Stolen Cues


senior member
Silver Member
Great idea! Photos, the date and location stolen from and any other helpful info and maybe AZer's could really help each other out on this. I'm all for it.


Paradigm Cue Sports
Silver Member
Could we add a cue alert bulletin that pops up on your screen kinda like they do with the amber alerts (no joking intended) please don't harp me for saying that.

Lenny great idea.... We could also start a national cue database with all the particulars of purchase, etc.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Like the idea, too. Since this is about stolen cues, what happens if you unknowingly purchase a stolen cue only to discover later one that it was stolen? Is it returned no questions asked? or is it bought back?..etc.


Property of RackRunner
Silver Member
I think this is a great idea...if the thieves know it will be hard to sell a stolen cue because of this forum, maybe they will think twice before stealing a cue in the first place. It sure won't hurt having more people aware...

Silver Member
Q-Street said:
Like the idea, too. Since this is about stolen cues, what happens if you unknowingly purchase a stolen cue only to discover later one that it was stolen? Is it returned no questions asked? or is it bought back?..etc.
I had a cue stolen not that long ago and recently posted it on this form.
I think if I ever came across someone who bought it without knowing it was stolen I would compensate them what they paid for it or I would make them an offer that seems fair. I could get it back without paying a cent because I have proof and a police report.
When it comes down to it though I think they would have to return the cue without any compensation. Obviously they would need to have proof it belonged to them.


Craig Petersen Ebony Nose Circa 1988
Gold Member
Silver Member
xpatcan1 said:
I had a cue stolen not that long ago and recently posted it on this form.
I think if I ever came across someone who bought it without knowing it was stolen I would compensate them what they paid for it or I would make them an offer that seems fair. I could get it back without paying a cent because I have proof and a police report.
When it comes down to it though I think they would have to return the cue without any compensation. Obviously they would need to have proof it belonged to them.

Your a good man with your solution and I'll leave it at that.

But send me pics of your stolen cue and the info and we'll post it here...



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Should make this permanent

Should make this a permanent sticky thread so it's always up top and easily viewed


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stolen cues

Great idea. I was thinking about a web site specifically for stolen cues. Or maybe a way of 'registering' a cue. Have pics, specifics, etc.. and offer some sort of registration card.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
steveinflorida said:
Great idea! Photos, the date and location stolen from and any other helpful info and maybe AZer's could really help each other out on this. I'm all for it.

I don't know Steve. It seems like if I post all that information about my stolen cues somebody might see it and want their cue back.

Actually the only decent cue I own is a Schon and it has been in the Mens room of every pool hall I've been in, it never leaves my sight. My wife would shoot me if I tried to spend that much money on another pool cue.

Good idea, maybe it will help somebody find their cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This cue was stolen from a friends car:

A modified Prostar by MCDermoot cue with a XO Break Tip (brown cue)

I just have this photo of the breaktip:


A Pechauer PS 07


With this case (On his case was a 9ball logo)


The cue was stolen in Slovakia.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If there is egnough interest I would be interested in maing a site dedicated to stolen cues. I am currently in the development phase for a software for people to inventory ther cue collection with full details including images of each cue they own.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I am sure there are alot of cues stolen,hopefully we can help someone get it back.Keep in mind your regular production cues wont be easy to find considering there are so many but the one offs are another story.I think a sticky will suffice in helping people to find a stolen cue and get the word out there,I think a site would be overkill.Alot of people visit here so we have the traffic to get the word out and bring attention to the cues in question.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hmmmmm..sound good!

Great Idea,wish we would have had this 10 years ago,then I might still have my TS and 2 other cues...hopefully this will help out!!