Kid Delicious book

Travis Bickle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Has anybody read or have knowledge about new book on Basavich called "Running the Table ... The Legend of Kid Delicious, the Last Great American Pool Hustler"?

An advance copy of this book by L. Jon Wertheim has just landed on my desk, haven't had a chance to crack it open yet. Published by Houghton Mifflin.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i have not but i have a relative question,i ran into danny and his sidekick "bob" years ago in sc.what ever happened to bob,is he alive?does he still play? are him and kid d. still down like 4 flat tires? what a pair,man they had me laughing for 2 days,before AND after they got the cash!

George Fels

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've read it. IMO Wertheim is great, Basavich is not nearly as interesting as Wertheim would like us to think, and "Bristol Bob" is boring and unlikable. Movie is said to be "in development"; they'd have to embellish the book considerably to make it an entertaining film. GF

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
George Fels said:
I've read it. IMO Wertheim is great, Basavich is not nearly as interesting as Wertheim would like us to think, and "Bristol Bob" is boring and unlikable. Movie is said to be "in development"; they'd have to embellish the book considerably to make it an entertaining film. GF

Come on George...tell us how you REALLY feel! LMAO I'm guessing this book won't get the five star review in BD! :eek: :D :D :D

Scott Lee


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
rayjay said:
Didn't he have a movie coming out too? What happened to it??

I posted this on an earlier thread on Danny. When Danny played at the Joss Tournament at the Golden Cue in Albany NY we got to talking. Yes he did have some medical problems, yes he is on his way to recovery and eating right and trying to lose weight. He claims that he is only at about 50-60% health wise at that time. Now about the movie. From what Danny himself told me, the original script that was written was declined and it is now being rewritten by a couple of people associated with Tom Hanks production company. that is all i can tell you. And that was straight from Danny. Can some one who knows him better verify these facts for me. I just may be a little hazy on all know how age can effect your mind......lololol...........mike

bud green

Dolley and Django
Silver Member
Wow, a bit harsh to crack on Danny like that. Almost everyone who has met Danny thinks he's a great guy, his record on the road is probably as good as anyones in the last decade or two. The SI article says he's made somewhere around 3 or 4 HUNDRED THOUSAND in money games. My friends know him well, went on the road with him, and have nothing but great things to say about him.

I respect your writings and all, but never in your life were you rolling into strange towns and drilling the best players by running 6,7, or 8 racks in a row and then leaving town with the cash and the people laughing about how entertaining you were. Just because guys like Mosconi sneered at hustlers doesn't mean your average player doesn't find them far more interesting than a gambler with character. Would you want to watch a movie about Louie Roberts, Fats, McCready,Cornbread, Fats... or Ralf Souqet?

Before Danny had a heart attack and had to deal with more pressing real life issues, he was on TV battling it out with the best in the world for championships. He's beaten a lot of great players in both tournements and for the $$. Just because his health turned bad doesn't mean people need to start beating up on him. His personality makes him one of pool's best chances to get some attention in the mainstream media and get popular. Orcullo has more game probably but who F'ing cares in terms of making a movie? Other than Pagulayan and a few others, hardly anyone even cracks a smile or even tries to be an entertaining player to watch.

Again, I respect you and like your articles, but maybe you should think a little about the effect your comments have on guys trying to make it in pool these days. If his movie gets made and pool gets a little attention, was it really necessary to come out and say he's not that interesting?

Who do you like instead for a movie you think has any chance of making an impact?


some of the kids
Silver Member
"Would you want to watch a movie about Louie Roberts, Fats, McCready,Cornbread, Fats... or Ralf Souqet?"

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes (again), and yes. :p


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
dimes33 said:
i have not but i have a relative question,i ran into danny and his sidekick "bob" years ago in sc.what ever happened to bob,is he alive?does he still play? are him and kid d. still down like 4 flat tires? what a pair,man they had me laughing for 2 days,before AND after they got the cash!

bristol bob is alive and well. he also still plays a good game. i believe he took 5th/6th this past weekend in the Tiger Tour stop in Virginia. contrary to one of the other posters, i would say he is not boring or unlikeable. he is definitely a pool room character and after you get to know him, he just grows on you (pretty much as you mentioned in your post).


Terry Ardeno

I still love my wife
Silver Member
bud green said:
Wow, a bit harsh to crack on Danny like that. Almost everyone who has met Danny thinks he's a great guy, his record on the road is probably as good as anyones in the last decade or two. The SI article says he's made somewhere around 3 or 4 HUNDRED THOUSAND in money games. My friends know him well, went on the road with him, and have nothing but great things to say about him.

I respect your writings and all, but never in your life were you rolling into strange towns and drilling the best players by running 6,7, or 8 racks in a row and then leaving town with the cash and the people laughing about how entertaining you were. Just because guys like Mosconi sneered at hustlers doesn't mean your average player doesn't find them far more interesting than a gambler with character. Would you want to watch a movie about Louie Roberts, Fats, McCready,Cornbread, Fats... or Ralf Souqet?

Before Danny had a heart attack and had to deal with more pressing real life issues, he was on TV battling it out with the best in the world for championships. He's beaten a lot of great players in both tournements and for the $$. Just because his health turned bad doesn't mean people need to start beating up on him. His personality makes him one of pool's best chances to get some attention in the mainstream media and get popular. Orcullo has more game probably but who F'ing cares in terms of making a movie? Other than Pagulayan and a few others, hardly anyone even cracks a smile or even tries to be an entertaining player to watch.

Again, I respect you and like your articles, but maybe you should think a little about the effect your comments have on guys trying to make it in pool these days. If his movie gets made and pool gets a little attention, was it really necessary to come out and say he's not that interesting?

Who do you like instead for a movie you think has any chance of making an impact?

I disagree on this basis. George Fels was giving his honest assessment of THE BOOK, not Danny personally. He wasn't cracking on Basavich, at least I didn't sense that. I got the impression that he was critiquing the book from a fans perspective. And remember, George is a professional writer and author, so he does have credibility.
I'll get the book no matter the reviews because I'm sure I'll learn more about Kid D as a person and that's what I like reading about. We don't know enough about these players, so every little bit helps, IMO.
One more comment...sad to say, but not EVERY pool book or EVERY pool movie will have a four star rating. Much as we would like them to.

As for movies, I know you'll think I am pulling your leg. But I would love to watch a documentary on these players, not a fictionalized spin job. I would like a crew to follow (pick your favorite pro) around for a few weeks to get a feel for what their life is REALLY like.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
they beat me out of some good money and honestly they were GREAT guys to gamble with.danny is funny even when hes not trying to be.he layed it down as good as any human! to say hes not intertaining or he is dull or boring would be a huge misprint in my book.

George Fels

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I didn't say he wasn't a nice guy, Bud. My opinion is that a book which essentially tells us, "He went here and won this; then he went there and won that," won't make much of a film. As Wertheim presents Danny to us, he simply isn't all that interesting; that has far more to do with his perception than mine. I've never met him. Let's compare notes after you've had a chance to read the book.

George Fels

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My review will probably appear two issues hence, Scott, and it won't be quite as negative as you seem to anticipate. It's well worth the purchase price just to read Wertheim on pool, road play and hustling in the absence of his subjects. He tries very hard to make the latter interesting; sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he doesn't, and there are some inaccuracies (Larry Nevel has "the build of an NBA forward"? Maybe on Gulliver's Lilliput; nowhere else.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
George Fels said:
I've read it. IMO Wertheim is great, Basavich is not nearly as interesting as Wertheim would like us to think, and "Bristol Bob" is boring and unlikable. Movie is said to be "in development"; they'd have to embellish the book considerably to make it an entertaining film. GF

Pool is a tough sell to mainstream America, whether it is a book or a movie. We have all witnessed how many pool movies in recent times have bombed. I'm not sure if it was the subject matter of the movies or whether it was not enough monies invested into the movie project upon inception to make it a hit.

Books on pool are definitely a hard sell to mainstream America, but us pool enthusiasts gobble them up like candy. Buddy Hall's book is a rare comodity today, and if one went up for sale on eBay, it would gain a lot of interest and go for big bucks. However, if Buddy's book were brand new on the market in 2007, I do wonder if it would be given five stars by the subject-matter experts.

It took Neil Sheehan 13 years to write "A Bright Shining Lie," but when it was all said and done, it was a Best Seller. Several times during this time, he was approached about getting that book finished, but Sheehan just wouldn't release it until he felt it was exactly the way he wanted it, and it paid off. Some writers are definitely perfectionists!

I have read many pool books over the past several years, and let's face it, pool just isn't interesting to mainstream America. Alluring the non-pool-related readers is what is a tough nut to crack. I am going to buy the book and will reserve judgment until I have had a chance to read it. I have read other pieces of Wertheim's work, and I enjoyed them. He is a colorful writer.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i never met Danny I was in retirement then, but from the matches I have seen him play and his interviews I like him alot, he has-maybe just to me- a charm about him that few posess, I like him and dont know him.

his warm up stroke is terrible, if I watched him play play for 5 minutes, I'd ask for a game, If I watched him play for 20 minutes I would ask for a autograph. His warm up strokes are terrible but man can he play. I hope he is ok-he needs to lose weight it kills (RIP Rude Dog-a good friend of mine). I got to 265 when I was 17 and felt like I was going to die, I started the gym and got 260 musclar and it was still hard on me, anything over 250 for me is tough at 225-235 i'm fine, I couldnt imagine weighing more.
Last edited:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
JAM said:
Pool is a tough sell to mainstream America, whether it is a book or a movie. We have all witnessed how many pool movies in recent times have bombed. I'm not sure if it was the subject matter of the movies or whether it was not enough monies invested into the movie project upon inception to make it a hit.

Books on pool are definitely a hard sell to mainstream America, but us pool enthusiasts gobble them up like candy. Buddy Hall's book is a rare comodity today, and if one went up for sale on eBay, it would gain a lot of interest and go for big bucks. However, if Buddy's book were brand new on the market in 2007, I do wonder if it would be given five stars by the subject-matter experts.

It took Neil Sheehan 13 years to write "A Bright Shining Lie," but when it was all said and done, it was a Best Seller. Several times during this time, he was approached about getting that book finished, but Sheehan just wouldn't release it until he felt it was exactly the way he wanted it, and it paid off. Some writers are definitely perfectionists!

I have read many pool books over the past several years, and let's face it, pool just isn't interesting to mainstream America. Alluring the non-pool-related readers is what is a tough nut to crack. I am going to buy the book and will reserve judgment until I have had a chance to read it. I have read other pieces of Wertheim's work, and I enjoyed them. He is a colorful writer.



your right, however with all due respect "Pool and $$$" packaged the right way TOGETHER, like poker has a better chance, but pool on its own is as you said.


I said "SIT!"
Silver Member
Oh Happy Day!

Oh happy day.
I walked into one of my 2nd hand bookstore haunts on Friday and what to my wondering eyes should I behold but an advanced reading copy of Running the Table, the Legend of Kid Delicious (L. Jon Wertheim, Houghton Mifflin). Obviously this was one of those copies that are mailed out to the book reviewers at the local rag. Whoever this was sent to didn?t even bother to break the spine on it before carting it down to the used book store to sell for some cash. Needless to say there won?t be any review of it in the local paper.
The book itself was a relatively short,quick read at 242 pages.
The first thing I would say is that, in part, I would have to agree with Mr. Fels regarding his take on the book. It is a lot of Kid Delicious going here, playing this guy, playing that guy, picking up and going somewhere else. If you are not a hard core pool player this book may leave you a little dry. If you are hardcore and you are jonesing for your next billiard fix I think that this book will more than amply serve.
I found it to be a great story well told. The picture that Wertheim paints of Danny Basavich left me identifying with and pulling for him every step of the way. As a railbird it let me live life on the road vicariously through Danny. Wertheim did nothing to sugar coat life on the road. It is only for those driven enough to be willing enough to find out if they have the strength and talent to endure.
It gives us Kid Delicious as one of those wonderfully delirious talents that, whether or not they like it, are bound hand and foot to something they love in the purest sense. It is not their choice as much as is it their lot in life. It is their one single anchor in a life that otherwise would have left them aimlessly adrift. Obviously at that level, his desire is a double edged sword. Luckily for Danny his has the ability to match this burning desire.
Enjoy the read
Now I just want to track Kid Delicious down so I can get him to autograph this lucky find!:)