So... Billy Thorpe fouled right?

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
No, he really isn't.

What you are claiming would result in chaos, participants not being bound by authority.

No argument, the ref made the wrong call. There should also be a protest mechanism with an additional layer or consideration, i.e.: replay...but disregard of the ref's decision? No way.

how different would this be handled if it was Biado fouling and not making the call versus thorpe??? he might be kicked out of the event in my opinion if he had done something like that. I doubt it would have gone unaddressed.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
how different would this be handled if it was Biado fouling and not making the call versus thorpe??? he might be kicked out of the event in my opinion if he had done something like that. I doubt it would have gone unaddressed.


I don't think speculation like that should be undertaken. It is highly unlikely to result in any positive solution to the matter at hand.

I do like to think the problem is both possible and likely to have the same results, irrespective of the actors.

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
I don't think speculation like that should be undertaken. It is highly unlikely to result in any positive solution to the matter at hand.

I do like to think the problem is both possible and likely to have the same results, irrespective of the actors.

I can tell you that the pool community is a small group and friendly. No one at our weekly tournaments would pull something like that back in the day.

This situation is no different. How do you look the guy in the eye??? How do you address this person going forward???

It is disruptive behavior



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can tell you that the pool community is a small group and friendly. No one at our weekly tournaments would pull something like that back in the day.

This situation is no different. How do you look the guy in the eye??? How do you address this person going forward???

It is disruptive behavior


I think one would have to understand it is a fault of the process. Management by objective, ya know?

Construct the scene so that things like this cannot happen and do not waste time with speculation about anybody's intent.

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
42 years of getting the process correct and these things are still going on! This speaks volumes! It's the 42 US Open. You have to put it in its proper context!


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
From tennis, golf,volleyball, NBA,NFL, baseball sh@t happens. That's one of the ingrediants of being a champion, you take the good rolls with the bad and move forward.

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
42 years of getting the process correct and these things are still going on! This speaks volumes! It's the 42 US Open. You have to put it in its proper context!


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Are they still sliding balls on a wire as the public score keeping system down there?
Replay rules and flat screens might still be a little out of reach.

I nearly fell over when I saw the tablets on the tv table that the players could update. That's a big step in the right direction.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
42 years of getting the process correct and these things are still going on! This speaks volumes! It's the 42 US Open. You have to put it in its proper context!


Sent from the mobile client - Forum Talker

But you know the only thing 42 has a relationship with is words. Barry had his process down, disclaimer added :eek:, but probably a whole new crew there, you know.

In the real world, processes are engineered and documented. In the pool world, we just get in the car with hope and hit the road. The inability to right a verified wrong *at the time of incident* is a huge hole in that road.

They need to utilize replay, but like the old man down the road says: who gonna pay fa dat?

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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unless every table is being recorded ( which isn't bad idea) I don't think checking the video play back is a viable option. ...
I have been at a tournament at which all 11 tables were being recorded, but in that situation the equipment did not permit immediate replay. It was only after the match ended and the stream was finished that the situation could be reviewed.

(In that particular event, I was the scorer for a match of 3-C and my count of a run (5 or 6?) was disputed. Loudly. It happened that I was right but I did not know that until after the match. Instant replay would have been very helpful. I changed the way I counted after that match so that I could be absolutely certain of the count when scoring.)

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Silver Member
Does the ref really need to hover over the shot, and maybe make the player feel uncomfortable , in order to make a good call? They can't make a good call from a reasonable distance from the table?
The players get used to the ref being there if the ref is any good. I have actually been over the table to be in position for a sleeve foul. The player made no comment. A good ref is dragged around the table by the player like a pull toy. It is a matter of being used to having a ref there. It's what you're not used to that's distracting.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
On a side note I had 15 minutes to kill before work today so I practiced some jumps. On my second one I “thought” I might have skimmed top but not so sure that I would have automatically agreed I fouled. As a matter of fact I did call a foul on myself in similar situation and my opponent said I did NOT skim it. So it happens

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Silver Member
As far as having replay from a live stream, that's pretty simple. There are programs for PCs to do full-screen recording. Record the stream on a separate machine, stop the recording during the time out and look at the last minute or two. Unfortunately you get only the one view that was being sent out the stream. The NFL seems to have 6 views instantly of any play.