One Pocket Situation...What's Your Shot?


Free T-Rex
Silver Member
I just learned how to use cuetable, so this is mostly a test run, however, this is an actual situation that came up in a game for me earlier today.

My pocket is the top left. How do you protect your position and/or win from here?

CueTable Help

This is kind of an easy one, for some people. I'm just looking to open some discussion between one pocket players about the merits of one shot over another.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just learned how to use cuetable, so this is mostly a test run, however, this is an actual situation that came up in a game for me earlier today.

My pocket is the top left. How do you protect your position and/or win from here?

CueTable Help

This is kind of an easy one, for some people. I'm just looking to open some discussion between one pocket players about the merits of one shot over another.

From the diagram it would be possible to bank the 1 ball 1 rail but jacked up over the 3 it is a extremely low percentage shot, also you could kick the 10 in 2 rails head rail then side rail and probably have a good next shot, but again, it's a monster shot you would never shoot for more than a few dollars.
I would shoot the 10 ball 1 rail onto my side, and try to freeze the cueball to the rail so if they banked the 15 they couldn't hold the cueball up near the top rail. Also trying to not allow them to hit the 3 solid. A minute amount of left and follow on the cueball.

The Renfro
Silver Member

CueTable Help

Good old drag draw shot with inside english will pretty much kill the cueball close to the rail where it contacts the 11...

I just figured out how to use the WEI so I had to jump in LOL


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just learned how to use cuetable, so this is mostly a test run, however, this is an actual situation that came up in a game for me earlier today.

My pocket is the top left. How do you protect your position and/or win from here?

CueTable Help

This is kind of an easy one, for some people. I'm just looking to open some discussion between one pocket players about the merits of one shot over another.

Shoot the 10 ball 1rail to ur side and leave the qball as close to the side rail as possiable,go ahead dare him to bank that 15ball from there,he better not miss!now u know u cant let him see the 1ball ,after u shoot the 10 on ur side,this looks easy,for a very good lock up safe!
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Got a little dog in you?
Silver Member
Shoot the 10 ball 1rail to ur side and leave the qball as close to the side rail as possiable,go ahead dare him to bank that 15ball from there,he better not miss!now u know u cant let him see the 1ball ,after u shoot the 10 on ur side,this looks easy,for a very good lock up safe!

If you can see the 10, then I agree. But nobody is going to bank the 15. You MUST make sure you hide the 1 and 3. You're in big trouble if he can bank either of these and stick you on the 8.

If you can't see the 10, then you shoot the 11.
Two possibilities:
1. You can two-rail the 11 and draw the cb back down the rail behind the stack. Then he banks the 1 and kicks the 11 out, but you protect the 3. Be careful not to kiss the 15 or you might sell out.
2. You can one-rail the 11 toward the upper corner pocket (cross bank) and let the cb come off the top rail and drift behind the stack. This protects all your balls and gives you something to bank at later.

Last shot I see is to bank the 15 one-rail toward your pocket. I'm not concerned about the 15. Cb goes two rails and hits the 11 full in the face. Both balls drift to your side. But this is a really tough shot from across the table.

Protect the 1 and the 3...he's got a lot of options if he can see these balls.

Montana Mike

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to be different.....Depending on who I am playing I might not shoot the 10 I feel they can draw off it and get me on down in my corner. I might even consider taking a foul and kicking 3 rails between the 8 and 3 and putting him on the 13 or 14. If I execute it I would feel pretty good about that position. More than likely I would shoot the 10 over.
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Free T-Rex
Silver Member
I just learned how to use cuetable, so this is mostly a test run, however, this is an actual situation that came up in a game for me earlier today.

My pocket is the top left. How do you protect your position and/or win from here?

CueTable Help

This is kind of an easy one, for some people. I'm just looking to open some discussion between one pocket players about the merits of one shot over another.
I'm probably giving this away too early, but the solution I chose was to hit the 10 ball dead on, and follow the CB forward to freeze to the bottom long rail near the second diamond. I protect every ball near my hole with this shot, allowing nothing at the 1,3,4,8.

If you look carefully at this position, every ball near my hole is covered. The only possible return shot is a bank at the 15, with no position, and also a dead sellout, or some sort of kick safety that will only prolong the agony.

Above all, you want to protect balls on your side by hiding them from your opponent, you want to continually apply pressure by moving balls close to your hole, and you want to shoot at your pocket as often as possible without leaving your opponent a realistic shot....Although, sometimes the best way to win a one pocket game is to leave someone a shot that you know they can't make.


Silver Member
I bank the 10 hard into the 14-9,caroming the CB off the 2 and sending it who knows where.This shot gives you a chance to sell out and a slightly less chance of pocketing a ball.Playing 1 hole this way makes for quick and fun games :smile:

If I am betting my $$ I shoot straight into the 10 banking it to my side near the side pocket and leaving the cue ball either on the rail or frozen to my opponents side of the rack but hiding all the balls near my pocket.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would thin the 15 with a little inside (trying to make it if possible) to take the bank away from my opponent while leaving whitey at the middle diamond below the side pocket.


I love cocobolo cues.
Silver Member
I would thin the 15 with a little inside (trying to make it if possible) to take the bank away from my opponent while leaving whitey at the middle diamond below the side pocket.

Hmm i look at the 8 ball play safe or a foul . If you roll the 8 ball close to your hold or make it you have to dead banks . If you mis the the cb will be on the short rail.., But if want move the 1 ball putting the cb on the rail...( safety move )....good luck


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just learned how to use cuetable, so this is mostly a test run, however, this is an actual situation that came up in a game for me earlier today.

My pocket is the top left. How do you protect your position and/or win from here?

CueTable Help

This is kind of an easy one, for some people. I'm just looking to open some discussion between one pocket players about the merits of one shot over another.

There are a lot of "dream sequence" shots possible here but frankly, real world, the threading the needle on the 10 and sending it to your side for a bank or up table shot is not so bad. However, the 10 is a nice ball to leave because it gives you something to open up the stack with, should you be able to keep the pressure on and make your opponent slip up. So, another option might be to just roll up on the 15 and leave the CB and the 15 on the rail with a tough angle on the 1. Your opponent is still in the pickle jar thataway and you are likely to force him to give up a shot or an opportunity for an even better safety.

Lou Figueroa
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would thin the 15 with a little inside (trying to make it if possible) to take the bank away from my opponent while leaving whitey at the middle diamond below the side pocket.

There are a lot of "dream sequence" shots possible here but frankly, real world, the threading the needle on the 10 and sending it to your side for a bank or up table shot is not so bad. However, the 10 is a nice ball to leave because it gives you something to open up the stack with, should you be able to keep the pressure on and make your opponent slip up. So, another option might be to just roll up on the 15 and leave the CB and the 15 on the rail with a tough angle on the 1. Your opponent is still in the pickle jar thataway and you are likely to force him to give up a shot or an opportunity for an even better safety.

Lou Figueroa

I think the 10 is the easiest shot and the least likely to screw up. I agree with Lou; I would like to keep the 10 there. It goes for me and not for my opponent currently.

Rolling up on the 15 is a good shot. Leaves your opponent with some moves but also a lot of chances to sell out.

I like thinning the 15 like Jamie said, but it's harder to control the speed and not give him a cross corner if you go too short or too long.

Two railing the 11 or the 15 are both potential sell out shots.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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I might do something as basic as this to protect my balls.

CueTable Help

A small nit on this diagram. For a rolling cue ball that hits an object ball full, the cue ball will travel only 1/6th the distance of the object ball (assuming neither ball loses speed on a cushion). If you just get the 10 to the cushion, the cue ball will travel less than 8 inches, which might leave it nearly stuck to the 14. If you bank the 10 from there to your rail, the cue ball will end nearly frozen to his rail. (This distance ratio is 3:1 rather than 6:1 but that's because the object ball hits a cushion.)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agreed w/ using the 10. Bunting it out of there and following w/ cb to side rail will result in near 100% effective execution.

Depending on the layout, I might even bank the 10 toward my pocket, caroming CB off eithr 5 or 2 to take it to to side reail:

CueTable Help



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agreed w/ using the 10. Bunting it out of there and following w/ cb to side rail will result in near 100% effective execution.

Depending on the layout, I might even bank the 10 toward my pocket, caroming CB off eithr 5 or 2 to take it to to side reail:

CueTable Help

I think banking the ten one rail to your side and leaving the cb on yoor opponents rail is about as good as it gets.

I wouldn't want to disturb that 3 ball cluster seeings it doesn't benefit your opponent as it lays now.

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
Here's another dream sequence shot, just because it hasn't been mentioned (and I like to draw lines).

CueTable Help

Might have to play it short to get by the 11, but the safety is pretty automatic...



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
2 rail the 11, for placement only and use a little left english and place it behind and/or on the 15.