Got stiffed by TX's top OB Tour woman.


Tellin' it like it is...
Silver Member
akaTrigger said:
BTW, Kevin, for the record, it wasn't me. I am ranked 5th but it wasn't me!

(is that starting to narrow it down?!) :eek: :eek:
There was never a doubt in my mind that it was not you. You ARE definitely one of the top players on the OB Tour, but I know you well enough that it never even crossed my mind that there was any possibility that it was you. ;-)

I am pretty sure I know who it is, but that is the problem, I'm only pretty sure and not 100% positive. With human nature as it is you can't help but speculate, but at the same time that sure isn't fair to any of the other ladies that might be looked on with suspicion when they are in fact innocent. Several upstanding and top players on the tour that are aware of this thread have even felt the need to come into this thread with an "it wasn't me" post (I don't blame them) and it's not right that they were forced into that position.

The reference to it being a top player on the OB Tour should never have been made to begin with (I am positive that it was an unintentional and innocent mistake), but now that it has been made it is time to straighten it out as best as possible to protect the reputation of the upstanding ladies such as yourself that make up almost the entire membership of the tour. That means naming the offender at this point.

Papa Red

Love it or Leave
Silver Member
Let's put yourself in the innocent ladies position, thinking to themselves "O GOD I HOPE NO ONE THINKS IT WAS ME". Two of the women have had to post here to clear their reputation, and I think this has went too far. They should not be put into this situation.

Big C

Deep in the heart of TX.
Silver Member
akaTrigger said:
What I want to know is....

if this was man who stiffed someone $40 would we hear about it in a thread?

if this was a man of a top men's tour would we hear about it in a thread?
You disappoint me. :shakehead:

Big C

Deep in the heart of TX.
Silver Member
akaTrigger said:
I disappointed you? lol. Well, now we are even.

And I doubt I was the only one that thought this.
:confused: Please explain, if you can muster a rational thought for a minute.


Silver Member
Big C said:
:confused: Please explain, if you can muster a rational thought for a minute.

Nice jab! Too bad I wont fall for it. :)

We don't have to derail this thread. We can talk in person some day when we are at the same tournament. Fair?


Silver Member
Smorgass Bored said:
I ain'ta skeered to post her name.
It's Ms. Action Houndress

(VIOLA ! case closed) :)
Stand by Smorg, we may be needing the red rep squardron called out soon.:eek: :smile:


/* Insert skill here */
Silver Member
Dragon Cue said:
The first time I beat her out of $10 & the second time she beat me also $10. No problem there. After that I told her I don't want to gamble with women. Then she started saying a whole bunch of other nonsense.

I don't understand this part - Why gamble with her, then tell her you don't gamble with women? At that point she has a right to be upset at your inconsistency if nothing else.

And why don't you like to gamble with women? Because you feel bad taking their money if you win (All air-barrels aside), or because you feel worse giving them your money if you lose?

Oh, and don't play sets without posting, yadda yadda yadda.

Big C

Deep in the heart of TX.
Silver Member
akaTrigger said:
Nice jab! Too bad I wont fall for it. :)

We don't have to derail this thread. We can talk in person some day when we are at the same tournament. Fair?
No jab's from me. You were so quick to tell Dragon Cue that it was wrong of him to bring the OB tour into this. Then you go off and make that sexist remark. Your friends here all speak so fondly of you. And from your posts that I have enjoyed reading, I just didn't expect that from you. To me, that was just a cheap jab and you disrespected us all.


Da pool gods are laughin'
Silver Member
I don't think she intended it to be a sexist remark, just the other side of the coin. I have the upmost respect for Melinda and know she wouldn't stoop to that kind of behavior.

Just sayin'


Big C

Deep in the heart of TX.
Silver Member
BigDogatLarge said:
I don't think she intended it to be a sexist remark, just the other side of the coin. I have the upmost respect for Melinda and know she wouldn't stoop to that kind of behavior.

Just sayin'

You could be right, but she didn't explain it away like that once I confronted her about it. I have the utmost respect for women in general. But when someone makes a comment like that, I gotta speak up. That goes for the men as well. I guess you could say that I'm an equal opportunity confronter.


Silver Member
Big C said:
You could be right, but she didn't explain it away like that once I confronted her about it. I have the utmost respect for women in general. But when someone makes a comment like that, I gotta speak up. That goes for the men as well. I guess you could say that I'm an equal opportunity confronter.

I just want to say thanks. :)

I honestly may never know why my post upset you and made you want to "confront" me about it. I think I asked valid questions... I was sincerely asking them because I was wondering. I didn't intend to make "sexist" remarks, I was just asking questions. If they came across that way and offended some people, I am sorry. But seriously, this is minor in the grand scheme of life!!
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