Filler withdrawn from Reyes cup


"no buds chill"
Silver Member
So the Matchroom groupies have no problem with the MR clowns officially trying to punish Filler. Hope he sues them.

I don't eat dogs and cats all the time, but when I do it's my neighbor's.
No, the people with scruples have no problem with people having to face consequences for their actions.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Reyes Cup is an event in Asia. He posted a statement saying he would stand in solidarity boycotting WPA events due to the unfair bans being done by the ACBS on Asian players. Then he went back on his boycott for multiple WPA events. Then he posted it wouldn’t matter because he’d play Hanoi Open and be banned anyway. Then he withdrew from Hanoi. His lack of solidarity with the Asian players, lack of integrity over his word, and lack of participation in the Hanoi Open was enough for Matchroom to say “This is an invitational event celebrating Asian pool and your actions besmirch that celebration therefore you’re uninvited.” (paraphrasing)
If you read his explanation why he played the WPA even, he blamed it on his wife's schedule.

If you wasn't the POS he is he'd have gone and watched her play like Fedor did.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many of the so-called "fans" are cyberbullying Joshua Filler. What I see happening is the tearing down of a young pro player on social media with vicious and cruel words. This is "cyberbullying." In fact, some of them seem to be having a good time while ripping Joshua Filler apart. Unlike other sports, pool is a small culture.

View attachment 782818
Filler will be just fine. He's got a lot going for him and he's not the weak minded type that's influenced by "cyberbullying." The only people that are bothered by it are those that have never actually dealt with real confrontation. Get punched in the face just one time in your life and it makes reading stuff from trolls a lot easier.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My thoughts what´s gonna happen in future:

I hope WPA cancel all banning stuff and players can play where they want. MR does not care IF they still have best players playing most of MR Majors. They need best players to get good product. If couple is missing it won´t matter but if camp divides then it is not ok.

I fear this going to divide 2 groups and players have to decide what camp they choose.
Predator/WPA or MR.

If MR can´t get product they want they just zip the tour and take losses and never come back. Probably takes 2-3 years to see where all this is going.

Matchroom is always been : "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" Invitationals like Masters, Mosconi etc..
So players who want to be part of them...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't think so. If Filler has withdrawn, the statement would have read "Filler has withdrawn" instead of "Filler has been withdrawn".
Like saying Filler has been fired from Reyes Cup instead of he has resigned

Actually, more like he is suspended/ disqualified. cos even though RC is an invitational event, actually only last 2 wildcard spots are invited. The first 3 spots are earned thru ranking points. Whoever earn one of the 3 spots automatically get a bonus i.e. play in RC and guaranteed minimum prizemoney (not sure how much it is in RC, in MC is $20K , RC should be less than MC)

Initial press release said "team integrity". That does not necessarily mean it is decision of players.
Highly unlikely the players didn't want him there.
If Team Europe players replace Filler with weaker player they will reduce their chances of winning Reyes Cup and their winnings $$ and why would they do that? Team Asia players also unlikely to want him out as it will not be good perception for them to play a weaker Europe team :ROFLMAO:

When we talk “bans” we are usually referring to things like the ACBS suspending all Vietnamese players from July 2024 to Jan 2025 with a $5k fine to be reinstated just because they were born in that country and the city of Hanoi hosted the 2023 Hanoi Open even though those players didn’t participate in it.

This is Matchroom saying to Filler you’re no longer invited to play in our special 10-man exhibition in Asia after making an utterly cringeworthy PR spectacle of yourself but you’re free to join all our open events.

It’s just worth noting there’s a massive scale difference between the two.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If Filler didn't want to follow through with a boycott, then he shouldn't have signed up for a boycott. It's that simple.

Reap what you sow.

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The bottom line here is that Matchroom and WPA are now both taking actions that threaten to compromise the quality of the professional pool product. I'm used to this from WPA, but not from Matchroom, and this seems a sad day for pro pool. If this proves an isolated case of Matchroom disqualifying an elite player from a major event, it won't be too terrible, but if this is a harbinger of things to come, heaven help us all.

No, the Reyes Cup is not a celebration of Asian pool any more than the Mosconi Cup, conceived months after Willie Mosconi's death, is a celebration of American pool. It is a made-for-TV exhibition intended to bring the best players from each of two continents together. Sadly, this will not happen in the upcoming Reyes Cup, as Europe's best player has been disqualified from participation, and the fans are the losers. As Spartan has noted, I'd doubt any Filipino fans know of or care about the Filler/WNT/Matchroom/Predator tensions, and this is not a WPA/ACBS event anyway.

We have all grimaced as the organizing bodies, event producers and sponsors have conspired to make it impossible for pro players to maximize their incomes from the sport to which they have dedicated their lives. Now, sadly, the needs of pool fans, who want to see the best possible fields in pool's premier events, are being similarly compromised.

Speaking as a fan, I am suddenly far less interested in the Reyes Cup than before, as it can no longer be viewed as a referendum on whether Europe's best can beat Asia's best.

Nonetheless, the Hanoi Open should be a fine event, and I'm looking forward to it.

I may watch it. But if I'm playing myself or working, then so be it. No need to press the record button for me...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

No, the Reyes Cup is not a celebration of Asian pool any more than the Mosconi Cup, conceived months after Willie Mosconi's death, is a celebration of American pool. It is a made-for-TV exhibition intended to bring the best players from each of two continents together. Sadly, this will not happen in the upcoming Reyes Cup, as Europe's best player has been disqualified from participation, and the fans are the losers. As Spartan has noted, I'd doubt any Filipino fans know of or care about the Filler/WNT/Matchroom/Predator tensions, and this is not a WPA/ACBS event anyway.

I think the Hanoi Open and the Reyes Cup represent Matchroom’s efforts to establish a presence in an Asian market knowing that the potential audience in countries like Vietnam, Philippines, and Chinese Taipei could really help them grow the product they’re marketing to the benefit of themselves and the players. These are early days for those events. Not as early as what things looked like during the inaugural Mosconi Cup. But certainly early compared to what they’ll become. So you’re not going to get “merit-based” Matchroom out the gate. You’re getting “promoter” Matchroom. We already don’t have the five best Asians. Hoang Quoc Doang was obviously selected because Matchroom wanted a Vietnamese player given how gargantuan that fan base is. And that doesn’t get tapped into in a vacuum. I assume the Vietnamese fans are well in tune with the ACBS bans on players from their country. #WeStandTogether likely meant something to that market.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I doubt WPA or WNT will change their vision, as long as they have a stable of good players. WNT will make celebrities out of their stable. WPA will make the same players they have made for the last 40 years.

NBA, MLB, NFL, PGA, WTA, WWE, or any other promotion, doesn’t need all of the best, as long as they have an elite group. WNT will make American pool grow. They already have. They are Matchroom Multisport. This isn’t entirely new ground for them.

At the end of the Aranas vs SVB race, the fans nearly over ran DD and SVB, for pics and autographs. It was an impressive sight. Also want to add, after Chua’s recent social media posts, do people really believe the Asian contingent aren’t aware of the WPA/WNT battle? I believe they are fully aware and quite angry about it.

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Well-known member
I doubt WPA or WNT will change their vision, as long as they have a stable of good players. WNT will make celebrities out of their stable. WPA will make the same players they have made for the last 40 years.

NBA, MLB, NFL, PGA, WTA, WWE, or any other promotion, doesn’t need all of the best, as long as they have an elite group. WNT will make American pool grow. They already have. They are Matchroom Multisport. This isn’t entirely new ground for them.

At the end of the Aranas vs SVB race, the fans nearly over ran DD and SVB, for pics and autographs. It was an impressive sight. Also want to add, after Chua’s recent social media posts, do people really believe the Asian contingent aren’t aware of the WPA/WNT battle? I believe they are fully aware and quite angry about it.
Asia is fully aware. Having spoken to friends in China, Vietnam and Thailand (while in those countries for travel or work). Also Korean and Japanese friends who live here in China. Most friends interested in pool I would agree are angry about it.

WNT needs the market/audience to agree with it, and that is what it does well as a production company. Panders to the largest market, and aims to get the numbers on its side. WPA cannot compete on the same scale.

Both sides seem like exclusive clubs at this point, neither seem to be the inclusive entity needed to grow sport for actual sport's sake/sporting prowess. But WNT/MR have the capacity to grow the sport in the way they deem fit through pure capital.


It comes downs to the fact that Joshua Filler effectively hoodwinked his peers and picked up a $75,000 prize by winning the World Eight Ball Championship, when most of the other players stuck by their word and sat out. That probably leaves a bad taste in their mouth even if they are friends with Filler.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Also MR was kinda forced to take actions.
Make example.
Can he really shit on our plate and just get away?
If we let him do it we face same shit again..
Make an example? Is that why Matchroom edited their original statement to remove "team integrity"? :oops:

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It comes downs to the fact that Joshua Filler effectively hoodwinked his peers and picked up a $75,000 prize by winning the World Eight Ball Championship, when most of the other players stuck by their word and sat out. That probably leaves a bad taste in their mouth even if they are friends with Filler.
Indeed. He made his choice and now he’s facing the consequences.


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
The bottom line here is that Matchroom and WPA are now both taking actions that threaten to compromise the quality of the professional pool product. I'm used to this from WPA, but not from Matchroom, and this seems a sad day for pro pool. If this proves an isolated case of Matchroom disqualifying an elite player from a major event, it won't be too terrible, but if this is a harbinger of things to come, heaven help us all.

No, the Reyes Cup is not a celebration of Asian pool any more than the Mosconi Cup, conceived months after Willie Mosconi's death, is a celebration of American pool. It is a made-for-TV exhibition intended to bring the best players from each of two continents together. Sadly, this will not happen in the upcoming Reyes Cup, as Europe's best player has been disqualified from participation, and the fans are the losers. As Spartan has noted, I'd doubt any Filipino fans know of or care about the Filler/WNT/Matchroom/Predator tensions, and this is not a WPA/ACBS event anyway.

We have all grimaced as the organizing bodies, event producers and sponsors have conspired to make it impossible for pro players to maximize their incomes from the sport to which they have dedicated their lives. Now, sadly, the needs of pool fans, who want to see the best possible fields in pool's premier events, are being similarly compromised.

Speaking as a fan, I am suddenly far less interested in the Reyes Cup than before, as it can no longer be viewed as a referendum on whether Europe's best can beat Asia's best.

Nonetheless, the Hanoi Open should be a fine event, and I'm looking forward to it.
They actually lost their best 2 players, let's not forget what happened to Fedor.


Active member
My thoughts what´s gonna happen in future:

I hope WPA cancel all banning stuff and players can play where they want. MR does not care IF they still have best players playing most of MR Majors. They need best players to get good product. If couple is missing it won´t matter but if camp divides then it is not ok.

I fear this going to divide 2 groups and players have to decide what camp they choose.
Predator/WPA or MR.

If MR can´t get product they want they just zip the tour and take losses and never come back. Probably takes 2-3 years to see where all this is going.

Matchroom is always been : "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" Invitationals like Masters, Mosconi etc..
So players who want to be part of them...

Yeah this is the thing, I don't really have a problem with matchroom removing him from a invitational exhibition free pay day thing, which they specifically made really only available to WNT players.
If he's not going to be full WNT I do not see why he should expect to get the free pay days


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Yeah this is the thing, I don't really have a problem with matchroom removing him from a invitational exhibition free pay day thing, which they specifically made really only available to WNT players.
If he's not going to be full WNT I do not see why he should expect to get the free pay days
It's not an invitational. This is an event for which the automatic qualification requirements were established by Matchroom. Filler, on merit, met those qualifications.

Unless they have determined that he is in violation of his WNT contract (something they would have likely announced if it were the case), they had no grounds for disqualifying him.

By the way, who is full WNT? Not Shane, not Skyler, not Kaci, not FSR, for all of them played in the World 10-ball, a WPA event.

banged up

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not an invitational. This is an event for which the automatic qualification requirements were established by Matchroom. Filler, on merit, met those qualifications.

Unless they have determined that he is in violation of his WNT contract (something they would have likely announced if it were the case), they had no grounds for disqualifying him.

By the way, who is full WNT? Not Shane, not Skyler, not Kaci, not FSR, for all of them played in the World 10-ball, a WPA event.
If it isn't an invitational, then he wasn't uninvited. problem solved.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not an invitational. This is an event for which the automatic qualification requirements were established by Matchroom. Filler, on merit, met those qualifications.

Unless they have determined that he is in violation of his WNT contract (something they would have likely announced if it were the case), they had no grounds for disqualifying him.

By the way, who is full WNT? Not Shane, not Skyler, not Kaci, not FSR, for all of them played in the World 10-ball, a WPA event.
It was played before they announced to boycott WPA tourneys to push WPA cancel banning threats..