Taiwan TOI


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just wanted to know your expert assessment of those 2 players. Come on give it a try. Let us know your opinion. What level?:D

Oh, you are bored. Didn't watch it. LOL See the LOL?

When you troll, you can add a smiley face and nobody is the wiser.

What else do you want to know? :grin: It's ok. Nobody can tell you're a troll. Go ahead...:grin:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oh, you are bored. Didn't watch it. LOL See the LOL?

When you troll, you can add a smiley face and nobody is the wiser.

What else do you want to know? :grin: It's ok. Nobody can tell you're a troll. Go ahead...:grin:


Troll - that is like pot calling kettle black . No need to get personal . Again it is a simple professional question - what level are those 2 players ?
Leave it then if you have no confidence in your own 'expert' assessment. Others can give their assessment
Anton is a talked about monster kid and I am curious to know assessment of his level by others who may not have heard of him


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Troll - that is like pot calling kettle black . No need to get personal . Again it is a simple professional question - what level are those 2 players ?
Leave it then if you have no confidence in your own 'expert' assessment. Others can give their assessment
Anton is a talked about monster kid and I am curious to know assessment of his level by others who may not have heard of him

I'll look at it and tell you what I think. But, you said something about one of the players' game, so I'll be expecting to see a good player.

I said the other players were at least second tier pros without any prior knowledge of their game after a short race. I will be biased if I watch your video.

I'm not a professional, but I've matched up, travelled, backed and watched many of the best. I just call it like I see it. I need a player to show me more than I can see sometimes in a few racks.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I watched about half of the video. The better player got out when he was supposed to get out on those slow tables. He played a short, inside game very well. I liked his compact stroke and how he held the cue ball.

I'd say he could play in any pro event and have a shot at advancing to the money. The guy he was playing was overshadowed by the first player. He had some moments, but didn't show a lot in the short time I watched him.



It's not me...it's my ADD
Silver Member
There was pool playing?

I would've watched the whole video if could have gotten past the first clip of that card girl in the red:thumbup:

Thefonz <=. Especially fond of that gesture she made with her right hand:thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would've watched the whole video if could have gotten past the first clip of that card girl in the red:thumbup:

Thefonz <=. Especially fond of that gesture she made with her right hand:thumbup:

You mean the brushing her teeth motion? :D



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


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CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
"imagine the the cue ball is bigger than all the rest"

I'd have to agree with this. I used to have the outside mindset until I actually looked at the other side of the cue ball.

It only existed for unnatural position as far as I was concerned. I immediately noticed much better speed control of the cue ball and tighter patterns. I threaded the needle for shape rather than running around the table and racking up frequent flyer mileage.

One thing that struck me about CJ's game was his creation of shape not using traditional patterns. His speed control allows him to cross position zones and fall into a narrow shape area. I never dared to try these routes and even avoided them by going with a bigger stroke.

Years ago, I used to watch Dave Yeager torture people and rarely move the cue ball more than a few feet on most shots. He had the cue ball on a string and would put it places that made me and many others scratch our heads. Until recently, it was a question about his technique that never got answered. He would always joke and lead me on with some cryptic message, but never let on he was doing anything different.

He was so good at camouflaging his method of TOI, that he would even cross over the cue ball while stroking it. He would cue left and get right spin on some shots, then cue left and get left spin on the next. :confused: But that cue ball floated like it was too heavy to move.

This all has moved my game to relying more on the inside routes for position. Before, I wouldn't even have considered it and tried to stroke out of bad shape. TOI is just one part of an inside game, but a strong one.


I ran into a guy tonight that had hung around my pool room in the mid 90s. He said I told him something that made a big difference in his game. He ask me about improving precision and accuracy on the cue ball and I said "imagine the the cue ball is bigger than all the rest" - I had forgot this "nugget" of knowledge.

Try this next time you play, Mike, it will really help you dial into the TOI target.


Gunnin' for a 3 pack!!
Silver Member
Let me guess, Jayson Shaw beat Mika Immonen, because TOI!!! :speechless:


As a matter of FACT, Shaw used inside English on the MAJORITY of his shots. If you DON'T believe me, watch the video.

For what it's worth, I created this thread and if you DON'T like it, then YOU can find something else to keep you occupied. Why don't you create something that will benefit people instead of coming on here bashing people.

Nice. And well put!!

I've also had a front page banner for 27 straight months.

AZ's like TV, if they don''l like the channel they should flip their remote control.
Way to shut him up with FACTS, CJ!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd say he could play in any pro event and have a shot at advancing to the money. The guy he was playing was overshadowed by the first player. He had some moments, but didn't show a lot in the short time I watched him.

Just to clarify, when you say "he could play in any pro event and have a shot at advancing to the money" does that mean he is B Level Pro or C Level Pro or A Level Pro? In your opinion, what would be his level? So we can get idea of where he stands amongst the pros :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to clarify, when you say "he could play in any pro event and have a shot at advancing to the money" does that mean he is B Level Pro or C Level Pro or A Level Pro? In your opinion, what would be his level? So we can get idea of where he stands amongst the pros :)

How good a player does depends on them, doesn't it? He might play well one tournament and get beat in the next. He's young and talented. When he wins several tournaments, his talent will be more well known. He may've won some already...don't know and good for him if he did.

From the time I watched him, I'd say he's at least a middle tier pro. That means at any time he could win a major tournament with his talent. It also means I think there are better players than him. A level pros like Busty, Shane, etc.

This also means he is capable of beating them in a tournament or short race, but the underdog in long sets. Dominance by pool players comes in waves. Right now Jayson Shaw is hot. Sossei is, too. MD was there, too and is still amongst the top American players. 6 months from now, it'll change.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How good a player does depends on them, doesn't it? He might play well one tournament and get beat in the next. He's young and talented. When he wins several tournaments, his talent will be more well known. He may've won some already...don't know and good for him if he did.

From the time I watched him, I'd say he's at least a middle tier pro. That means at any time he could win a major tournament with his talent. It also means I think there are better players than him. A level pros like Busty, Shane, etc.

This also means he is capable of beating them in a tournament or short race, but the underdog in long sets. Dominance by pool players comes in waves. Right now Jayson Shaw is hot. Sossei is, too. MD was there, too and is still amongst the top American players. 6 months from now, it'll change.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was making the joke that in 6 months I would be a top American player.

Sorry you got offended.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
I'll put up my "Pro Player Badge" and play you a 10 ahead set for it

I was making the joke that in 6 months I would be a top American player.

Sorry you got offended.

When your get your game in shape come down to Texas and I'll put up my "Pro Player Banner" and play you a 10 ahead set for it. :p


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was making the joke that in 6 months I would be a top American player.

Sorry you got offended.

My apologies. I thought that was directed at my posting history in this thread.

I hope there is a chance. That's what keeps bringing us back to this crazy game.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When your get your game in shape come down to Texas and I'll put up my "Pro Player Banner" and play you a 10 ahead set for it. :p

Does it make you feel like a real man to challenge those completely out of your league?

Do you also barge into special education classrooms and challenge the mentally challenged kids to a reading contest?

How about when you get your game in shape, you fly out to Taiwan and play some of these players that are apparently so fond of TOI. Make sure you bring your whole bankroll so you can at least stay a few days and enjoy the sights.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My apologies. I thought that was directed at my posting history in this thread.

I hope there is a chance. That's what keeps bringing us back to this crazy game.


No worries. My issues with CJ don't extend to you. We might have some disagreements from time to time, but you're cool in my book.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does it make you feel like a real man to challenge those completely out of your league?

Do you also barge into special education classrooms and challenge the mentally challenged kids to a reading contest?

How about when you get your game in shape, you fly out to Taiwan and play some of these players that are apparently so fond of TOI. Make sure you bring your whole bankroll so you can at least stay a few days and enjoy the sights.

No worries. My issues with CJ don't extend to you. We might have some disagreements from time to time, but you're cool in my book.

Sounds good! I think you may have done what I did to you. It sure sounded like CJ was joking with you. JMO. :grin:
