That ivory butt box cue was originally made for Jack Potter by Gus
I bought the cue at one time and spent all my time hiding it,I put it under the piano, then in the closet, then under the couch, then in a hidey hole in the sheet rock
I was so afraid someone would steal it that I couldn't enjoy myself.
I finally sold it a friend of mine in Alaska ,Mark Griffin
I lost track of the cue then, but it left such an impression on my mind that I ordered box cues from every cue maker in the country Barry,Shick, Owen, South West/Mottey , ,Mottey, ,Scruggs, Drexler and many others, but I never filled the void left by that one.
That fellia n your pictures told me that his father never made a cue with an all ivory butt,
He didn't believe it till he saw mine,
He is now chuckling about how I let it slip through my fingers.
In my opinion that cue is the best cue in the world
,It is number one in my book .
I am glad you have it