The smoke was so bad the I had to..........


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The smoke was so bad, Gene took off his smokey clothes, but got arrested walking down the sidewalk.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
The smoke was so bad that Hank felt it was time to serve free water again

The smoke was so bad that Hank turned off the fan, and doubled the price of bottled water.



Lex Parsimoniae
Silver Member
The smoke was so bad, Geno had nicotine withdrawals after he washed his credit cards and has picked up 14 lbs since... :smile:


Silver Member
Before the WaState indoor smoking ban...

I come home after playing all night at a small bar,shower and go to bed,I had to get up and move my shoes away from my bed and put them outside because the cigarette smell was so strong coming off them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The smoke was so bad it concealed the mirrors as I walked to the voting booth in Philly. And it almost concealed the two guys dressed in black and the AG laughing at me in the background.



Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
The smoke was so bad that the smell of it trapped in my hair transferred to my pillow, and made it impossible to fall asleep.

The smoke was so bad that I can't just take off my clothes and sit in my own bedroom naked because I can smell them from across the room.

The smoke was so bad that I have to shower or do laundry when I come home from pool at 3 am, and wake up anyone else in the house.

The smoke was so bad that I cough up yellow shit in the morning even though I don't smoke.

Oh, you were shooting for fun and cute? Sorry man, no sense of humor about it. All of the above are shitty realities for me :/