OMGWTF gets stiffed in money game...


<< 2 all-time greats
Silver Member
i wouldn't say that. you guys can say what you want about this chick but i gotta figure the only reason both of them would be ok with not posting that kind of dough is because at one point they were both figuring to pull the same move if they were losing.

You quite obviously don't know OMG. She is a righteous person. She literally worked overtime to save the money for this match. She wouldn't play a match she didn't know upfront she could cover. She was only guilty of being too trusting of somebody who obviously didn't deserve that trust.
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truly addicted
Silver Member
i've seen it happen for 10times less. i'm not saying i'm 100% right here. all i'm saying is that if she'd been of the same mind set as me she'd have been paid. we post because we assume the other person is willing to stiff you

I beg to differ. It's been my experience that people post as a show of good faith.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I beg to differ. It's been my experience that people post as a show of good faith.

People post for the same reason they lock their doors. because it keeps everyone honest.

maybe she would have paid off if she lost but that's really not the point is it.

The easy answer is this. wait till you know she's playing at a local room. go do more than 2k worth of damage to her car (don't be caught doing it) and let her come find you. if you're worried you can't taker her slip her a roofie (or just jar her) and beat her while she's too messed up to stop you or slip a junkie some dough to shank her.

2k comes out of your ass. i don't care who you are

PS i've seen air barrels for 10-20. someone doesn't want to have 2k posted should throw up more red flags then captan red flag thrower in a red flag throwing contest
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Silver Member

People post for the same reason they lock their doors. because it keeps everyone honest.

maybe she would have paid off if she lost but that's really not the point is it.


Hey Ronald Reagan said it best when dealing with the Russians;

"Trust but Verify"

So, maybe dealing with the "goldenstiffer" it should be more of;

"Trust, Verify, Cash Upfront, Signed Agreement and for God's sake somebody block the freaking front door" !!

Long Live HairDildo.....I'm gonna try and get personalized license plates as HRDLDO in her honor !!


Paint Dry Watching Champ
Silver Member
She has moved up to the top of the search results! Nice Work!


  • AirBarrel.jpg
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
fame for two?


Hey Ronald Reagan said it best when dealing with the Russians;

"Trust but Verify"

So, maybe dealing with the "goldenstiffer" it should be more of;

"Trust, Verify, Cash Upfront, Signed Agreement and for God's sake somebody block the freaking front door" !!

Long Live HairDildo.....I'm gonna try and get personalized license plates as HRDLDO in her honor !!

If nothing else comes of this OMG has added a new word to the english lexicon. :thumbup:



Silver Member

If nothing else comes of this OMG has added a new word to the english lexicon. :thumbup:


You are right about that Hu. I can see it know. Next player that gets an air barrel fired at him/her will tell everyone
he just got "hair dildoed" and hard !!
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I can't stand it

Steev made a 'mind bet' that this thread would hit 37 pages.
I thought he was losing his mind.:eek:

Damn...I just helped him...:eek:


Lazy User
Silver Member
Steev made a 'mind bet' that this thread would hit 37 pages.
I thought he was losing his mind.:eek:

Damn...I just helped him...:eek:

I've stayed silent to avoid affecting the outcome. All I did was re-estimate the over/under at 37 once Asia chimed in.

seems inevitable now :)



Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I've stayed silent to avoid affecting the outcome. All I did was re-estimate the over/under at 37 once Asia chimed in.

seems inevitable now :)


Yup! Sure does.... :p

Dang it. I thought my post would start the new page. :)
37 yet?

No, but now we are!!!

EDIT: Darn I thought I was going to be 37th page. Well it's up to whoever is next. I don't have anything more to add here. Long live hairdildo, run girl run.