Pierce Custom Cues looking for feedback from a test cue


A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
All, UPDATE - 06/13/2012

I am very sorry how this turned out. I really just wanted to help Jim out and it so happened that he got swamped with work and had some health issues. I am sure this cue is still being built but he is putting his paying customers first which I can respect. I know Jim has every intention of building this test cue. I will update this thread when I receive the cue.

Jim and I have become pretty close in the last few weeks being from the same area (Idaho) and just recently I have gotten a few of his cues. I have had a lot of high end cues and Jims are right up there with them. I believe that we need to get one of his cues into some experienced AZ members hands. Being the kind of guy Jim is I knew he would be all for having one of his cues sent around to be reviewed.

I proposed an idea to him that maybe we should have him build a plain wrapped cue and send it around to 10-15 reputable AZ Members to get their honest feedback, good or bad. He jumped at the idea and was VERY excited to get started on a cue. He is now in the process of finishing a cue that he already had close to finish size. It will be about 2-3 weeks until it is ready to be shipped.

I will send out the cue to the first member on the list and would like that person to have the cue no more than a week and then send it off to the next person on the list. The tester will be responsible for shipping fees to the next person in line. I am thinking it will never be more than $10 to ship the cue each time.

Once you get the cue I would like you to play with it as it were your own, no special treatment or anything. Ideally I would like all candidates to have a table at their home or play at least 15-20 hours a week.

Once you have had the cue for your week time frame I would like you come write a detailed review of every aspect of the cue on this thread. This is the main reason for this whole exercise so I really dont want to see reviews like, “ It hit a ton and the finish is awesome”. I really want specifics. Heck even take some photos if you like.

If you are interested in testing the cue and giving it a good honest review please post on this thread and you will be considered for one of the 10-15 spots. Qualified candidates must have at least 10 positive iTraders as of 11/06/2011.

*Update, Jim has advised me that he wants to give the cue away at the end of this test via Raffle. We are not sure of how we are going to do it but 1 of the 15 testers will win the test cue. Just a small Thank You from Jim.

Examples of Jims work:




List in no particular order:

2) Fast Lenny
3) CMD
4) brandoncook26
5) stevekur1
6) krbsailing
7) PDX
8) StrokeofLuck
9) CrownCityCorey
10) mr2_serious
11) sureman183
12) iba7467
13) Lukemindish
14) easymoney1
15) asiasdad
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Silver Member
I think this is a great idea for Pierce Cues. I for one am looking foward to the reviews. I love the looks and the finish of Jims cues and have heard great things about their play and craftsmanship already. I contacted Jim already about making me a one of his cues and hopefully I will have the money after Christmas. Good luck on your reviews. Can't wait to read about them. Ron.


A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
I think once players get his cues they will really understand what he is all about.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I am all up for it, I personally did this myself with Crown Cues and about 15-20 people go to test drive and review it. I recommend that whomever gets it has a week to play with it and must ship it off then as not to hold onto it too long. Put me on the list. :smile:


Silver Member
I was blessed enough to win a Pierce cue and it plays super. Jim's work is amazing - you guys will love them.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've always admired the Pierce cues I've seen on here and would love to be considered for a chance to hit some with one and writing a review on one. I think this thread might get moved to the cue review section though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd be honored to try Jim's cue.

This was a great idea...


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Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I'm not really in the "experienced" category, so i won't volunteer for the program, but I think its a great idea. I remember reading about the ld shaft that Tate was sending around (I think that's right) and thought it was a cool idea then, as well. I enjoyed reading the reviews and experiences from all the different players here.

Good luck with the program.

The Renfro

Silver Member
My only question I guess would be does Jim build all of his cues the same? Aside from weight and balance lets stick to always the same joint and pin? Always the same shaft taper, pinch and ferrule/tip combo?

I think it's great to get these into people hands to review but based on the small things that can be done to change a cue's feel and playing characteristics I have to wonder about these test drives..

I know many cue makers have their own formulas and when you buy their cues you are buying their ideology of hit as well... Not sure if Jim is from this school of thought so I had to ask......


Golf & Pool-I'm addicted!
Silver Member
Just an idea here...rather than just taking volunteers, why not peruse the "Review" section and contact the people who have already given detailed and well-written reviews of other cues...

Just my $0.02,

Jason (not volunteering...just giving an idea)


Broken Lock
Silver Member
I love to write reviews, I have written several car reviews but never on a pool cue. i have a table at the house here and i play quite often. I love experimenting with cues. been playing seriously for about two years now and have owned over 20 different cues and played with anything and every thing i can get my hands on. I never played a Pierce before and would love the opportunity.

This is a very cool idea!!!

Please LMK if i can help,



A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
I have actually heard that is one of the great qualities of Jim's cues. You can pickup any of his cues and they all play alike.

The Renfro

Silver Member
I have actually heard that is one of the great qualities of Jim's cues. You can pickup any of his cues and they all play alike.

Thanks that was exactly what I was asking... Some people love that in a cuemaker... Woody is a friend of mine and believes in this approach as do several other cue makers that I have met... For makers that operate this way test drives make perfect sense......


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would love the chance to review one of Jim's cues...I am already in contact with Jim about getting a cue made for me. Please consider me for this testing....


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I am not in a position to review Jim's current cues, but I will give my opinion on the one I have:

I bought one of Jim's earlier cues from Tommie in like March last year. All I can say is that it hits very solid and plays true w/a great leather wrap, what more can you ask for. And for less than you would expect to pay for a nice playing cue.

Mine is ebony w/ebony points and a thin red veneer in each point (2 high, 2 low). A lot a nice and interesting grain in the ebony (whichever ebony has brown streaks in it). I have the bowling ally shafts and one of them is the one I would use to play 3-cushion with, that's how solid it plays. All shafts have that emerald tip on them that I think is just all right, not great.

Jim's an up and comer that I guess from all reports has up a come :). I like my cue and I'm told Jim has improved a lot over the last 1 1/2 years.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey Alex,

Just a suggestion - a minimum of 10 positive iTraders as of today's date.

You can never be sure... No offense to those who do not qualify.


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