Taking your cue on a plane

Breaking Bad

I'm flying Allegent Air next week and don't want to check my cue. They charge around 40 dollars to check a bag and I really don't want it out of my sight anyway. Anyone know if I can carry it on?
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cue accumulator
Silver Member
Unfortunately pool cues are one of the items you cannot carry onto an airplane.
You can carry-on a tennis racquet but not a pool cue.
I think you could do more damage with a tennis racquet than a cue.

I bought a Haliburton case for the trip and stuck a soft case in my luggage.
On a return flight from Las Vegas the flight was delayed about 8-hours and i'm sure the case sat in the heat for quite a while.

Driving is the way to go


3 Cushion Enthusiast
Silver Member
I asked the TSA how canes are allowed but not a pool cue in a locked case. They weren't very receptive to that question. It's a rule that's actually been around for a long time. I also recomend a good hard case like the halliburton or longoni. The cheaper way is to buy a nice rifle case, they have bigger dimensions, but will provide good protection for a reasonable price.


Unfortunately pool cues are one of the items you cannot carry onto an airplane.
You can carry-on a tennis racquet but not a pool cue.
I think you could do more damage with a tennis racquet than a cue.

I bought a Haliburton case for the trip and stuck a soft case in my luggage.
On a return flight from Las Vegas the flight was delayed about 8-hours and i'm sure the case sat in the heat for quite a while.

Driving is the way to go

i carried a big, heavy camera tripod on not too long ago that someone could really do some damage with. the airlines are LOVING this BS-- ive had like 8 pounds of luggage b4 and had to check a bag. i absolutely abhor this bs.

Mr. Wiggles

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I'm flying Allegent Air next week and don't want to check my cue. They charge around 40 dollars to check a bag and I really don't want it out of my sight anyway. Anyone know if I can carry it on?

If you check a large suitcase you can put your cue in your checked bag and carry the mty case on the plane. I worry as much about my case as my cue. When traveling with several other players some one usually drives and we let them take all the cues. I do have a special bag made for air travel and for cues and it will hold three cues inside the cases. Cheap nylon padded thing about$40. I also fill this bag with clothes when carrying only one cue and free bag checking. Not much free checking nowadays.


Not gonna happen. Pack your case in large suitcase, pack clothes around it. Case will be fine


Ace in the side.
Silver Member
You can carry-on a tennis racquet but not a pool cue.
I think you could do more damage with a tennis racquet than a cue.

Judging from the way I break, I could do more damage with a wet sponge than with my pool cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
After 9/11, I was traveling to Arizona with my best friend and had my cue case in hand. Needless to say, I was no longer allowed to use it as a carry-on (I want to say this was around 2004-05).

Sucks to say this, but mail it. It's cheaper than flying with it (go figure).

That or change your airline. :angry::sorry:

I asked the TSA how canes are allowed but not a pool cue in a locked case. They weren't very receptive to that question. It's a rule that's actually been around for a long time. I also recomend a good hard case like the halliburton or longoni. The cheaper way is to buy a nice rifle case, they have bigger dimensions, but will provide good protection for a reasonable price.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
Judging from the way I break, I could do more damage with a wet sponge than with my pool cue.

The airlines now have a limit on how wet a sponge can be if you carry it on.
Homeland security "lurks" on AZ Billiards.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
My wife can carry on her knitting needles...go figure. No sense fighting the rules about pool cues, just make other arrangements. I have a 32" rolling duffle that I have used. Just make sure you have starps to tighten the area that you pack your clothes so they will not end up in a ball. Once properly tightened, clothes don't move and your good to go. I have also packed my cue around my clothe & carried my empty case with me on the plane. I worried about that configuration more than the other.

Have fun.

Lance Link

Ship them ahead...

...case AND cues via USPS or Fedex and travel with only a carry-on.

- Get a delivery conformation/tracking number and have a signature required (at the hotel)
- Call the hotel ahead of time and let the front desk know a package is coming for you
- Send the package out early enough so that it arrives the day you check into the hotel

A fully loaded 2x4 case, USPS Priority Mail (2-3 days) from NY to Las Vegas, including delivery conformation, set me back about $15 . A small price to pay when you consider that :
A) You can insure the package for what you feel it's worth (unlike the airlines where you have to prove what was in the suitcase).
B) It's going to get there and require a signature (unlike the airlines where if it's lost, the only recourse you have is to hope it shows up). IF the package disappears at the hotel, you've got proof that it arrived, and have a recourse for reimbursment. Ever try to get an airline to pay for a missing bag ?
C) Even if it costs a few more bucks, throw some of your clothes in the box with your case. That's fewer clothes you have to take in your carry-on.

Right off the bat, you're saving money. Check into the difference between what shipping it ahead will cost against checking it at the airport.

And the best part ? Now, because you're traveling with only a carry-on (and no checked baggage), your options open up a lot more. You can take an earlier connection if it's available, or get voluntarily bumped (because now the airline doesn't have to worry about your luggage).
You can breeze right by the luggage carousel and get a cab before anybody else.

The first time I did this, it made traveling SO much easier. The worry of "Are my cues gonna be there when I get off the plane ?" is non-existent, and I could actually enjoy the experience of traveling.

Good luck...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree with lance Link

Certainly shipping your cues are the most economical and safest way. I have a dilemma, i travel for work, and my flight benefits allow me to check a bag for free, but I still would consider shipping because of the what if factor. Everyone has mentioned that it would cost $15 to ship, technically lets give everyone the whole picture, $30, both ways....well some of us lack a little common sense.

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member
I'm flying Allegent Air next week and don't want to check my cue. They charge around 40 dollars to check a bag and I really don't want it out of my sight anyway. Anyone know if I can carry it on?

Only way around your dilema is to fly SOUTHWEST next time! No fees for the first two bags. Allegiant Airlines is just following TSA rules. Silly but its their sandbox. Got on a plane recently with a guy who carried on a titanium tennis racket. Ever get hit accidentally by one? As someone else said, they allow knitting needles. My feeling is, it is a response to the culture of the pool world. We sometimes see pool players as scum. So do they. Perhaps not the truth but perception IS reality:angry:!

I solved the problem by keeping a second set of cues in Vegas. Perhaps you know of someone living there who would allow you to do the same.

Minor point but a disclaimer none the less. I own stock in LUV (Southwest Airlines):cool:.



RIP Kelly
Silver Member
If you don't like how TSA is handling this, lodge a complaint with your local congressman.

Point out the that knitting needles and canes are allowed on board but not a cue that may be worth thousands of dollars.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I made a carrier out of 6 inch schedule 40 pvc. It's glued on one end and the other side I made a pin that a lock can be put through. I've never used it, but if I ever do, my cue's will be safe from just about anything lol. It isn't pretty, but whatever I carry in it will be safe.
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recreational banger
Silver Member
Unfortunately pool cues are one of the items you cannot carry onto an airplane.
You can carry-on a tennis racquet but not a pool cue.
I think you could do more damage with a tennis racquet than a cue.

I bought a Haliburton case for the trip and stuck a soft case in my luggage.
On a return flight from Las Vegas the flight was delayed about 8-hours and i'm sure the case sat in the heat for quite a while.

Driving is the way to go

+1! A friend of mine recently retired as a chief pilot for American. He was one of those allowed a gun in the cockpit...yet he couldn't have a pocketknife with a 2" blade. Go figure. Rules are rules, and they can be awfully stupid at times.

(guess they figured a gun would be okay for ol' Jimbo to pack since the USAF let him fly with Nukes...)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fed-X it to where your going, thats the safest way to move a cue, it costs a bit but its insured and wont get stolen. I have Fed-X'ed probably $1,500,000 worth of cues over the years both directions, perhaps more,thats a conservative number and never once had a problem. I'm not bragging, I just wanted to illustrait a point.

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member

I'll be in Vegas next week. Next Wednesday evening we are hoding the monthly meeting of the Lotus group at Hooter's. Hope you can join us. If you're interested, I'll keep you up on the time and exact location. If not, perhaps I'll see you at Pool Sharks or The Cue Club.

Sorry for hijacking the thread momentarily.
