreme english a lot, so maybe this is the issue, but I rarely have a miscue with these tips, and I use the Kamui Black hard.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been using a medium black and a supersoft black Kamui on two shafts for two months now and not once have I had to scuff them. there's been none of the glazing or mushrooming either, even on the supersoft, which is still surprising me. I'm still waiting for the first miscue, which is just INSANE. I'm puzzled at why some people are saying they are miscuing with it on here, maybe it has something to do with cutting too much of it off, or using a tip pick or a scuffer on it too excessively in the beginning. All my friends are having the same experience with the tip as I am.

I've used lepro and triangle tips and it seemed like every other time I went to the pool hall I had to shave the edges and use a tool to fix the mushrooming, which was constantly changing the hit and the consistency. miscuing was fairly often too from glazing, so these Kamui tips are really impressing me.


Have Cue, Will Travel...
No doubt about it!

Installation is the key to using a Kamui Tip. I used a Triangle for 15 years and was the most stubborn one about changing to layered tips. After trying a Moori for a little while that came on a Mezz that I purchased, I slowly began to see the light. The Moori did glaze over, but I had to make slight adjustments because I had to remain a little closer to center yet I achieved the same results.

Kamui Blacks are the best layered tip out there. For those of you who say you miscue with those tips, it is because you are not using the tips properly, stroking too far off center / and/or improper tip installation / maintenance.

Kamui Black tips are the only tips that I will EVER put on my cue again. I play with a Medium Black, and as it has a hard hit to it, it also grabs like a soft. Miscueing is not a factor if you maintain it properly. Expecting it to perform at it's highest potential all the time without maintainance is like asking your car to continue running smoothly without an oil change.

Mike in MN

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I need help. Could everyone please PM AZ user subdude1974 and tell him why Kamui black tips are the best. He's been using triangle tips forever and can't decide. Me alone can't convince him. I would never steer him wrong. I believe in these tips and I believe they are the best.

Ummm, how about no? Do you know how ridiculous you sound? If he's been using Triangle tips forever, something tells me he's okay with them. Why is it that the Kamui tip users are always the ones trying to shove their tips in everyone else's faces in a, "LOOK. THIS TIP IS THE BEST THING EVER. YOU HAVE TO USE IT OR ELSE YOU'RE STUPID" kind of way.

Kamui tips are like the California of cue tips. Everyone from California tells you their state is the best state ever, and people who don't live there are totally lame, and who wouldn't want to visit California? They don't figure that people are okay with where they live, and if they didn't like it, they'd move in the first place. We're all adults, we can figure this crap out on our own.

Bottom line - California sucks, and I'll never spend a red cent on a Kamui tip simply because so many people want everyone else to try them, and people just can't stand hearing that there are folks out there who don't use them.

There, I feel better. :thud:

Mike in MN

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been using a medium black and a supersoft black Kamui on two shafts for two months now and not once have I had to scuff them. there's been none of the glazing or mushrooming either, even on the supersoft, which is still surprising me. I'm still waiting for the first miscue, which is just INSANE. I'm puzzled at why some people are saying they are miscuing with it on here, maybe it has something to do with cutting too much of it off, or using a tip pick or a scuffer on it too excessively in the beginning. All my friends are having the same experience with the tip as I am.

I've used lepro and triangle tips and it seemed like every other time I went to the pool hall I had to shave the edges and use a tool to fix the mushrooming, which was constantly changing the hit and the consistency. miscuing was fairly often too from glazing, so these Kamui tips are really impressing me.

And refresh my memory, exactly how much is Kamui paying you as your sponsor?


knowledge > execution. :(
Silver Member
I did succumb to the hype and bought a black soft - but i am still exploring all the tips out there - and although so far i really like it, i have yet to try a sniper or moori.

I will say that i am gettng better CB action - but i can not say it's 100% due to the tip - i also know that i am more purely stroking the cb these days than i was even 3 months ago. The times I miscue I know it's because I'm stabbing at the ball or doing something with my arm incorrectly... so i can't say if the tip is preventing miscues more than my talisman did or if i'm just improving my stroking line?

The only "negative" that still stands out in my head when I play is the sound of this tip. It's considerably different than the sound my talisman had. I don't have a "great ping" cue to start with but i really don't like the new ping. :/


Hearing the balls.....
Silver Member

think there is no need to say his opinion- and being paid for it......
I tried almost every tip- and Kamui is for sure a really good tip. And the things about *miscueing* - someone with a bad stroke will miscue with each leather somehow....
And that Kamui has to be installed the right way is no rumour- everyone should know this.

I m not sponsored by Kamui- and also i m playin oldschool Kamui s- layered Tips have the advantage that they almost never mushroomin- this is in my eyes the biggest advantage. I was always a Triangle fan- but it s killing me to work on my tip almost every day....

lg from overseas,
unsponsored Ingo


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yo, I still play with 30 day old alaskan grizzly bear hyde and I get great spin.... You've seen me play them little tables that I hate and I spin the ball right off of em'.


what's in your wallet
Silver Member
The K medium black has a funny squish click sound, I put my second shaft on with the K Brown medium and it sounds solid and plays as well IMO.
The black tip is playing good but has a different sound, can't hear it on a firm stroke but is audible on lighter stroke. I'll give it a few weeks.


Go ahead.....run for it.
Silver Member

think there is no need to say his opinion- and being paid for it......
I tried almost every tip- and Kamui is for sure a really good tip. And the things about *miscueing* - someone with a bad stroke will miscue with each leather somehow....And that Kamui has to be installed the right way is no rumour- everyone should know this.

I m not sponsored by Kamui- and also i m playin oldschool Kamui s- layered Tips have the advantage that they almost never mushroomin- this is in my eyes the biggest advantage. I was always a Triangle fan- but it s killing me to work on my tip almost every day....

lg from overseas,
unsponsored Ingo

I started a thread a while back about having miscue problems with my Kamui tips that I tried. And while I appreciate the input I recieved, it still amazes me how so many people can have similar issues with these tips, yet its just that our strokes suck? Im no pro, but I know I have a decent stroke, and most of my miscues with the Kamui black medium were not way out on the edge of the tip. I had a few that were actually pretty close to the center. Ive currently got a milk dud, everest, moori hard, Hercules hard, lepro, and kamui brown medium tips on various shafts and cues. Out of all of them, the duds miscue the least, followed closely but the Hercules hards. Im not bashing you, and im not trying to be rude, its just that everyone just assumes because they love kamui, everyone else should, and if you miscue, then your stroke sucks. Thats not how it is.
