"Boston Burglary"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
nfty9er said:
Tracy, if you had made yourself familiar with the start of the thread you would have realized the theft occured during the match, during a break in the action by Lil John. So all your theorizing is flushed but nice try.
Yeah I read it, it didn't make a lot of sense though. I just thought it seems odd that it was noticed in the middle of the match.



So who was ahead when the money disappeared?

Actually they found out the IRS was watching them and the winner would have to pay taxes on the winnings so they staged a burglary.

Think they ever made out a police report? LOL.

Somehow I think this is pretty funny. And you don't for a minute think any of their action has really stopped now do you?

If you do, I know where there is some pretty nice swamp land down here in Florida that I can sell you.

Most pool players won't let $50, or their $200 cue, out of their site, yet these guys expect people to believe they didn't watch $17,000. Yeah, right.



catscradle said:
If you think Lil' John was in on it answer one question. Why on God's green earth would he have started the original thread if he was in on it?

Uh............to make it look good to his backer. I mean, if I'm backing him when this happens, I have to ask a lot of questions.

Uh............to "act" appropriately for the "alleged" wrong. To attempt to hide his involvement.

Remember....................we're talking pool and pool players.


JAM said:
Judging by your forum member date, May of 2005, I'm going to take the wise road and not dignify your retort with a response, though I am very capable.

I don't have the stamina to engage in a war of words with a Roach from Texas. You are totally entitled to your opinion, Roach Man, with the one exception of placing me in your self-thought-up conspiracy of the theft, but if that works for you, then so be it.


Did I hit a nerve, Jam?

As much as you try, it's really hard to dignify the company you keep.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roach said:
Did I hit a nerve, Jam?

As much as you try, it's really hard to dignify the company you keep.

Nope, you hit no nerve relating to the subject of this thread, Roach, but as far as the rest of your post, maybe you should clarify "the company" I keep, so that I may provide a more appropriate response.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roach said:
Did I hit a nerve, Jam?

As much as you try, it's really hard to dignify the company you keep.

since jam is such a nice person, and i know the company she keeps, i'll go ahead and say it, because i'm sure plenty of people are thinking it right now.

fuck you




vapoolplayer said:
since jam is such a nice person, and i know the company she keeps, i'll go ahead and say it, because i'm sure plenty of people are thinking it right now.

**** ***



I see you've reverted to your best vocabulary. Did the defeat you suffered in the other thread play into this??
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roach said:
I see you've reverted to your best vocabulary. Did the defeat you suffered in the other thread play into this??

actually, i haven't read the last thread you replied too, let me mosey on over there and blast your ass there too.



Just call me Joe...
Silver Member
vapoolplayer said:
since jam is such a nice person, and i know the company she keeps, i'll go ahead and say it, because i'm sure plenty of people are thinking it right now.

fuck you



tap tap tap


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ROTFLMAO.... VA, i almost fell out of my damn chair. hey ROACH, JAM is a very well respected person here on AZ. if i were you id just lay off and save face. besides, she'll smash you like a bug (pun intended) in a verbal confrontation. joey


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
JOEY said:
ROTFLMAO.... VA, i almost fell out of my damn chair. hey ROACH, JAM is a very well respected person here on AZ. if i were you id just lay off and save face. besides, she'll smash you like a bug (pun intended) in a verbal confrontation. joey

there's quite a few people here that roach would need weight from in a verbal confrontation...........LOL


Bob Romano

Bob' Wife
Silver Member
JOEY said:
ROTFLMAO.... VA, i almost fell out of my damn chair. hey ROACH, JAM is a very well respected person here on AZ. if i were you id just lay off and save face. besides, she'll smash you like a bug (pun intended) in a verbal confrontation. joey

Joey! You slay me man! Well said my friend!

Roach.. What is your problem! As you know, the housepro has been spraying insecticides lately and ridding all the nuisance pests here. Looks like you are the next species of undesirable he will be putting to sleep soon.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
JAM, is not only well respected here at, AZ, but well respected in the entire pool community. She should not have to respond to such a, “COCK” Roach, as yourself. Grow up.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roach, you act like you know everything don't you? JAM is well respected inside and outside the pool scene. And she has every right to be. You have 29 posts and just about every one of them resort to nothing but starting a flame. And to top it off, you decided to pick DM and JAM, you are clearly an idiot.


JAM said:

There is no circumstantial evidence in this caper, but there is a written record right from both horses' mouths on this Discussion Forum.


Ok Ok I get the picture. Everyone loves Jam.

But, please, analyze the above statement.

"There is written record right from the horses mouth". As if that settles it. Come on folks. Both horses have interest in this matter. Do you really think their word should be taken for truth. Clearly at least one is lying. I say both. But wouldn't they say exactly what they said if they were in on it. Or something very similar.

Jam, there is no evidence to support your opinion. You may be relying on the word of the perpetrators. What is written in this forum is not evidence of the crime. It's evidence of what they said about the crime.

Probably no evidence to support my theory also. But, I still believe it's much more likely that two pool players would make this move and dump their backers than the scenario of two pool players leaving 34k under the table while one goes to the bath room with no one watching for him.

If I'm Columbo, I keep asking liljon questions.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roach said:
Ok Ok I get the picture. Everyone loves Jam.

But, please, analyze this above statement.

"There is written record right from the horses mouth". As if that settles it. Come on folks. Both horses have interest in this matter. Do you really think their word should be taken for truth. Clearly at least one is lying. I say both. But wouldn't they say exactly what they said if they were in on it. Or something very similar.

Jam, there is no evidence to support your opinion. You may be relying on the word of the perpetrators. What is written in this forum is not evidence of the crime. It's evidence of what they said about the crime.

Probably no evidence to support mine theory also. But, I still believe it's much more likely that two pool players would make this move and dump their backers than the scenario of two pool players leaving 34k under the table while one goes to the bath room with no one watching for him.

If I'm Columbo, I keep asking liljon questions.

see, now how hard was it to present your opinion with some tact?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Regardless, it is still mysterious

I know it has been said before but who in their right mind would leave $34,000 under a pool table? As a room owner I have held stakes many times as has a lot of my customers as long as they were known. The last thing you do is leave it laying around, any stakes that are substantial to be posted goes behind the bar or with another person to hold, period.

The police weren't called. LOL is right Jeff. I would have locked the doors and not let anyone leave and had the cops there asap. A felony like that is serious business and you don't just walk away. And gambling has nothing to do with it. I have heard no explanation why they were not called.
The reason for it being under the table is lame. Too bad it didn't happen in my place, there would have been a video camera running the whole time.
Just my observations.