back after some years


the Brunswick BUG bit me
Silver Member
been a while since i haven't posted here anymore. Due to some stuff, i had less time to invest in pool and forums in general. i almost completly stopped with pool, but i'm having more time now (due tue ilness, im at home for at least a year and to much time) and i've been trying to slowly kick my game up a notch, trying to play at least 1h-2h daily. been practicing now for 4 months and i'm back at my top level, but still alot of room to improve. in fact , i always had a bad technique (never tought how to play correctly) so i used the 3 years off , and the muscle memories who started to fade, to brake my game down and rebuild it from the start with good basic techniques. it was a strugle, but its slowly comming.

Anyway what's up in here. no idea if people still remember me :D

some questions:

1/ are there any new/old collectors of european cue's i need to know of.

2/ does anyone know who is the current owner of this cue? i remember it has changed owner here on azb several times, but at that time i was a young pool bastard and it was way out of my league. it has been my dream cue ever since. if anyone knows the owner, i'd be glad to get his email or nickname here , so maybe we can discuss something if he ever wishes to sell it.

its a fancy TS cue.


i haven't been trading or buying alot since the crisis. there wasn't alot to be bought, not many good deals to be done, so i stopped collecting since then. now that i have some time, i'm finally going trough the collection and taking good pictures, looking up background, making files for each item, etc so i know what i have and i'll be probably selling some pieces when the time is right . i do feel its slowly starting to get back alive. ive been folowing some antiques on ebay and its slowly picking up. i might start trading/collecting again

the only things i kept on searching during my break are JM brunswick tokens to finish that collection. im ALMOST done. i miss 1 token . they are all stored, sealed, and displayed in a custom box i have someone build for them. that least token though.... i could be in for a long wait. haven't seen one in over 6 years i might never finish this collection, but thats all the fun.

here's a picture of a peace of my collection i personally love. not the oldes or most expensive, but i just find it a beauty. a paire of custom ordered silver chalk holders from the late 1800's

I also move from my rented hous to a one i bought. my poolroom was the first room done , even before the bathroom and the kitchen :D priority's !!
here's a picture with my custom 9ft pro diamond

I stopped playing all sorts of tournaments, but i always kept on playing two.
one local tournament, that just has the most friendly atmoshere ever in the french part of belgium. its always easy going, but still some good competition.

the other tournament is the national team events with my team. we've been a team for 6 years or something now. we've played for 4 different poolhalls (3 of them close down tue to bad economics :s). not sure if old players still remember, but i play with the khodjaev family. Kamila was world champion with the girls, but she lost vs a new strong chinese player this year and got 2d in the WC of this year. she's a BEAST !! man i've seen her do things and see shots that hurts my brain :) she also got a contract with longoni and is now together with niels feyen, serge das , part of the big family. i predict greath things for her !


her sister also got some top3 finishes in the european championship and, i'm sure she'll be european champion and maybe WC before she turns 18. then there's there father and me. i'm the underdog. in our state we are a top team and nationally we are in the top5.

here's a pic of a tournament where we picked 1,2 and 3th place

Myself, i'm not a big player. i won some local tournaments, and i can run a rack or two, maybe more on a good day, but thats it. pool is a hobby, that i play once a weak. i can't expect to win big tournaments without puting in the hours, but i enjoy myself and thats the most important. i' m managing to win enough money so all my expenses are payed, enjoy company of a super good team, watch a world champion play and play against her, help the family with legal stuff, paperwork, with anything.

Well thats some news about me , after 4 years of silence :)
i wrote it here, instead of answering old pm's.
i hope to become more active again and maybe make some new friends to do some business with.

peace !


Developing cue-addict
Silver Member
I know the owner of the cue, it is currently for sale AND it is in Europe.
So, how about that one?

gr. Dave


the Brunswick BUG bit me
Silver Member
thanks VIProfessor

dave really? ok pm me some info.

tbh I can't buy it now. (being ill at home for 1year, and im getting half the paycheck i usually do), but im doing some deals tomorow and i will sell some part of my collection if that will bring me closer to this cue. ive seen thousands of cue's, and this is the one that will haunt my memory forever.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Welcome back, you play with some very cute women. I hope you get your cue and regain your health.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I remember you. Whatever your illness is, best wishes for a recovery to good health.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Welcome back to the jungle....good luck aquiring your dream cue. Those girls sure look young, or maybe I'm just getting old? NAH!!:eek:

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nice LED flat panel light above that beautiful table.
Here's to your health and straight shooting. :thumbup:


the Brunswick BUG bit me
Silver Member
hahaha some do remember me :)

they are under-aged, and upcoming pro's so be nice with the comments. ;)

yeah my health is very bad. i got infected by a bacterie that put my wife down for 6 years, and i got infected to. I only started to degrade 3y ago. i should be getting better in a year hopefully. the hardest part is already behind me, now i'm just sitting at home with way to much time and im still on antibiotics for 6 to 18 months. but hey, lets talk about pool :)

i won't be able to buy the cue yet, my wife will kill me with the docter costs (even though i can afford it) it's better to wait it out till we are safe financially, you never know. But i'd like to keep track of the cue and maybe work something out like getting first option to buying it later. we all have that one cue , we always will hate ourself we never bought it, this is the one for me.

@cardigan its not led. the light is 9y old. its still those bulb lights. i think its from an italian company that longoni took over, as there new lights look almost identical.

@tucson ; dont let looks misjudge you. they are EVIL hustlers, she is a worldchampion player and can run 6packs. im having trouble keeping ahead of the youngest sister. i think next year i wont be able to beat her anymore. she's 14-15 and also running 4packs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey Bruno ,

let me know when you're up for a game .
Would be nice shooting some balls together .

Take care ,



the Brunswick BUG bit me
Silver Member
i will cm.

As soon as i can play 9 or 10 rack's without fainting, i will take you up on it. at the moment im getting very tired after 5 racks, so not worth to travel atm just for a short races. i'll also have to skip the qualifications for the belgium championship. i'm playing my best pool, but i just dont got the stamina for a whole tournament. i tried it on a local tournament (as a test for the BK) and it was awfull. Pitty, because i'm feeling confident :)

btw what spot are you giving me, now you are getting coached by a monster :grin-square: we can always re-evaluate later.

i might start playing again with the team though on weekdays, so we should see each other soon. what team you playing on this year?


Mini cues
Silver Member
Yes, many of us remember you.You and your table were a major inspiration for me. I am glad you still have the Diamond.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I remember you also. IIRC, you started a thread because you had problems with your game. From your first post it was obvious to me that there was an visual alignment problem. I mentioned it in my post. You later discovered I was right (although I didn't get much credit).

Good to have you back.

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Solartje...I remember you as well! Good to see you posting and playing again. Sorry to hear about your and your wife's illness, but happy to know you're on the mend! That's great to hear about those two sisters that play quite well. No doubt we'll be hearing about them for years to come! Welcome back to the Forums! :thumbup: Best wishes for a complete recovery!

Scott Lee


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

You are the dude! are you man?!

I have been waiting to re-engage in AZB over the last few weeks.....mostly because winter is kicking in here in the north eastern part of the USA......AND I want my best Bud Jimmy to have a great year in his new pool room here in S.E.PA.....Which used to be "Classics" billiards.

Nice to see a name that made me laugh over the years, and you are always a Great contributor to this place...

Hi EVERYONE, and someone PLEASE shoot me a PM to catch me up on the goings-on in the pool n billiards world.....




Linda Carter - The QUEEN!
Silver Member
Of course we remember you Solly! Well, actually, I left too, but buzz in and out of here from time to time. Get well, buddy and take care.

The Queen

Colin Colenso

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey Solly,

Nice to see you back... well it's greath (only you spell it that way :)

Hope your health improves quickly mate.

All the best,
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the Brunswick BUG bit me
Silver Member
I remember you also. IIRC, you started a thread because you had problems with your game. From your first post it was obvious to me that there was an visual alignment problem. I mentioned it in my post. You later discovered I was right (although I didn't get much credit).

Good to have you back.

i'll thank you now for the help then :)

honestly, if i had to write down everything that wasn't correct, it would probably exceed the number of characters i can write in one post ;)

My wrist had to many sidemovement, my grip was to hard, i dropped my elbow, my arm wasn't aligned with the shot, i wasn't placing my feet at the same place, i was using a half tip of unwanted englisch, and both my eyes are dominant. and correcting this after 15 years of muscle memory is a pain in the ass ! im just a ball banger who got better over time, but i have the worst technique ever. but its on the right track now. i just need to play play play, untill i dont have to think about it anymore. might take me some time though