FREE CUE to someone deserving.. paying it forward


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like Chris's suggestion -- give it to a deserving local kid.

Here's the rationale:

1. Spend some time at a local pool hall, over a period of, oh, say, a couple weeks. See if you can find a kid that always seems to show up, and spends time at the table practicing. Determine his/her dedication.

2. If you're satisfied that you've got a "catch" (i.e. someone that is really starting to latch onto the sport), present the cue to him/her, and explain why.

3. You've just set the hook -- for life. Everytime this kid picks up that cue, he/she will think of you, and how you inspired him/her. Everytime that kid sees you in the local pool hall, he/she will revere you.

4. The day you pass on, that kid will remember you -- long afterwards. He/she will tell the story to anyone who will listen, of how a perfect stranger, who noticed the young whipper-snapper really giving the sport his/her all, came up and showed perfect generosity to foster his/her interest. And isn't that what we're all on this planet for -- to do our part, to do good things, and be remembered for it?

-Sean <-- Exhibit A of that kid

P.S.: I agree that Robley would be another great candidate as well!

i agree with this but i would say robley 1st

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Pretty much what I posted Power.
I don't know exactly what type of disability he has and don't want to speculate. I do know that at one time, Robley did mention it but I can't remember. When talking to him, he kind of down plays it a bit and doesn't dwell on it. If I had to recall, I would say back and has problems walking and standing at the table for long periods. That doesn't stop him tho.

I do know that what little money he does receive due to that, he looks after his Mom and he does give his friends money. So for that I can say that although he may not have much, he is very giving and asks nothing in return.

Robley's first tourney was in NO. Ray, (Big Truck) drove over from Texas and got him to NO. Many AZers donated money for his expenses. I was a little short at the time so I sent him a new case and break cue. Someone sent him a used playing cue. I think it may have been Norwood but not sure.

As evidenced by his last showing, you can see that he is determined to live his dream.

I know from speaking to him and also his posts on AZ, that he very thankful for all that help and for his opportunities for lessons and opportunities to play in tournaments.

He is just a very nice young adult all the way around. I know that once again, if we can come thru for him, that he won't lets us down.

Ray once told me that thru the kind gestures of fellow AZers during the first tournament experience, that Robley has matured and it has helped immensely to overcome his disabilty, mentally because of this.

I was so happy when Ray told me this. He said it made a world of difference in Robley's attitude and outlook on life.

Thats why I am seriously hoping for the best for Robley. If things were different, I would be proud to call him my son.
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Mini cues
Silver Member
Yes Robley would get my vote also! He is an active contributer on this board and he never brings any BS. He is respectful to others and takes care of his family. He has gotten some help along the way and always gives back to the forum and the sport.

I have followed him in the tournies and with a few PM'S and the Kid is the real deal. :cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lots of good ideas

i already do things locally ...

I someones doesent want to post their issues they can pm me ..

Will have candidate choosen by saturday


I'll try and leave this short because I feel like the explanation is simple.
I have a friend who's been passionate about pool since before I met him when I first started college and he's never been an "equipment guy" but is perfectly content playing on any table with any cue given to him with any set of balls. In fact the most I've ever seen him excited or happy was when he finally got the chance to play new people during last year's regional ACUI tournament. He just qualified to participate in this year's ACUI tournament and I'd love to see our team go to nationals. He's a a typical filipino player with a pronounced piston stroke with typical filipino pro idols but hes capable of doing great things and I'd love to see him blessed with a cue he'd be proud to call his own and see what he'd be capable of doing with something other than crooked cues abused by college ball bangers.

You're doing a great thing btw, and I hope only the best for you. Early congratulations to the lucky person getting a (surely) beautiful cue! :thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
pay it forward

i would love to have a new cue i love this game i play all the time some say im good i just love the game ive won a lot of local tourneys in my home town oy easley south carolina but i cant afford a good cue neither can my parents due to health reasons but if i dont get it thank u for what u are doing .started playing at thirteen and im seventeen now and i will be something to deal with in the coming years thank u sir and have a great day god bless tyler mayfield


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like the Vet suggestion and I like the Kid Suggestion.

Why not a Vets Kid?


i would love to have a new cue i love this game i play all the time some say im good i just love the game ive won a lot of local tourneys in my home town oy easley south carolina but i cant afford a good cue neither can my parents due to health reasons but if i dont get it thank u for what u are doing .started playing at thirteen and im seventeen now and i will be something to deal with in the coming years thank u sir and have a great day god bless tyler mayfield

lets see a xideo of you hittin some balls.

OP great offering:thumbup:

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Yes, thanks for the gesture MoJoe.

Things like this will never be forgotten, no matter who wins the cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

only videos i know of are on shanno daultons pool tour they dont call me baby cannon for nothing lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lopez family

Tommy Lopez was a young Juniors player in my wife's program for VNEA and a kind AZer donated a Joss cue for him with the help of 12squared. This was about 3 years ago. His goal was to save up and buy a Schon cue and redonate the Joss to another younger player. Tommy went to college after high school but due to his dad's heart attack awhile back, he quit school and is working to help with the bills. Dad is better now, I did see Tommy at his dad's league on crutches and his dad, Ray(wife is Gina) was playing with the Joss. They are a very positive and wonderful family, well liked in the league system and very giving in helping others in our area.

Great opportunity for whoever recieves your gift, thanks for doing this. Bill


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
My pick would be our AZ buddy, Robley.
He has a dream of going Pro and his showing at last weeks tourney proves the kind of drive and determination that he has.

Robley has a bit of a disability and the money he gets, he shares with his Mom and even friends he feels that are in need more than him.

When he did his first tourney, he didn't have much in the way of playing equipment. Ray picked him up and got him there, many other AZers donated
money to help him with the travel expenses. I sent him a case and break cue. He is very humble and thankful for everything that he recieves and for his opportunities. I have no idea what kind of cue he is using at the moment, but I can think of no other person on this board that is more deserving of a new cue than
our best buddy, Robley.

Robley is a deserved individual for sure. His dedication the the game is impressive to say the least.

I'm not sure if Robley is looking for another cue. If he is looking for a cue, he is most deserved indeed.

If Mojocues is looking for an individual who needs a cue, he may want to ask the prospect if he actually needs a cue. Some players will want the cue just so they can sell it to the highest bidder. Not saying that's Robley's style at all, just sayin it is some player's style.

Robley can play exceptionally well, I just don't know if he needs or wants another cue.

An AZB horse is always a good horse, even if he only likes running against Silver horses. :D

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
With all due respect Joey and I do know what you are saying, but, if Robley were to receive the cue, there is no way he would sell it. I can pretty much guarantee you that one.


Robin Dodson
Silver Member
I love the idea of someone on az getting the cue...I think the whole board would enjoy it, its like paying it forward to everyone here. I met Robley in Vegas a few times...first on streams...very polite and I think just this thread alone is going to bring a smile to his face.
Robley...when you read this sure feels good having fans and friends...but when they're as nice as you are, its very cool!
I hope your the one Mr Robley ;)


AZB Horse 2016
Silver Member
well i dident know anything about this thread i got a pm from a good friend i wish everyone good luck wish them the best thanks too my AZBilliards friends for voting for me

too answer a few question i have a cue my friend loaned me i do not own my own cue i have a barrowed cue not my own an i will not sell this cue for anything in the world

btw thanks mojocues for doing this is a great thing you are doing for this Deserving person i wish everyone the best of luck i am sure geting this cue willl make them smile an very happy