Oscar Dominguez in UK tabloids, not good.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
NO, HE SHARKED HIMSELF. The responses separate the Trump supporters from the civilized world.

You've got to be kidding me. You and your panty wearing, thin skinned liberals have pushed your p#ssy a$$ed crap for so long that Oscars comment is now viewed as a misogynist statement. Then you bring Trump into it? You ought to be proud.

Shawn Armstrong

AZB deceased - stopped posting 5/13/2022
Silver Member
What Oscar said was of color but funny as hell

Now this is the type of Rape joke that is not funny

See the difference?

Nope. Rape, regardless of the reference, isn’t funny. And shouldn’t be a punchline.

They’re both inappropriate. If you wouldn’t make the joke in a boardroom at work, you shouldn’t make it in front of a TV camera. And you tell me one Fortune 500 company that would allow an employee to say “you have the touch of a rapist” to another employee, and just laugh it off. There’s your acid test.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nope. Rape, regardless of the reference, isn’t funny. And shouldn’t be a punchline.

They’re both inappropriate. If you wouldn’t make the joke in a boardroom at work, you shouldn’t make it in front of a TV camera. And you tell me one Fortune 500 company that would allow an employee to say “you have the touch of a rapist” to another employee, and just laugh it off. There’s your acid test.

Trump Enterpises ,, next



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The question isn't really whether what was said was offensive or not, because that is up to each individual to decide. The question is was it the appropriate place to say that. No it absolutely was not. I don't know where everbody get's off telling everyone else what to think. Anybody has the right to be offended by what they are offended by regardless of how you think they should feel about it. There most certainly were viewers who were offended by that statement. I am glad that you are fortunate enough that your own personal experiences have left you in a place where making light of rape is not offensive to you, and that is fine. Other people's personal experiences, of which you do not know, leave them in a place where they may be deeply offended and maybe even painfully reminded of things when they heard that particular comment. I am glad that you do not know that pain, but some do. Calling them names in order to bully them into your way of thinking is absolutely unproductive.

Everybody is either far left or far right and that is that. Either a mouth breathing trump supporter or a snowflake. That is such a completely unrealistic and idiotic way of thinking. Truth is most people fall anywhere in between the two extremes. Where they fall in that spectrum is completely up to them and has nothing to do with the way you feel about it. People are offended by what offends them. Most people are intelligent and can figure out for themselves how they actually feel about things, and it is not your place to tell them how to actually feel, or belittle them for not feeling the way that think they should.

To be certain, I was not offended personally by Oscar's comment. I will however allow each individual to make up his or her own mind how they really feel about it.

Shawn Armstrong

AZB deceased - stopped posting 5/13/2022
Silver Member
The question isn't really whether what was said was offensive or not, because that is up to each individual to decide. The question is was it the appropriate place to say that. No it absolutely was not. I don't know where everbody get's off telling everyone else what to think. Anybody has the right to be offended by what they are offended by regardless of how you think they should feel about it. There most certainly were viewers who were offended by that statement. I am glad that you are fortunate enough that your own personal experiences have left you in a place where making light of rape is not offensive to you, and that is fine. Other people's personal experiences, of which you do not know, leave them in a place where they may be deeply offended and maybe even painfully reminded of things when they heard that particular comment. I am glad that you do not know that pain, but some do. Calling them names in order to bully them into your way of thinking is absolutely unproductive.

Everybody is either far left or far right and that is that. Either a mouth breathing trump supporter or a snowflake. That is such a completely unrealistic and idiotic way of thinking. Truth is most people fall anywhere in between the two extremes. Where they fall in that spectrum is completely up to them and has nothing to do with the way you feel about it. People are offended by what offends them. Most people are intelligent and can figure out for themselves how they actually feel about things, and it is not your place to tell them how to actually feel, or belittle them for not feeling the way that think they should.

To be certain, I was not offended personally by Oscar's comment. I will however allow each individual to make up his or her own mind how they really feel about it.

Spot on. I wasn’t offended by Oscar’s comment. I did, however, think it was a pretty inappropriate comment given the setting and situation. I will make an off colour joke with friends in a social setting where I know the audience. I won’t make the same joke in a boardroom at work. Oscar wasn’t gambling at a pool hall with 10 onlookers. He was at a professional event with millions having access to it via their television. We had F bombs, Dennis flipping Jayson the bird, and rapist jokes. And the die hard pool fans see nothing wrong with this. The next time a thread comes up about why pool is where it is in America, can someone post a link to this thread?


Coos Cues
No doubt! Sleeping people do not want tea.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

My ex wife was known to insist on tea and then be so drunk she would stop drinking the tea with half a cup left and go to sleep. There I was with half a cup and nowhere to dump it.

Would make me clumsy and prone to spilling the rest of the tea on her.

Maybe she needed something stronger to keep her awake?

Could have put a pot of coffee on for her but she would probably get all butt hurt about that.

She wasn't much of a coffee drinker.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The question isn't really whether what was said was offensive or not, because that is up to each individual to decide. The question is was it the appropriate place to say that. No it absolutely was not. I don't know where everbody get's off telling everyone else what to think. Anybody has the right to be offended by what they are offended by regardless of how you think they should feel about it. There most certainly were viewers who were offended by that statement. I am glad that you are fortunate enough that your own personal experiences have left you in a place where making light of rape is not offensive to you, and that is fine. Other people's personal experiences, of which you do not know, leave them in a place where they may be deeply offended and maybe even painfully reminded of things when they heard that particular comment. I am glad that you do not know that pain, but some do. Calling them names in order to bully them into your way of thinking is absolutely unproductive.

Everybody is either far left or far right and that is that. Either a mouth breathing trump supporter or a snowflake. That is such a completely unrealistic and idiotic way of thinking. Truth is most people fall anywhere in between the two extremes. Where they fall in that spectrum is completely up to them and has nothing to do with the way you feel about it. People are offended by what offends them. Most people are intelligent and can figure out for themselves how they actually feel about things, and it is not your place to tell them how to actually feel, or belittle them for not feeling the way that think they should.

To be certain, I was not offended personally by Oscar's comment. I will however allow each individual to make up his or her own mind how they really feel about it.

Ahhh! I see the problem, the disconnect!

It isn't that you or anybody else is offended. I don't give a flying frog f@ck about your sensibilities not one teensy tiny little bit. If you hear those "evil" words and then you throw yourself off a cliff as a result of your "sensibilities", I can't stop you nor will I attempt to. That's your right. I will even support you in your decision. I might try to post the event on YouTube in an attempt to monetize it. I wouldn't want a good entertaining debacle to go to waste. It's also your right to post your feelings on a public bulletin board like AZB if the mods allow. I really support you opining and do enjoy reading your opinions.

The problem is poor little snowflakes will eventually want compensation or retribution. This is what the modern left has taught. As a result, this uprising is what we go through every time because nobody wants to lose political ground. Losing political ground in these matters cost money.

Actions have consequences. We are now reaping what we have sewn. A move back toward freedom and personal responsibility would fix the problem.

Oscar has always been a great competitor and has always acted like a gentleman in the past. History does matter to me in these matters. So, when he compares Hatch's heavy handedness to that of a rapist, I don't tend to feel offended at all. If anybody has a right to be offended it would be Hatch.I bet he's drinking a cold one, chuckling at all the hubbub.


Silver Member
Nope. Rape, regardless of the reference, isn’t funny. And shouldn’t be a punchline.

They’re both inappropriate. If you wouldn’t make the joke in a boardroom at work, you shouldn’t make it in front of a TV camera. And you tell me one Fortune 500 company that would allow an employee to say “you have the touch of a rapist” to another employee, and just laugh it off. There’s your acid test.

Of course is wasn't appropriate for TV but give Oscar a break he is not a professional TV guy. Just think what you would hear if you mic. up entire professional football teams and they are on TV at least 20 times a year.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Common phrase I thought, used when you make a clumsy shot. Doesn't sound nearly as bad with British accent haha!

But in fairness, not exactly television friendly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This doesn’t have to be about politics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

That's the problem though. Divide and conquer tactics of politicians and the media have left all of us feeling as if everyone who thinks in a small way different than us is somehow the enemy. So instead of having a logical discussion about something Oscar probably shouldn't have said in that instance, it turns into a flame war and everyone's dying on the hill of political correctness.

There are times and places for tact and political correctness. I also agree that there are times and places where a person should be allowed to express themselves freely. Arguing both extremes is flat out incorrect. One certainly can exercise tact while not losing the self.


Never get out of the boat
Really an issue?

Personally, I do not see the issue with what he said. I do see a problem with the people who are offended by what was said. If Oscar is who people say he is...a very nice guy with a good sense of humor...then understand it was said from a humorous perspective. Instead of saying something like: "Damn, you hit that f&5;@er way too hard. What the hell are you doing?, he said what he said. I find it funny. People who are offended do not have a sense of context or humor. Put yourself in that situation. Nerves are jumping all over the place, your teammate made a mental mistake and rolled a ball too far. We, as men, aren't going to coddle our teammate, give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be alright. That's not what we do. We are going to hide our disappointment with a remark such as Oscar's. It's human nature to try to humorously deflect the consequences of the mistakes we make. Just my .02.

Amazingly, we knew nothing of this while sitting there in the audience. But many of us whispered something similar after the ball rolled out too far. "Touch of a Blacksmith" were the words that came to my mind.

Would this even be an issue (or AZB topic) if the U.S. won? I think not.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Personally, I do not see the issue with what he said. I do see a problem with the people who are offended by what was said. If Oscar is who people say he is...a very nice guy with a good sense of humor...then understand it was said from a humorous perspective. Instead of saying something like: "Damn, you hit that f&5;@er way too hard. What the hell are you doing?, he said what he said. I find it funny. People who are offended do not have a sense of context or humor. Put yourself in that situation. Nerves are jumping all over the place, your teammate made a mental mistake and rolled a ball too far. We, as men, aren't going to coddle our teammate, give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be alright. That's not what we do. We are going to hide our disappointment with a remark such as Oscar's. It's human nature to try to humorously deflect the consequences of the mistakes we make. Just my .02.

Amazingly, we knew nothing of this while sitting there in the audience. But many of us whispered something similar after the ball rolled out too far. "Touch of a Blacksmith" were the words that came to my mind.

Would this even be an issue (or AZB topic) if the U.S. won? I think not.

The nice thing is that the people of AZ Billiards all seem fairly level headed on the topic. So far this topic seems to have these positions:

1) People are annoyed that anybody is offended by this little bit of blue humor
2) People that aren't offended but still feel it's not a smart thing to say in a hot mic on TV
3) Those generally defending Oscar's character
4) People that are over-analyzing the meaning of the phrase
5) Those that don't appreciate rape used in a joke

All fair positions to be held. Maybe some room to agree-to-disagree on some finer points. The only ridiculousness I'm seeing is in the article from the OP where twitter users and bloggers said he should be banned for life. I haven't seen anybody on this thread make nearly that bold of a claim. I read all these posts thinking someone is arguing with someone else here then it dawned on me that we're really not.

I would say this would still be a topic if the U.S. won. The commentators apologized for the comment immediately on-air and again the next day. The article was in a UK tabloid. And all of it went down before the event was over (granted the writing was on the wall).


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Very poorly chosen words by a classy guy. We all know that Oscar is a credit to our game.

As some suggest, the comment was surely not meant the way it has been taken by some, but this is hardly the point. A difficult life lesson is that when we choose our words, we must not only account for what we intend them to mean but how we think others might interpret them. Life isn't always fair, but in a world gone mad with political correctness where it seems everyone is recording what we do and say, we must be all the more careful about what we do and say.

Oscar will learn from this unfortunate mistake.


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Very poorly chosen words by a classy guy. We all know that Oscar is a credit to our game.

As some suggest, the comment was surely not meant the way it has been taken by some, but this is hardly the point. A difficult life lesson is that when we choose our words, we must not only account for what we intend them to mean but how we think others might interpret them. Life isn't always fair, but in a world gone mad with political correctness where it seems everyone is recording what we do and say, we must be all the more careful about what we do and say.

Oscar will learn from this unfortunate mistake.

Or - just don’t care how other people take what you say, somebody will find offense in ANYTHING that is said if enough people hear it - f’em


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Or - just don’t care how other people take what you say, somebody will find offense in ANYTHING that is said if enough people hear it - f’em

That's not a good option for those in the public eye who need sponsorship and investment dollars to make ends meet. Unrefined conduct in the game reduces the likelihood that new investors will put their money in producing pool. To be honest, many pool players have taken the f'em view when it comes to their conduct, and it, in part, this has kept pool from attracting investment from outside of the industry.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't have a problem with what Oscar said...he didn't seem offend anybody (except maybe rapists?)

I don't even have a problem with anybody who got offended. If it tugs at you emotionally, then it just...does, I guess.

My problem is those of you who are offended FOR someone. You are all just assuming because he used the word 'rapist' that someone might be offended.

Stop it! Wait until someone is actually offended, then you can choose to defend them if you wish, but I don't think ANYONE was offended. Show us where someone was offended and we can all discuss...not where you THINK they are upset, or GUESS who might have a problem.

SJWs...I just don't get any of their thinking at all.


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
What was the shot, a really tough one? Extreme logging can mean the rape of a forest...touch of a logger?? Can also mean to use force and not just on another human being. Media hype...god bless the world:cool: