Will the US Open really make it this year?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Think he'd have played in the WSOP if there was a chance of not getting paid at the time? :eek:

Poker also works differently.....become a world champion and people line up to play you even. Win one tournament in pool, and your action is dead unless you want to give up the world.

gambling in pool is dead if it wants to be brought into the 21st century it needs corporate sponsership and having the title former US open champion might mean something if that ever happens like I sad if the 500 bucks isnt that important might be worth it to a young gun

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Maybe if all the cash is posted in a trust fund UP FRONT to show the promoters have some ability to produce, before entrance fees are collected.

Chris, after several years of late payments to the players, I thought that this was promised before last years event. Apparently it was just another smoke and mirror job to get players to the event. Because that part didn't happen as promised.

After last year, I would be surprised if any paid the entrance fee in advance let alone show up.

You can only cry wolf so many times and I believe that last year was Barry's
last year to come clean with his false promises.

It will be a shame to see it end but I believe that if you were to put several of the successful TOs in charge, they could pull it off and revive it.

Of course, Barry would be there (if he chose to) but only as a token Tourney Operator and would have absolutely no input in running the show.

If BB is still adamant in running the show, I can't see any pros committing themselves this year.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Why would anyone want to play this knowing they probably won't get paid?


Gina collector
Silver Member
Greg Sullivan / Diamond tables should add another tournament to their series. Basically adopt the US Open.

Louisville, Tunica and then maybe somewhere like Atlantic City.

Just my opinion...........



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The thing is that the players have been returning to this no-money-in-the-till event for years -- last year was not the first time there were "insufficient funds" in the payoff checking account. Then folks here get all riled up and wring their hands and bang their pots and pans and talk about how terrible it all is.

But at this point, whose fault is it if there's another debacle in 2013? Should anyone really be castigating BB anymore -- he has established a track record. *Everyone* knows how the story is likely to end. So if the pro players show up again to be used and abused, who is to blame?

As long as they continue to support an event with these kinds of problems, pool players will continue to get the tournament they deserve.

Lou Figueroa


My light saber is LD
Silver Member
The thing is that the players have been returning to this no-money-in-the-till event for years -- last year was not the first time there were "insufficient funds" in the payoff checking account. Then folks here get all riled up and wring their hands and bang their pots and pans and talk about how terrible it all is.

But at this point, whose fault is it if there's another debacle in 2013? Should anyone really be castigating BB anymore -- he has established a track record. *Everyone* knows how the story is likely to end. So if the pro players show up again to be used and abused, who is to blame?

As long as they continue to support an event with these kinds of problems, pool players will continue to get the tournament they deserve.

Lou Figueroa

My thoughts exactly.

Even if a lot of top players say they aren't going to go right now as the time nears they'll all be thinking the same thing. With all these guys not going look at all the easy money I can rake in.

The only way you could get em not to go is if there was another tournament going at the same time.

Icon of Sin

I can't fold, I need gold. I re-up and reload...
Silver Member
If they have the Open I will more then likely be going. Such a good time down there. Even with the janky venue last year I had a blast.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The problem is no matter what -- IT'S STILL POOL!

For a lot of people, that's all that matters. It may be unfortunate, but that's the state of the pool world.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If they have the Open I will more then likely be going. Such a good time down there. Even with the janky venue last year I had a blast.

For sure! And let's not forget, aside from Joss Turning Stone events, Super Billiards Expo, and this one, everything else is on the West Coast region.

I love that area of Virginia. It's beautiful that time of year.

These days, if I'm going to a pool event, I don't have the mentality anymore of we're "in it to win it." It's more like a pool vacation, recreating, having fun. In the end, that's what pool should be all about: FUN!

The tournament soldiers are marching into an abyss of no future. Sooner or later, they may realize it and pursue other careers. There is no future in pool for a professional player, unless, of course, they like living out of a suitcase and grow old with no loving family to support them.

Very few pool players that grow old are supported in the American pool culture. Most pro players today, to include BCA Hall of Famers and legends, are looked upon as pariahs and ridiculed at every opportunity for choosing to play pool for a living or growing old and not being able to run a six-pack.

Dance, monkey, dance, or go away. Nobody cares about you.

David Marcus

"not bad,for a blind man"
Silver Member
Great Idea..

That might be the US Men's professional championship, but it wouldn't be an open. I think it would be nice to have a US national championship -- I can't remember the last one (excepting the Juniors, that is).

Why is there no US national championship? It could be organized similarly to the US amateurs, qualifiers thruout the country by region and then a National Title. That would create some excitement all over the country if promoted properly.:confused:


Professional Banger
Silver Member
For sure! And let's not forget, aside from Joss Turning Stone events, Super Billiards Expo, and this one, everything else is on the West Coast region.

I love that area of Virginia. It's beautiful that time of year.

These days, if I'm going to a pool event, I don't have the mentality anymore of we're "in it to win it." It's more like a pool vacation, recreating, having fun. In the end, that's what pool should be all about: FUN!

The tournament soldiers are marching into an abyss of no future. Sooner or later, they may realize it and pursue other careers. There is no future in pool for a professional player, unless, of course, they like living out of a suitcase and grow old with no loving family to support them.

Very few pool players that grow old are supported in the American pool culture. Most pro players today, to include BCA Hall of Famers and legends, are looked upon as pariahs and ridiculed at every opportunity for choosing to play pool for a living or growing old and not being able to run a six-pack.

Dance, monkey, dance, or go away. Nobody cares about you.

Im pretty sure Johnny Archer would disagree with this.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Im pretty sure Johnny Archer would disagree with this.

Just in case you're not familiar with professional pool, Johnny Archer is an exception to the rule. There aren't very many pro players today that have families, children, a house, et cetera.

Johnny, to his credit, is also staked, has sponsors. I can count on one hand how many American pros are staked and sponsored.

I'm not taking anything away from Johnny at all, but to pull his name out of the hat is kind of out there.

I'll tell you this, though, there ain't one pro player who has a family life that can do this without a good woman taking care of the family responsibilities while he's on the road. Most women can't hack it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
But about 1000+ other players would. 1-2 exceptions doesn't make it a rule.....

Exactly right. For every pro pool player that does enjoy a good family lifestyle, with a home, children, et cetera, I could name 50 who die penniless with no loved ones to support them in their time of need. Even the American pool culture turns their back on them when they can't run racks anymore, unlike golf, tennis, football, and other major sports figures.

Waterdog comes to mind. :frown:


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
Pool players readily understand the risk of getting stiffed (well, let's be fair, paid very late).
But they keep entering. I don't think it's because they're idiots,
it's because the title still means something.
You gotta beat multiple champions to get that trophy.

Which is why it wouldn't make sense to dilute the field by making it a closed tournament.

I wouldn't be shocked to see the exact same strong field next year.
This is the only title anyone pays attention to anymore. "He's a 2-time US Open champion"
just has that nice ring. People don't get as excited to hear "he's won two turning stone classics",
even though the field in those events is damn tough and you'll have to play several worldbeaters.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If a player wins 50k in a year in tournaments, what would his net income be after all expenses?

What percentage of pro players actually end up positive in gambling at the end of the year?