APA screwed our very own sleinen out of a national championship

Seth C.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
APA doesn’t have to:

Based on the cited APA rule, it appears to be true that APA does not have to justify its decision.

But as for the “You and I both know that isn’t the truth” comment (which was posted in response to a post reading “What more is there to say? They ‘played too good’ by some arbitrary APA standards, and the APA powers-that-be booted them out of the tournament”), it isn’t holding up too well. The APA’s own rule says that its determinations regarding true playing ability as compared to participating skill level are “necessarily subjective” and can be made in its absolute discretion (i.e., can be arbitrary), and it says that if it decides there is a difference between true playing ability and participating skill level, it can disqualify a player (i.e., boot them out). Sure seems like truth to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Based on the cited APA rule, it appears to be true that APA does not have to justify its decision.

But as for the “You and I both know that isn’t the truth” comment (which was posted in response to a post reading “What more is there to say? They ‘played too good’ by some arbitrary APA standards, and the APA powers-that-be booted them out of the tournament”), it isn’t holding up too well. The APA’s own rule says that its determinations regarding true playing ability as compared to participating skill level are “necessarily subjective” and can be made in its absolute discretion (i.e., can be arbitrary), and it says that if it decides there is a difference between true playing ability and participating skill level, it can disqualify a player (i.e., boot them out). Sure seems like truth to me.

It's a joke. They despise real players. Just want more fish. Death of pool.


Coos Cues
This outfit can't even understand the decimal system. Why would anything else they do boggle one's sense of fairness?

On a scale of one to seven how would you rate the experience?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The APA is sports entertainment...much like the WWE is sports entertainment.

Nothing is really won.

It's not true sports competition.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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From memory, the APA only disqualifies a team after 2 players in their roster get raised above the starting handicap level.

During the tournament, if someone(s) is playing " too good" after a match, they are placed on watch for their next match. If they are determined to play "too good" again, then they get raised to the next level. If a second player gets raised, then the team is DQ'd....
Is the team notified of their "placed on watch" status?


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Sad to hear. I've had the pleasure of meeting Sean and thought him to be a quality guy. Russ has always been a standup guy around me, too, so it's tough not to take his post seriously.

I have never played in a BCA or APA league and, consequently, have little insight into this subject.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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There was, a leaning table.

What was the final verdict on why the player was disqualified?
If you're talking about the curving eight ball, the player marked the far corner and made the 8 in the wrong pocket. The two players in the match were 2s.


Coos Cues
They're not playing one pocket?:grin:

But there could have been something wrong with the 8 ball. I have a 3 ball that can do that same shot. Maybe it wasn't the cheap table.

Either way it was an equipment malfunction. People saying she put spin on it causing that probably belong in the APA.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The APA is a JOKE!

I just left Hawaiian Brian's because the Sunday league came in and took all the tables.

I usually sit around for an hour, or so, watching them, but it drives me bat shit crazy. I have nothing against players of a lower skill level, but some of these people come in with $1,000 carbon fiber cues and can barely hit the cue ball and they'll talk about "low deflection". It's insane.

And then the "higher" level players will try to coach them and they are clueless, too.

The whole thing is a waste of money IMO.


Dragon slayer
Silver Member
Apa teams is sandbagger central. Not serious pool. Great for starters but then you need to upgrade to BCA, or only play apa singles. In what way is he 'intellectual'? Beating the system? I dont see that there will be any sympathy from this board
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There was, a leaning table.

What was the final verdict on why the player was disqualified?

Either way it was an equipment malfunction. People saying she put spin on it causing that probably belong in the APA.

The ball rolled straight down table 70% of the way. No spin on it.

APA- Meet people. Play pool. Get screwed.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
My money is on Sean

Anyone that has been around AZB long knows that Sean is a person with outstanding integrity. If it comes to trusting Sean or the APA, the APA loses and loses big. Not sure what shenanigans were pulled but the APA may pay a high price because there could be a huge backlash from AZB members.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The APA could put a stop to this nonsense but they choose not to.

They could make a team truly earn its way into a Vegas spot (thus negating most of the sandbagging) but they chose not to keep players interested all year long and bump up their profits.

My local league operator lets just about 1/2 the teams in the playoffs for the spot to go to Vegas. He completely ignores the rule if a team wins in a summer session they must finish in the top 50% the next two sessions. He will let additional teams teams who he has made 'deals' with the the captains into the playoffs for Vegas. He will declare more than one division winner for a spot in the playoffs.

His safeguard is to bump up anyone who wins in the playoffs up a skill level so he doesn't get in trouble with St. Louis. Funny, he will move up a player's skill level in the playoffs, then at times they will keep winning at the new skill level in the playoffs, but will then be bumped back down to their skill level before the playoffs when the next summer session starts.

I think St. Louis gets paid more on memberships and the LO make their money on keeping their existing players playing as often and as much as possible. So you end up this convoluted situation like I described in the previous paragraph.

In the end, profits rule for the APA and the LO's at the expense of the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to clarify, when I say 'nonsense', I mean both actual sandbagging and false positives like what happened to the OP.