On The Road Again with Perfect Aim....

The Renfro

Silver Member
Was good talking to you the other day... Could tell you were in high spirits but talking was taxing... Have a care package to go out to you so you will be in good shape when you get back to the tables... Take it easy and follow the doctors orders.... Lots of pool left to be played.....



Absolutely love this cue.
Silver Member
I'm thinkin we need to put a little Rhythm in it. Just kidding...

Today was kind of tough. I want to go, go ,and go some more but the go for now has just went up and gone.

I need to heal. I guess there are allot of stitches inside my neck also. The cut on my neck is about 8 inches across. it's going to take a few weeks for sure. Doc also took out some bone or the cyst would just grow back.

I did a phone lesson today with jerry from Tennessee and it really wore out my throat. Had to ice it down and just lay there. yesterday I did a full lesson. that was too soon.

I do have a big surprise I hope for the players I match up against. Especially the ones that bet a little higher.

I can't wait to play a little bit with my sparing partner at Brickyard, I think you know who that is, and show him the big improvement with the energy. Before I always had to worry about running out of gas. I had this infection in my throat for a long time.I'm talking years.

Many people have these cysts, some cancerous and some non. Mine was non but it still caused chronic infection constantly in the ears and sinuses. In 1986 I had sinus surgery and ear surgery. The reasons for the infections all the time was this darn cyst. Not as big as it was at the end here but caused allot of problems just the same.

In fact I could hardly turn my neck to the right at all any more. Eyes would burn and my tongue would burn. When it got as big as a tennis ball towards the end it felt like it was grinding on the throat with every turn of the neck.

I don't know exactly how I'm going to feel after I'm healed but the Doctor asked me what I wanted to do with the rest of my life kind of jokingly. He knew how much trouble this was causing.

First I need to heal and then I need to excersize. This might take a couple of months but I know it will be well worth the effort.

I'll be posting updates here for sure. Indy is right in my way so it will be a stop for sure.

Great poolhall, great owners and a super nice group of guys to play with and hang out wit.

Just when I was starting to think my pool days were numbered it seems like it will just get better.

Need to get some power rest right now.

Thanks again Danny. see ya for sure in the near future. 2 to 3 months from now. Can't wait..........:wink:

You'll get there. I'm sure it's beyond frustrating going from where you were to stopped for a bit.

Keep on truckin, you'll be back in no time.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
If the doctor has to re stitch or re do surgery because of something you did that he/she told you not to do, they are not gentle re doing it. You need to do exactly what doctor told you to do and don't do what you CAN'T do yet. Good luck with your healing. Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All players that I teach Perfect Aim take an immediate jump in their game because it catches the eye up to the skill level of the cue.

Tomorrow is no exception except this young man has put a ton of work into his game.

When I show a player like this how to get the eyes right the sky is the limit.

He already has the desire and now he will know how to get there.

His name is brian and he will become one of the top players in the area here real soon.

It's not even a maybe.

The Doc said I couldn't play for a couple of weeks. I didn't ask him about teaching;):rolleyes:

Geno, I always enjoy reading about your travels on AZ so thank you! I am glad to hear you are getting your health in order. Congrats on your purchase of your RV. I've been looking to buy another one for the better part of a year now but as of yet have not found exactly what I'm looking for at a good price but im sure I will find one by fall ( will have one for trip to the Open ). Couple things Geno : I love playing pool but really haven't played much in several years due to a spinal injury. I will be having surgery to hopefully correct my injuries once and for all within a couple months. Once I have recovered from the surgery I plan on getting back to playing. However, even when I used to play all the time it seems my game had plateaud . Not sure exactly why but I always felt there was at least a couple more gears in my game but I just never was able to figure out how to hit them. With all I've read on here with your lessons I'd like to give u a try and take some lessons - I figure it could possibly do wonders for my game and or at the very least cant hurt anyhow. So id like to know if you will be at the Open this year and if so would u be available for lessons? If not the Open when will you be out to the east cost ( Baltimore area) ? In regards to your rv I had something I wanted to let ya know about just incase you were interested. Check out ThousandTrails.com. Its an rv campground membership, I think either this one or one like it would be awesome for you and what you do on the road now that you have an Rv. Its an annual membership which is pretty cheap ( esp if your using often - very cheap actually. But basically you pay the annual dues once a year and then pretty much its unlimited usage all over the US. Some of the campgrounds do have like a $3 fee for using their hookups but its very very cheap overall. Check it out as well as a few other memberships such as the one I provided you because I do think it would be great for you. I used to own one with Outdoor World which is now part of Thousand Trails and I absolutely loved it! I'll be joining once I have my new rv. Anyhow good luck with everything and I look forward to trying out some lessons from you in the future. Take care my friend!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks Johnny for some great advice.....

If the doctor has to re stitch or re do surgery because of something you did that he/she told you not to do, they are not gentle re doing it. You need to do exactly what doctor told you to do and don't do what you CAN'T do yet. Good luck with your healing. Johnnyt

I'm the worst at following directions. I gave a lesson Sat that was a little too soon I think. Total rest for about 2 weeks is what the doc ordered.

I was trying to show Brian the break and tried to do it twice to demo and that was twice too much. I paid the price with the pain, Sat nite and Sun were pretty rough.

I read your post on here and I thought wouldn't it be smart if we all would just listen.

Thanks for the great advice. I know you've had allot of work done on your body also.

Just like pool it's good to learn from someone that's been there and done that.

Thanks again.............


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for your interest.....

Geno, I always enjoy reading about your travels on AZ so thank you! I am glad to hear you are getting your health in order. Congrats on your purchase of your RV. I've been looking to buy another one for the better part of a year now but as of yet have not found exactly what I'm looking for at a good price but im sure I will find one by fall ( will have one for trip to the Open ). Couple things Geno : I love playing pool but really haven't played much in several years due to a spinal injury. I will be having surgery to hopefully correct my injuries once and for all within a couple months. Once I have recovered from the surgery I plan on getting back to playing. However, even when I used to play all the time it seems my game had plateaud . Not sure exactly why but I always felt there was at least a couple more gears in my game but I just never was able to figure out how to hit them. With all I've read on here with your lessons I'd like to give u a try and take some lessons - I figure it could possibly do wonders for my game and or at the very least cant hurt anyhow. So id like to know if you will be at the Open this year and if so would u be available for lessons? If not the Open when will you be out to the east cost ( Baltimore area) ? In regards to your rv I had something I wanted to let ya know about just incase you were interested. Check out ThousandTrails.com. Its an rv campground membership, I think either this one or one like it would be awesome for you and what you do on the road now that you have an Rv. Its an annual membership which is pretty cheap ( esp if your using often - very cheap actually. But basically you pay the annual dues once a year and then pretty much its unlimited usage all over the US. Some of the campgrounds do have like a $3 fee for using their hookups but its very very cheap overall. Check it out as well as a few other memberships such as the one I provided you because I do think it would be great for you. I used to own one with Outdoor World which is now part of Thousand Trails and I absolutely loved it! I'll be joining once I have my new rv. Anyhow good luck with everything and I look forward to trying out some lessons from you in the future. Take care my friend!

And I will check out that membership for sure.

The best thing you can do is call me for the free phone lesson. This will ensure that you understand the video completely so you get the most from it.

I can get you on track though with Perfect aim over the phone while your at a table. I have done about 900 of these over the last 4 years and with great success.

715-563-8712 Just give me a call some afternoon in the next week or so.

If I ever do get over to the east coast, don't know how soon, and you have bought the video the price will come off the lesson.

The main thing is to getting you shooting as good as possible as soon as possible and quit wasting time by trying to get these eyes there naturally. Omce you understand Perfect Aim completely you'll know what I mean.

it just works so well when you give the dominant eye a head start in the right direction manually.

Looking forward to working with you.

Good Luck


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Sorry to hear about your weekend. Heal up! :grin-square:

I've got a question for you. How many players would you say have one dominant eye for everything else in their life, but use the other eye as dominant in pool?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is from my observation.


Sorry to hear about your weekend. Heal up! :grin-square:

I've got a question for you. How many players would you say have one dominant eye for everything else in their life, but use the other eye as dominant in pool?


There might be 2 types of eye dominance. But I doubt it.

One when your further away that makes almost no difference and then when you get close like down on a shot where your vision crosses.

In the preshot a player can move the eyes back and forth and eye dominance doesn't really matter because your back further and looking with the inside of your eyes. But once you go down on the shot and your eyes cross this eye dominance will always be the same.

Once down on the shot and having your dominant eye in the correct position, it is almost visually impossible to move the other eye in the dominant position and see the shot well.

The pointing and circle tests work about 50% of the time to find the dominant eye. any eye doctor that really knows his stuff will tell you they don't work . So a player that is using these methods to find the dominant eye is using something that just doesn't work for everyone. 50% is like flipping a coin. But the 50% that it works for will swear it works until they get down on a shot and I show them with Perfect Aim that the other eye is their dominant eye. And by the time we are done they can see conclusively the real dominant eye for sure.

Almost in disbelief that these ridiculous, phony tests for eye dominance aren't correct for them.

But definitely if someone is using the circle or pointing test and it says your right eye dominant you might be left eyed or the other way around.

To be honest I don't think there are different eye dominances for different things but people that are using these things that don't work to find eye dominance and accept them as gospel have been led astray.

So by finding the dominant eye from these tests doesn't mean that that eye is dominant. They don't work.

When you are down on a shot it forces you to have the dominant eye at least close to being dominant if you play allot of pool. .

Many of the 3's in APA leagues that I work with are using the wrong eye like trying to shoot a gun. Once I show them how to get the real dominant eye over there the results are incredible.

With shooting a gun, archery and many other things you can isolate an eye so it really doesn't matter which eye is dominant. Doing these types of things with an eye isolated has nothing to do with the dominant eye.

I shoot a gun wit the right eye. I am left eye dominant. It makes no difference with the gun because you are isolating an eye.

There would be people that would argue but they can't win the arguments with me because I have been through the fire. I'm not just assuming or thinking this is this way or that way.

I've had top teachers on here tell me that not everyone has a dominant eye.

Until I can't find someones dominant eye I'm going to believe that everyone has one.

And I've found over 10,000 dominant eyes for sure in 5 years. To me that's pretty conclusive with documented results.

The teacher that is saying this doesn't even think the dominant eye matters that much so guess how many dominant eyes he has tried to find.

You got it......0 as in Zero. Goose egg. nada.........

He has no reason to if he doesn't think it matters. How ridiculous is this.

And finding the absolute correct dominant eye is the only way a player can manually improve their aim in a quick hurry.

is it a shortcut. Absolutely. Does it work. Absolutely.

I might even swing through there again some day Mr Mike.

Thanks for the input. Always appreciated.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks, Gene. I enjoyed the lesson and learned a lot!

I appreciate the answer to my question, too. I've been working on my game and I had to make a few changes. I will probably look you up again in the near future. Maybe I'll come to where you're at this time. :smile:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll be moving slower than before.........

Thanks, Gene. I enjoyed the lesson and learned a lot!

I appreciate the answer to my question, too. I've been working on my game and I had to make a few changes. I will probably look you up again in the near future. Maybe I'll come to where you're at this time. :smile:


When I go to a town I will be spending allot more time and thoroughly work with all the leagues.

I have pain right now but my energy is off the charts and I expect it to get better.

With the motorhome I will always be home. Park in an RV park and travel the area with my little car. Sometimes I will park right at the poolhall.

I can't hardly wait to get going.

I might even pick up a camera person and maybe a pool player.

What ever I do it will be so much more fun not being tired all the time.

So you when I get close.

Thanks again Mike.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Had to get a reload on hydrocodone today........

Now that the neck is feeling somewhat better I can really feel where the neck and spine has trouble.

With that big cyst in my neck it was stopping me from turning my head to the right. I could turn pretty good to the left but not as good a normal either.

I do have 2 bulging discs in my neck and stenosis. I've been having to sleep on my back in a recliner to help heal my neck from this surgery. Doing this has really brought out the bad things going on with the spine.

Both hands go numb with the 2 smallest fingers feeling like they are not even there. After I wake up and move around it only takes about a minute to get the feeling back. Sometimes it feels like someone hit me in both of my little fingers with a hammer along with the numbness once the feeling comes back.

The laser spine institute looked at the MRI and say they can fix the problem fairly easy. In one night and out the next doing most of my normal activities. The problem is my insurance won't cover them. The surgery is 23,000 and I don't know if that covers everything.

There are 4 laser spine institutes in the USA. I got to think they are doing something pretty special with out causing allot of extra healing from surgery. At least that is what all the testimonials are saying.

The Marshfield clinic here in Eau Claire seems to think therapy is going to do it and I'm pretty sure it's not. 6 weeks already and absolutely no improvement. I nursed a herniated disc in my lower back for 30 years before they fixed that. What a stupid situation that was. But Marshfield must not have this special technology that the Spine Institute has.
I might not want them going in a cutting my neck up the old way without the laser technology but I need to do something.

I guess I would be OK if I just decided to sit on the porch and get older. take some pain pills and watch TV allot but that's not me.

I need to get going. got so much work to do yet. And I want to still play pool at a higher level again.

About all I can do is walk and then walk some more. I'm doing some light weights making sure the muscle is isolated so I don't put any strain on my surgically repaired neck.

But now that they took out this cyst I can really feel exactly where the trouble is in my neck and put my finger right on the spots. This should help the doc when I go back in next week.

Other than that. No pool until the 20th of July. That gives me a few days to get ready for JJ's.

There is a $100 entree fee up here in Wisconsin at a place called JJ's on the 26th. 9 ball. Don't know the format and the goal is to try and get ready for that. Then there will be the Big One in Beloit in August. I want to be ready for the road by then barring I have my neck and spine fixed.

Other than that putting the finishing touches on the motorhome and making it home.

I'll be staying in it for a couple of weeks before I leave on the road to get all the little things in line. The up keep on these isn't real tough but you really have to understand the one you have and know how it all works.

Got to go and get my reload of Vike. and then go for a walk.

Just hurry up and wait while I heal.

But I will be back. You can count on that.............
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I know the pieces fit
Silver Member
Now that the neck is feeling somewhat better I can really feel where the neck and spine has trouble.

With that big cyst in my neck it was stopping me from turning my head to the right. I could turn pretty good to the left but not as good a normal either.

I do have 2 bulging dicks in my neck and stenosis. I've been having to sleep on my back in a recliner to help heal my neck from this surgery. Doing this has really brought out the bad things going on with the spine.

Both hands go numb with the 2 smallest fingers feeling like they are not even there. After I wake up and move around it only takes about a minute to get the feeling back. Sometimes it feels like someone hit me in both of my little fingers with a hammer along with the numbness once the feeling comes back.

The laser spine institute looked at the MRI and say they can fix the problem fairly easy. In one night and out the next doing most of my normal activities. The problem is my insurance won't cover them. The surgery is 23,000 and I don't know if that covers everything.

There are 4 laser spine institutes in the USA. I got to think they are doing something pretty special with out causing allot of extra healing from surgery. At least that is what all the testimonials are saying.

The Marshfield clinic here in Eau Claire seems to think therapy is going to do it and I'm pretty sure it's not. 6 weeks already and absolutely no improvement. I nursed a herniated disc in my lower back for 30 years before they fixed that. What a stupid situation that was. But Marshfield must not have this special technology that the Spine Institute has.
I might not want them going in a cutting my neck up the old way without the laser technology but I need to do something.

I guess I would be OK if I just decided to sit on the porch and get older. take some pain pills and watch TV allot but that's not me.

I need to get going. got so much work to do yet. And I want to still play pool at a higher level again.

About all I can do is walk and then walk some more. I'm doing some light weights making sure the muscle is isolated so I don't put any strain on my surgically repaired neck.

But now that they took out this cyst I can really feel exactly where the trouble is in my neck and put my finger right on the spots. This should help the doc when I go back in next week.

Other than that. No pool until the 20th of July. That gives me a few days to get ready for JJ's.

There is a $100 entree fee up here in Wisconsin at a place called JJ's on the 26th. 9 ball. Don't know the format and the goal is to try and get ready for that. Then there will be the Big One in Beloit in August. I want to be ready for the road by then barring I have my neck and spine fixed.

Other than that putting the finishing touches on the motorhome and making it home.

I'll be staying in it for a couple of weeks before I leave on the road to get all the little things in line. The up keep on these isn't real tough but you really have to understand the one you have and know how it all works.

Got to go and get my reload of Vike. and then go for a walk.

Just hurry up and wait while I heal.

But I will be back. You can count on that.............

The tourney at JJ's Club 35 is 8-Ball BCA race to 7 winners and race to 5 losers. 16 players and paying the top 4 finishers. You are definitely on everyone's radar buddy :grin-square:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I corrected my misprint there for sure......

Now that is a problem I have not heard of before! Good luck with that one Geno!

I just got home a little while ago and a friend had sent me a PM telling me about the mistake.

Don't know how that happened but I sure hope it doesn't get on Jay leno's show or one of the other late night shows.

Was kind of funny though. The correct phrase was bulging discs. :p:embarrassed2:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All my best wishes to ya Gene You are a credit to this community. Hope to see ya soon!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Each day seems to get a little better............

All my best wishes to ya Gene You are a credit to this community. Hope to see ya soon!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I got a nest of Robins on the back porch here in Altoona, Wi. The mother has had so much patients feeding and taking care of them.

now they are finally leaving the nest one by one. There are 3 of them.

the mother chases everything away, squirrels, sparrows and she doesn't even want me there but I understand.

Now that I have this infection under control for the first time in maybe 30 years, I can really stop and smell the roses.

My throat is still puffed out pretty good and I still have trouble swallowing but it's better than it was.

I shot about 10 racks of balls yesterday and was pretty happy about what was seeing for sure. My vision is crystal clear. I stayed up a little higher when I shot and didn't shoot very hard.

when I got out of the car once home I realized my legs were pretty shaky. I'm in good shape for 61 on the 18th of this month but I'm 61. takes a little longer to heal the older we get and injuries or surgeries just take a little longer to heal I guess.

This surgery was no joke and really drained my energy. I don't know how long it will take to recoup but I'm walking about 2 to 5 miles a day to keep the blood flowing.

Other than that, just like the mother robin, I just need to use patients and let it just happen.

As humans we always try to push things to fast.

Patients is the key.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My neck is still huge.....

And it's still pretty sore.

I get some funny looks when I go to the store.

10 days since the surgery and the recovery time is supposed to be 14 days. It sure feels like it's gonna take allot longer. The stitches inside my neck are supposed to just dissolve.

It really drained my body and energy and I can see I'm going to have to get on a major exercise routine within a week.

I'll be 61 on the 18th of July. I guess it might take me a while to bounce back.

One day at a time.

I'll get there. Better than before for sure. No more infection......


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Recovery time is allot longer than I thought.......

I guess I misunderstood the doctor on the recovery time.

it was 14 days until I could sleep laying down instead of sitting up.

I've been playing some but I really get wore out. the body is still healing. The only way I can shoot pool is with my mouth open because my neck won't stretch. The therapy person said it will take time to break down the scar tissue.

Some days I get such a terrible headache it's almost unbearable and I know I couldn't play pool at all on those days.

I would get this way before the surgery from all the infection anyway so it will be kind of fun to see how this pans out now.

My neck and spine is still bad from the car accident about 14 months ago but this large cyst was keeping me from moving my head to the right and down. I have gotten so much mobility since the surgery that I never had for years.

Hard to believe that I had this thing for maybe 30 years or so but the chronic sinus and ear infections constantly over the years is solid proof of this for sure.

What happened to me here is happening to other people all over except that the cyst usually isn't right on the thyroid duct.

I really feel like I have gotten a new lease on my life. I have no runny nose and I don't have to constantly clear my throat.

My ears don't hurt and feel like I need to warm them up with the heating pad. it was actually the infection from the cyst that was draining into the sinuses and ears when I layed down flat to sleep.

back in 1986 after having sinus surgery I slept sitting up for about 2 years. I thought I would choke from the drainage down my throat when I slept. Then I had sinus surgery about a year later but it didn't help a thing.

How this went undetected for all those years I have no idea. The last 4 or 5 years I noticed that my throat was getting pretty bit but I just thought that was part of getting older. your body changes.

I'm going to play in a $100, entry , 16 man 8 ball tourney this weekend. I don't know how I will fare.

But winning this thing would be nothing short of a miracle.

But miracles do happen everyday. it seems like a miracle that someone finally figured out what was wrong after I couldn't swallow or drink anything.

I'm going to try and take the motorhome to the tourney for a test run. It's about a 1 1/2 hour drive there. It will be nice to rest inbetween matches if there is anytime.

I'm kind of like all the other pool players that just keep playing no matter what it seems. And I've met lots of them in my travels allot worse off than me but they just keep plugging away at this game we all love.

I still have so much to do in this pool world of ours. I feel a little deflated right now but the energy will come back and I'm hoping better than ever.

So anyone out there wondering what was going on, I'm just working at trying to get better so I can keep going on.

Get out there and play some and Teach a little perfect Aim with allot of enthusiasm.

Soon it will be one man a motorhome and the road.....

And if everything goes right my first stop on the new road trip will be Beloit.

Great tourney to kick things off.

Can I win. We'll just have to wait and see...........
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Gunnin' for a 3 pack!!
Silver Member
The tourney at JJ's Club 35 is 8-Ball BCA race to 7 winners and race to 5 losers. 16 players and paying the top 4 finishers. You are definitely on everyone's radar buddy :grin-square:

Now that is a problem I have not heard of before! Good luck with that one Geno!
Way to quote guys........ lmao!

Hey Geno, When are you coming through the Philadelphia area?
Get well!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Best of luck with your recovery Gene! I hope you are able to have a physically comfortable life and play pool at the level you're capable of. With the RV, you shouldn't have any problems with bedbugs either.