Short stops


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
To me ...

The guys with the road players (or pros) are called
sidekicks or primers or backers, whichever may apply,
but the road players just call them 'friends' .... lol

Rude Dog

<---Dumb and Dumber
Snapshot9 said:
The guys with the road players (or pros) are called
sidekicks or primers or backers, whichever may apply,
but the road players just call them 'friends' .... lol
Hey Snapshot, is she ever going to get that shirt pulled off in your avatar? :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Perhaps it would be good for the more knowledgable player (not me for sure I'm a begginner), to define what a short stop (and for that, what all levels D-World Beater) is able to do on they're average day (not their top game their middle game). How many racks they will string together, what will stop their runs, and how many balls they can run.

Stuff like that.


Rude Dog

<---Dumb and Dumber
Pete said:
Perhaps it would be good for the more knowledgable player (not me for sure I'm a begginner), to define what a short stop (and for that, what all levels D-World Beater) is able to do on they're average day (not their top game their middle game). How many racks they will string together, what will stop their runs, and how many balls they can run.

Stuff like that.

Hi Pete, that's a tough one to answer but there have been threads discussing that with graphs to show what a certain level player can do. Someone here may be able to hook you with the link to that thread. I would if I knew how. Peace, John.


I play like a girl
Silver Member
I don't hear the term shortstop very often here in Jacksonville, FL, but I have heard it. The way it was explained to me: A player who has the talent, but just isn't good enough yet.

These type of people are everywhere.

I have been in the pool rooms for about 3 years now, and i learn more everyday. I am lucky to have mentors (for lack of better word) who have taught me the ropes, told me all the good hustles, told me all the good stories from the "old days"...I know that I don't know it all but I feel like I have a good knowledgable grasp on the pool world...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This quote seems to me a pretty good definition of a "shortstop". I have always understood the term to mean a really good local player who is capable, at times, of beating solid pros. For example, a solid or good pro might give a shortstop 9 to 7 or 10 to 7 playing one-pocket. My 0.02.


LastTwo said:
There are thousands of shortstops all over the USA. You don't have to snap off regional tournaments to be a shortstop. If you know USPPA ratings, shortstops are generally between 130-150 speeds. Linda your estimates are way off. Generally for every poolhall, there is at least one shortstop, and in some poolhalls there are 3, 4, 5, or more. A good estimate would be to count all of the poolhalls in the United States, and make your estimation of shortstops roughly the same as the amount of poolhalls.

Jimmy M.

Silver Member
rackmsuckr said:
I heard that there were 10 players from the Philippines who can beat Efren, they just can't get out of their country!

Urban legend. We've been hearing it ever since Efren got here. Plenty of American players, as well as players from other countries, have gone to the Philippines to play and I've never heard any of them come back with a first-hand account of some mystical group of players that play better than Efren.

Billy H.

Gabber said:
Shorty said,
"You have to realize that a good percentage of the people here don't have what I call "real" pool knowledge. How would YOU know what 'real' pool knowledge is?They are merely bangers or spectators. Do you have any proof of this or are you just talking crap! Thats a bit of an insult to most of the AZers, dont you think? They have not gambled nor experienced the game to the level some of us have. What level do you play at? I,m sure all of US ballbangers would LOVE to know.By that I don't mean they have not played pool for money So 2 drunks in a bar gambling for more money than they make in a month have REAL pool knowledge?...they may have...but have they truly been against the nuts and walked away winner? Wasnt that Rambo?

I get told to shut up alot on here I know...but I damn well know what a shortstop is in my mind, and that's good enough for me."What a stupid thing to say.

Your arrogance is only surpassed by your lack of tact.


this is the funniest reply i have ever seen to someone talking out of turn. raise your hand next time shorty before you speak so that way your foot has time to get out of your mouth. billy h. and the h. stands for having a good time.


Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
Jimmy M. said:
Urban legend. We've been hearing it ever since Efren got here. Plenty of American players, as well as players from other countries, have gone to the Philippines to play and I've never heard any of them come back with a first-hand account of some mystical group of players that play better than Efren.
I think they were talking Chess, not pool.:rolleyes:
Ronnie Alcano and Acaba have beat Efren straight-up on 9-ball though.
Rotation or one-pocket? I say not.

Silver Member
Good Job

Gabber said:
Shorty said,
"You have to realize that a good percentage of the people here don't have what I call "real" pool knowledge. How would YOU know what 'real' pool knowledge is?They are merely bangers or spectators. Do you have any proof of this or are you just talking crap! Thats a bit of an insult to most of the AZers, dont you think? They have not gambled nor experienced the game to the level some of us have. What level do you play at? I,m sure all of US ballbangers would LOVE to know.By that I don't mean they have not played pool for money So 2 drunks in a bar gambling for more money than they make in a month have REAL pool knowledge?...they may have...but have they truly been against the nuts and walked away winner? Wasnt that Rambo?

I get told to shut up alot on here I know...but I damn well know what a shortstop is in my mind, and that's good enough for me."What a stupid thing to say.

Your arrogance is only surpassed by your lack of tact.


Please don't shup up yet, or at least until you have silenced someone else, if thats possible.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For the past 40 years, my impression of a shortstop has been that of a local that gets called to match up with road players/champions. In Orlando, we have 3 or 4 who I would put as shortstops, who can front the $ and compete without asking for the world. Just roughly, I would say you're not a shortstop if you can't match up financially, and if you need more than the 7 (9-ball) or 10-7 (1-pocket) from top players. There are a lot of good local players who can't fade the heat - I don't consider them true shortstops. The term shortstop has never been a derrogatory term, IMO; in fact, it's kind of a badge of honor (Louis V. in Orlando would work 10-12 hours, get off work and play ANYBODY for ANYTHING, as long as it took - he's the epitome of a shortstop). Also, I've never heard of tournement success (or lack of) as a criteria for shortstopism - it has always been about the $. Santos gave one of the toughest shortstops in Florida the rotating 6/7 a few years ago and it was a tough match - believe me, he ain't no shortstop, nor is Tommy K, tho his game isn't what it once was. I would guestimate worldwide shortstops in the thousands, myself, because there are a ton of them in the R of P and Mexico (try to win down there sometime), and every road player I talk to tells me about some 15-year old kid or a farmer that robbed 'em, so there are a lot of sleepers out there. Without the shortstops, it would be a pretty boring (pool) world.


Tom Ferry
IMO - To be a shortstop.............

jnav447 said:
For the past 40 years, my impression of a shortstop has been that of a local that gets called to match up with road players/champions. In Orlando, we have 3 or 4 who I would put as shortstops, who can front the $ and compete without asking for the world. Just roughly, I would say you're not a shortstop if you can't match up financially, and if you need more than the 7 (9-ball) or 10-7 (1-pocket) from top players. There are a lot of good local players who can't fade the heat - I don't consider them true shortstops. The term shortstop has never been a derrogatory term, IMO; in fact, it's kind of a badge of honor (Louis V. in Orlando would work 10-12 hours, get off work and play ANYBODY for ANYTHING, as long as it took - he's the epitome of a shortstop). Also, I've never heard of tournement success (or lack of) as a criteria for shortstopism - it has always been about the $. Santos gave one of the toughest shortstops in Florida the rotating 6/7 a few years ago and it was a tough match - believe me, he ain't no shortstop, nor is Tommy K, tho his game isn't what it once was. I would guestimate worldwide shortstops in the thousands, myself, because there are a ton of them in the R of P and Mexico (try to win down there sometime), and every road player I talk to tells me about some 15-year old kid or a farmer that robbed 'em, so there are a lot of sleepers out there. Without the shortstops, it would be a pretty boring (pool) world.

To be a shortstop - All you have to do is be on the road with a better player. That is what a shortstop does. He plays until he runs into a player he can't handle. I have been on both ends of this. I was on the road with Buddy & I was on the road with California Bob. Guess which time I was the shortstop and which time I was the player.



I play like a girl
Silver Member
I spoke with our long time pool hall man, Larry Gayle. He's been around since dinosaurs!!

His definition was somewhat different than I got the impression of. He says:

The definition of a shortstop varies from person to peron. To Efren, a shortstop would be someone like Robb Saez, or Tony Crosby. To Tony or Robb, a shortstop would be someone like Butch Croft, or David Grossman. To Butch or David a shortstop would be someone like Larry Gayle, or Iron Mike. To Larry a shortstop would be someone like me, or my boyfriend. In other words, a shortstop is someone who plays not quite good enough to beat a particular person (Robb to Efren, David to Robb, me to Larry).

I think this is the best definition because if you think about it everyone's usage would vary. Best described as a person (any person) who shoots not far under another person (any other person).
Last edited:


Thats a pretty good definition,I never thought of it that way.By the way,Jax seems like it has alot more pool rooms.I lived thier late eighties/early nineties and played at Harleys,I even played your friend Larry but we called him Johnny back then.Had a great time in Jax


Angelic Hotdog
Silver Member
Hmmm I'm not gonna try to define short stop but at least the fact that there are 7 pages of arguing the definition explains why on the forums you hear about top players "rolling over" or "being busted by" short stops. Nobody really knows what they are!:rolleyes: :D ;)



I play like a girl
Silver Member
CHIEF1 said:
Thats a pretty good definition,I never thought of it that way.By the way,Jax seems like it has alot more pool rooms.I lived thier late eighties/early nineties and played at Harleys,I even played your friend Larry but we called him Johnny back then.Had a great time in Jax

Jax has a ton of them. Harleys, Bankshots, Park Ave, Solids and Stripes, Six Pockets, Riggsys, Rack' em Up & Hookah, Dekes, 1st Coast, Corner Pockets, and UBC...

They called Larry...Johnny!!! You should come back through here. All the guys you knew are probably ALL still around. Harley is still around (fun guy), Larry...I can't think off the top of my head, but I am sure you know a good handful of the guys!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
shortstop = a player that goes on the road and gets busted after a short trip and has to go home. Short trip, Stop go home.
shortstop = a player that can make some money playing pool, but cannot make enough to live as a road player. He makes short trips gets the cash and comes home.
shortstop = a player almost good enough to play pro, but not there yet.

I have heard all, you take you pick as to which is right, or add one you think is better. The older players I was around used the first defination. Like a lot of words it has changed meaning a lot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
carlton31698 said:
shortstop = a player that goes on the road and gets busted after a short trip and has to go home. Short trip, Stop go home.
shortstop = a player that can make some money playing pool, but cannot make enough to live as a road player. He makes short trips gets the cash and comes home.
shortstop = a player almost good enough to play pro, but not there yet.

I have heard all, you take you pick as to which is right, or add one you think is better. The older players I was around used the first defination. Like a lot of words it has changed meaning a lot.

I've been hearing this term for about 35 years and now I'm real confused.

tom haney

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ironman said:
I've been hearing this term for about 35 years and now I'm real confused.

I've always understood it to mean pool sharks who
aren't quite good enough to make any consistent
money on the pro tour. Some, like Robb Saez , eventually
get good enough. Others never get to pro circuit
level. Am i wrong?