I've always felt EVERYONE is born with an ability for something great, but only a few are lucky enough to find that one thing and run with it.
Come on, you don't think Efren was born with a "little extra" in the vision, hand eye, determination, spacial awareness depts?
I have been playing pool as long as I can remember. We had a GC II in the basement, and I could play as much as I wanted from about age 6 or 7. No matter what people say I was LUCKY to be born with excellent dexterity, hand eye, co-ordination, whatever you want to call it.
By 15 I had a bowling average over 200 with a 300 game in junior league, and my regional card. I played on our youth ice hockey team. I had a single digit golf handicap, and played number 1 or 2 singles on my high school tennis team.....which was amazing because I was 5'6" and almost 200 pounds!!!!
How does a short fat kid do that? Do you realize what it takes to out play skinny fast tall kids on a tennis court or ice rink?:grin:
anyway, without being lucky enough to have been born with "that little something extra" for games you play by yourself, I could never have done all those things by that young age......how could anyone have enough time from age 6 or 7 to 15 be able to learn all those things? Having a 140 IQ can't hurt, but still!:wink: