Actually, I played and cashed in the DCC on Blue label tables, thank you very much
See, you think I only complain. And you criticize anyone who does. But I support pool. I go to DCC. I buy Diamond products (Cyclop balls and 2 platter polisher). I play on both Diamond and Brunswick tables at local rooms, and all over the country and world actually during my travels.
If it wasn't for complaints (feedback) from people who support pool like me, do you think Diamond would have ever changed the RED labels? If no one opened their mouth, they'd be exactly the same today.
If it wasn't for complaints (feedback) from people who support pool like me, do you think Diamond would have ever changed the pockets to stop the black smudges?
If it wasn't for complaints (feedback) from people who support pool like me about pockets scratching the cue stick, do you think Diamond would have ever introduced the flush pocket on their first tables?
If it wasn't for Diamond introducing the flush pockets, do you thing Brunswick would have followed suit with the GC4 pockets?
If it wasn't for complaints (feedback) from people who support pool like me, do you think Diamond would have ever come out with the one piece slate, so tournaments would be easier to set up, and tables would stay level better?
Your problem is you don't listen to feedback. You think ANYTHING you have ever touched is gold. That is not the case. Everything under the sun can be improved.
I took a factory tour a twice at the DCC, maybe even 3 times, I forget, because I like tables so much. Each time, someone asked Greg about the Diamond table banking short. Greg said they solved that problem, and gave super high credit to an awesome guy named Cobra. Of course I knew he was talking about you, I don't know if the other guests did. In his mind, and yours, the rails are all fixed. There is no changing either one of your minds, unforturnately.