Raffles are no longer allowed on the site


Craig Petersen Ebony Nose Circa 1988
Gold Member
Silver Member
Actually, just to make things clear.....the one doing the advertising is CueComponents2. This is not the CueComponents owner's AZ account, but that of the person who used to work for Waldo's, named Jimmy. I did several transactions with Jimmy when his moniker was 'Waldo's' and never ever had an issue.

They are both one and the same as far as companies go.



my puppy is on the left!
Silver Member
Wonder why his posts can't be pulled up to RED REP him? I will keep diggin for one as he is due for a little more!

Guerra Cues

I build one cue at a time
Silver Member
You should see the crap he started with me.. I have a good mind to post the e-mails on all HIS threads.


I am not surprised. I just found out as well that he tried to pull something on me, will tell you later. The guy does not deserve the water he drinks...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
raffle poll is over, LP custom Cues site was chosen by a majority vote.

So AZ members have a new option for their raffles.

Lee's site is advertisement free so no worries here about data tracking or third party software.


Already a few raffles in progress.

Hopefully this will keep the raffles as popular as they were before the unforseen circumstances presented themselves.


I have added an external forum to my website.


Its not vbulletin but it wont cost you anything to post your raffles there.

Let me know if this will be acceptable.

It looks like it will do everything everybody wanted, especially editing posts.

You will have to register with this new site to post raffles or choose spots.

Please sign into the new forum site with the same user name you use here on AZ.

Last edited:


Silver Member
Ebay Style Auctions have been added. :thumbup:

Numerous users wanted the auction style sales with buy it now or straight auction style, It is Legal and has nothing to do with a raffle so the option is now available to everyone.

See it here http://noobforums.com/forums/vbay.php



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My thoughts are that if a community in one forum wants to do a raffle, then, let's do a raffle and it should stay on AZ Billiards !!, We are not buying illegal items and re selling them. We all are in a an agreement that either, we are taking a chance to possibly own something that otherwise would possibly never own and more, possibly never see available. I have not tried to raffle something off, but, certainly have a couple of cues that are to much money for my local sales and just can't bring out the big dollars I need. The raffle is perfect for all. I say, we bind together and get signatures for politicians to see. Someone here has to be an attorney.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don`t we have some good lawyers in our community that mybe can kick ass in that matter? :thumbup:
In any other case: Let`s hire Denny Crane :wink:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
While I could care less about the raffles, the reality is that unless being run by a certified (through the originating state treasurer) non-profit, raffles are considered a game of chance and therefore gambling, and unlicensed gambling is illegal.

Then why bother with this post,,,if you don't care about the raffles. Many people do, raffles give people a chance to own an item that they otherwise may not be able to afford, whats wrong with that? I understand it's considered a game of chance, for profit, or whatever, but I see no difference between them and the $50 sets of 9 ball or 1 pocket , or even the endless Texas holdem games that go on nightly at many poolrooms nationwide. Are these licensed?

What is making the situation for the raffles worse is that the items being raffled, more often than not, are a money making venture for those holding the raffle. You can not make a profit from a raffle.

Well there is some law that says that I guess, but I've seen a helluva lotta raffles where thousands of $5 tickets were sold for a $500 shotgun. Raffles here sold generally at or below fair market value for the item. So what if someone flipped a cue and made 15 or 20 percent profit. They could do that on a straight sale just as well. Is that wrong also?

The true spirit of the raffle is gone anyways....as they were originally intended as a way to raise cash for a charity or non-profit, and not as a means to sell in an alternative fashion all while booking a profit.

Things change, people do what they have to to make ends meet, some people have few other options than to try and profit off of things they own.
The big difference here is that there are a limited number of spots pre-determined, where-as true raffles have the potential to sell an unlimited amount of tickets, therefore at an unlimited amount of money. I understand the potential for scamming, as well as the need for regulation for them. Had these sales on AZB been called something different from day one, like "SPOT SALES" or something there would have never been a problem.
IF it does not effect people, why do they butt in, Raffles hurt no-one.

I, personally, tend to shy away from illegal activities.

don't we all,,,,,,,,,

gerard soriano

Silver Member
I have been in many many raffles and never won anything .But they sure are fun.Its like everything else it only takes one Richard Cranium to ruin it for all the others.

hunger strike

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

We should vote on which site it is going to be and stick with it.

If both raffle hosting sites had the previously lauded "one raffle at a time" rule, then there would be maximum two raffles at a time going on. Wouldn't that still be fewer raffles than before? That's only two raffles at a time, and the end dates could be staggered. Ideas? Agreement? Criticism? Let's hear it. I love raffles


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not sure of the "solution" you are looking for.

The majority of the people who pmed me wanted only one raffle at a time per person.
Helps keep the clutter down. 6 individual pieces of chalk in 6 different raffles by one person can be a mess if others are doinf likewise.

The other site stayed open for a few weeks after the poll, but I dont think any AZ members started raffles there.

This has all been hashed out before.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
whats the aszholes name that got the raffles banned? I would like to know please if anyone has this info. Hopefully he is a cuemaker, and at every event I go to, I will bad mouth his product....

hunger strike

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
no problem

Not sure of the "solution" you are looking for.

The majority of the people who pmed me wanted only one raffle at a time per person.
Helps keep the clutter down. 6 individual pieces of chalk in 6 different raffles by one person can be a mess if others are doinf likewise.

The other site stayed open for a few weeks after the poll, but I dont think any AZ members started raffles there.

This has all been hashed out before.

When I read the post about one raffle at a time, I was unaware that it meant one raffle per raffler. Now I understand. I was afraid that there would end up being one raffle on one item at a time, and we would be waiting out a raffle on a piece of Kamui chalk before the next raffle cue. Sorry!!!! Thanks for straightening me out sir.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Easy for you to say, having put forth 0 effort to built and maintain the AZB brand.

This is Mike's property and he calls the shots.

'Right' or not, the raffle battle is not one he wishes to fight. End of story...

My thoughts are that if a community in one forum wants to do a raffle, then, let's do a raffle and it should stay on AZ Billiards !!, We are not buying illegal items and re selling them. We all are in a an agreement that either, we are taking a chance to possibly own something that otherwise would possibly never own and more, possibly never see available. I have not tried to raffle something off, but, certainly have a couple of cues that are to much money for my local sales and just can't bring out the big dollars I need. The raffle is perfect for all. I say, we bind together and get signatures for politicians to see. Someone here has to be an attorney.


Not even close to the OGs
Silver Member
WOW!!!!! Man-o-Man I Thot it waz me

Hi Folks are the auctions GONE??
I may have WA-WA'd after I lost a bunch,But never wanted the raffles to go the way of the good sense here :frown: I guess after the mountains of complaining about what someone was charging on "For Sale" this was going to go!
Mr Hoppe
Me Amigo
or whoever will listen
these actions will never chase me away I wish we would come up with a selected board whose word would NOT be subject to disagreement PERIOD
(and I would never I repeat never serve on it) ALSO HOW ABOUT A lifetime MEMBERSHIP as I would be 1st in line. I will get my shorts all in a knot and I will have my complaints but I will ***** and shut-up just because of all the folks I can call friends and associates on this list,Steve,Troy,Tony, Jim Baxter, and the closer ones you guys know who you are (Ladies also ,sorry about that Jackie) I am NOT leaving end of story! although just knowing Tommie and Shane and the one and only Phinamole would be enough for me to stay
nuff said
Good nite
John Baker
aka Irish