Who Likes Last-Pocket 8-Ball?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been playing this with some of my buddies on Sundays and I'm enjoying it way more than rotation pool or regular 8-ball, which I'm burnt out on. I'm killing them most of the time and they can't stand it.

One or two of them are probably rated as "A" players and they all play way more than I do, but they can't "out move" me the majority of the time. I'm usually beating them at least two games to one. It is fun to watch them scratch their heads and get frustrated when they think they have me, but I turn the table on them.

I played my Taiwanese buddy today and we had a lot of fun. I was up on him about five or six games before he won his first one. He is catching on to my moves though, because he will try to turn the table on me at times, rather than try to make balls when he isn't certain of an out.

I keep him tied up a lot and force him to shoot balls that I want him to shoot. Either he shoots at that ball or has to kick for another one. I keep him locked up or playing off the end rail...one-pocket style.

I love "intentional" fouls, too. Sometimes, when he is down to his last ball and it is a hanger and he has me trapped where I can't get out or play safe, I will shoot the 8-ball, instead of one of my balls. I will put it in a place where he can't get position to shoot it in the last pocket where his hanger is. He is then forced to shoot his hanger out of the pocket or make it and then try to out move me when I have a lot of balls on the table to work with. Once I get him in this position, he knows he is screwed, because I'll never let him see his last pocket, unless I make a mistake or he gets extremely lucky.

Since nobody will play one-pocket, this is about as close as I can get to it.


The Boss Stooge
Staff member
Silver Member
Last pocket 8-ball is the only way it's played in my room. Adds an interesting element to the finish.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like playing it, but don’t play it much.
It seems it can benefit both the superior and the inferior player

Also in a bar you can get a longer game for your buck


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been playing a little with a fellow that plays 1-pocket-8-ball.

Here is the rules he like to use:

1. Lag for choice of break or pass

2. After the break, even if you dont make a ball....you pick your pocket....any pocket.

3. If you make 1 or more balls on break and pick your pocket and suit.....its then your opponent's shot (one shot per trip....even on break).

4. What ever pocket you choose, your opponent is forced to take the pocket opposite of yours. If you pick a side...they have the other side. If you pick a corner, they get the opposite corner at opposite end of table.

5. If you foul, your opponent gets to position the ball you pull on the foot spot or head spot.

6. All balls foul

7. After a third foul, it's a loss. Doesn't have to be 3 consecutive...

8. You can only make one ball per trip to table (think....poker pool). So, you have to be able to make a ball and play safe at the same time.

9. You have to make the 8 ball in your opponent's pocket....and they have to make it in your pocket.

It's a very good game if both players are well rounded players. Players that can't do it all will suffer more in this game.

If you like 1hole, you will love it. Plus, it's a much, much harder game than last pocket 8.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At a Senior center in NE a long time ago, I would walk a block every Tuesday night to play 1 & 15 8 Ball and bank the 8 into your last pocket. There was an 8 ft table and a snooker table with a set of 1 to 15 balls.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
i like back pocket 9 ball more

Ditto. Both last pocket 8-ball and back pocket 9-ball bring one pocket skills into play, but I've always enjoyed back pocket 9-ball far more.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This game is very good if you’re a C player and decide to play an A player. I always choose this game when somebody far better than me wants to play... it gives me humongous chance to beat him, which I can’t do in other games except this and maybe short race of 9ball.

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Texas Carom Club

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i dont like it, usually just bangers in my area want to play
and when i make perfect shape for straight in on the 8 in the last pocket , last guy said
no no no no wait, i dont wanna play last pocket now


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i dont like it, usually just bangers in my area want to play
and when i make perfect shape for straight in on the 8 in the last pocket , last guy said
no no no no wait, i dont wanna play last pocket now

It usually happens the opposite way for me. I get perfect shape on the 8 and they suddenly want to play last pocket or at least bank the 8

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like the game. Adds a little something extra in your
pattern play.
I also am interested to give Jeff's 8ball game a try.
It will take a few games to get used to it but that
sounds like fun.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like the game. Adds a little something extra in your
pattern play.
I also am interested to give Jeff's 8ball game a try.
It will take a few games to get used to it but that
sounds like fun.

It's a game a buddy of mine likes to play. He's a sporty 2 and 3 rail banker so, he's pretty tough to beat.

I like it much better than last pocket 8 or 9.

Why?....in last pocket 8..9.... the game don't start till most all of the balls are gone.

In 1pocket-8....it's on from the get go.

Its a really good game to help strengthen two way shots as well as just plain safeties.



Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I haven't played that in decades.

Please explain the rules and I'll try to work up a game with my buddy the next time we play.

Thee are two versions with which I'm familiar.

Version 1: Nine ball with all the balls (the one I usually played)

Prior to the break, each player is designated one of the two back corner pockets, meaning a pocket in the kitchen, and you can only win by making the nine in your pocket. Most people play that you can't make it until it's the last ball on the table. While running out is possible, far more racks come down to a one-pocket style tug-of-war on the nine ball. The nine spots whenever it's made into the wrong pocket or on a scratch in which the nine is pocketed. Alternating break. Once you are on the nine, a scratch gives opponent ball in hand in the kitchen. In this game, using the pushout and/or a safety to improve the position of the nine relative to your pocket are tricks of the trade.

Version 2: Using the nine ball only

In this version, each player gets a back pocket, but the nine begins frozen to the bottom rail halfway across and the opening shot is played from the head spot. The nine is nearly never made on the first shot (some play that it doesn't even count on the opening shot) so the one-pocket style tug-of-war starts right away. Alternating break. Once you are on the nine, a scratch gives opponent ball in hand in the kitchen.

There are several other versions and some prefer back pocket ten ball when playing version 1 as defined previously.

The late Jimmy Fusco was probably the best ever back pocket nine ball player, but most of the super-elite knew to steer clear of him at that game.
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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Thee are two versions with which I'm familiar.

Version 1: Nine ball with all the balls (the one I usually played)

Prior to the break, each player is designated one of the two back corner pockets, meaning a pocket in the kitchen, and you can only win by making the nine in your pocket. Most people play that you can't make it until it's the last ball on the table. While running out is possible, far more racks come down to a one-pocket style tug-of-war on the nine ball. The nine spots whenever it's made into the wrong pocket or on a scratch in which the nine is pocketed. Alternating break. In this game, using the pushout or a safety to improve the position of the nine relative to your pocket are tricks of the trade.

Version 2: Using the nine ball only

In this version, each player gets a back pocket, but the nine begins frozen to the bottom rail halfway across and the opening shot is played from the head spot. The nine is nearly never made on the first shot (some play that it doesn't even count on the opening shot) so the one-pocket style tug-of-war starts right away. Alternating break.

There are several other versions and some prefer back pocket ten ball when playing version 1 as defined previously.

The late Jimmy Fusco was probably the best ever back pocket nine ball player, but most of the super-elite knew to steer clear of him at that game.
version 1 is back pocket 9 ball to me

verson 2 is is what i call 1 ball one pocket although your pocket is on the foot (spot) side of the table
you cant make your ball on the first shot