Ship them ahead... AND cues via USPS or Fedex and travel with only a carry-on.
- Get a delivery conformation/tracking number and have a signature required (at the hotel)
- Call the hotel ahead of time and let the front desk know a package is coming for you
- Send the package out early enough so that it arrives the day you check into the hotel
A fully loaded 2x4 case, USPS Priority Mail (2-3 days) from NY to Las Vegas, including delivery conformation, set me back about $15 . A small price to pay when you consider that :
A) You can insure the package for what you feel it's worth (unlike the airlines where you have to prove what was in the suitcase).
B) It's going to get there and require a signature (unlike the airlines where if it's lost, the only recourse you have is to hope it shows up). IF the package disappears at the hotel, you've got proof that it arrived, and have a recourse for reimbursment. Ever try to get an airline to pay for a missing bag ?
C) Even if it costs a few more bucks, throw some of your clothes in the box with your case. That's fewer clothes you have to take in your carry-on.
Right off the bat, you're saving money. Check into the difference between what shipping it ahead will cost against checking it at the airport.
And the best part ? Now, because you're traveling with only a carry-on (and no checked baggage), your options open up a lot more. You can take an earlier connection if it's available, or get voluntarily bumped (because now the airline doesn't have to worry about your luggage).
You can breeze right by the luggage carousel and get a cab before anybody else.
The first time I did this, it made traveling SO much easier. The worry of "Are my cues gonna be there when I get off the plane ?" is non-existent, and I could actually enjoy the experience of traveling.
Good luck...