Got stiffed by TX's top OB Tour woman.


Ima Gangsta Bunny!
Silver Member
easy-e said:
Red rep coming your way IF you don't post her name by tonight. You are hurting other people's rep by not naming her.

See? no wonder I thought you were a "Thug" before meeting you in person :p



Known Sinner
Silver Member
Telling your story without identifying the bum is like playing a game and getting air barreled. I'm with Easy-e.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
times have changed........

Johnnyt said:
I agree with all you said Tokyo-Dave. When I hit the guy over the head with a bar cue for ten bucks it was in the late 1950's, and it wasn't the $10, it was him trying to bully me into not saying or doing anything. The princible of the whole thing. Everybobody was affraid of "Crazy Charlie". Guess what, I was "Crazy Johnny" back then.

If it happened today, would I do the same for $10? Most likely not. There are just too many lawyers now and everybody has one on speed-dial. But if everyone would have handled the situation as I did years ago, you wouldn't have this kind of problem today. Johnnyt
This just shows how our times have changed how things are handled. When I was growing up, just west o Detroit, 2 kids could fight after school and maybe get black eye or bloody noses. Afterwards, it might be talked about for a few days but it was over. Nowadays, the kid that lost, well, his parents would be calling a lawyer to sue the other parents for not raising their child the right way. They may even have to send him for anger management counseling.
Or, another scenario might end up with the losing kid bringing a gun to school to get even. Fights used to be settled with a quick brawl, now violence tends to get out of hand. You really have to be careful who ya mess with today.
Back to topic: I would mention her name, otherwise we are looking at the top 5 players as possible nits. So, to keep their names clear I would throw the guilty one to the wolves. Just my .02 worth.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
easy-e said:
Red rep coming your way IF you don't post her name by tonight. You are hurting other people's rep by not naming her.

hangemhigh said:
Telling your story without identifying the bum is like playing a game and getting air barreled. I'm with Easy-e.

Dragoncue, if you had told your story and left out the "Tx's top OB Tour woman", you could've gotten away with never naming her. It could've been a "what would you do" type of thread or simply a rant about not liking to gamble against women & here's why. But you didn't do that...

You narrowed the possibilities down to approximately 3 women. The 2 innocent women are now having their name & their character called into question and that is wrong on many different levels.

You forced your own hand in this matter by how you chose to word your title and post. You have two wrongs you have to right. The wrong of the person that didn't pay and your own wrong by allowing others to think this of innocent women.

Say the name of the person you're talking about and you'll right two wrongs. Keep quiet and you'll lose friendships & credibility with the innocent victims, their friends, and this forum. I can see a red rep bomb in the making on this one.

I agree with easy e. Name the person & stop allowing innocent people to be accused of this or you'll get red repped and will never garner anything but negative attention from the members of this forum and local people in your pool hall.

Now it's your character on the line vs. the person you started this thread about. Someone is going to lose because of $40. It's up to you if you're going to ruin your reputation over $40 or let the person that apparently doesn't care lose their reputation. What's it going to be Dragoncue?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Johnnyt said:
I agree with all you said Tokyo-Dave. When I hit the guy over the head with a bar cue for ten bucks it was in the late 1950's, and it wasn't the $10, it was him trying to bully me into not saying or doing anything. The princible of the whole thing. Everybobody was affraid of "Crazy Charlie". Guess what, I was "Crazy Johnny" back then.

If it happened today, would I do the same for $10? Most likely not. There are just too many lawyers now and everybody has one on speed-dial. But if everyone would have handled the situation as I did years ago, you wouldn't have this kind of problem today. Johnnyt

I hope you didn't think that my opinion in any way condemmed what you did, because that wasn't my intentions. I've done similar things in similar situations myself. And the one thing that always happened when things went that way, was that in the end, I still didn't get my money. And, especially if a guy was mouthing off or bragging about having weasled out of paying a guy, then he deserved every bit of a house cue whooping. It just makes me so mad when I hear of people taking advantage of the system. By that I mean people pay rent, car payments ect because it's a contract with legal backing. Gambling isn't, so when somebody decides to run out, there really isn't much that can be done. And women with a nice ass, or for some other reasons that keep them in the favor of the staff and regulars, or big tough guys take advantage of the system, it just simply sucks!
Putting the word out on these types doesn't make you a nit. It's the only recourse you can take.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Where Have You Been ?

tucson9ball said:
This just shows how our times have changed how things are handled. When I was growing up, just west o Detroit, 2 kids could fight after school and maybe get black eye or bloody noses. Afterwards, it might be talked about for a few days but it was over. Nowadays, the kid that lost, well, his parents would be calling a lawyer to sue the other parents for not raising their child the right way. They may even have to send him for anger management counseling.
Or, another scenario might end up with the losing kid bringing a gun to school to get even. Fights used to be settled with a quick brawl, now violence tends to get out of hand. You really have to be careful who ya mess with today.
Back to topic: I would mention her name, otherwise we are looking at the top 5 players as possible nits. So, to keep their names clear I would throw the guilty one to the wolves. Just my .02 worth.

Lawyers, therapy??? The kid that got beatup will bring in a gatt and scatter caps across the sandbox.

PS....I must watch too many movies. I don't even know real people that use those words :thumbup:


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Tokyo-dave said:
I hope you didn't think that my opinion in any way condemmed what you did, because that wasn't my intentions. I've done similar things in similar situations myself. And the one thing that always happened when things went that way, was that in the end, I still didn't get my money. And, especially if a guy was mouthing off or bragging about having weasled out of paying a guy, then he deserved every bit of a house cue whooping. It just makes me so mad when I hear of people taking advantage of the system. By that I mean people pay rent, car payments ect because it's a contract with legal backing. Gambling isn't, so when somebody decides to run out, there really isn't much that can be done. And women with a nice ass, or for some other reasons that keep them in the favor of the staff and regulars, or big tough guys take advantage of the system, it just simply sucks!
Putting the word out on these types doesn't make you a nit. It's the only recourse you can take.

No I didn't take it that way. We're cool. Johnnyt


Linda Carter - The QUEEN!
Silver Member
Tokyo-dave said:
The problem with playing for money in pool, is that because it considered an illegal practice in the first place, when/if you get stiffed, there's not much you can do about getting your money.

I'm not sure if it is just in WA state, but Harry Platis went to court to prove that pool is a game of skill and that you can influence the outcome of a game, so that gambling between yourself and another player IS legal, while side betting is not.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I have to agree with others

I don't really care who the woman is, I'm not going to play her anyway. Unfortunately the wording of your post calls the reputation of multiple women into question as one of several could be the one you consider the top woman. It is even possible that you exaggerated a bit and the woman isn't any of the people being considered as possibilities.

It was a mistake to start the thread with the post written the way it was. You are now forced to either name the person, besmirch the names of multiple ladies that don't deserve it since people always make assumptions, or you have to retract your statement that it was one of the top ladies.

Threads started to give people a strong hint who something is about without naming them always cause problems. Better to name them or post a correction now if she isn't a top player in the actual standings.


Damn that was weird!
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Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Post Up

Her style, or lack of, is common in allot of bar situations, people that go about their business in this manner quickly shut up when you say POST UP, you've then not wasted your time and quarters. If the money's not on the light, what do you expect from a person with this type of character.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's What Happens

Dragon Cue said:
This is what happened last night. I don't like to gamble with women. Doesn't matter what happens, win or lose, I feel bad either way.

I've twice played this top OB Tour woman some cheap games, $5/game. The first time I beat her out of $10 & the second time she beat me also $10. No problem there. After that I told her I don't want to gamble with women. Then she started saying a whole bunch of other nonsense. I am assuming that she thinks that I am scared of her.

So tonight she saw me at a local pool hall & again wanted to play me some. I said "let's play $2/game" She laughed & refused to play. Then I said "OK let's play a race to 5 for $20 & I only have time to play for two sets. And I beat her both sets. I waited a little & see if she was going to pay me. I looked around & didn't see the money anywhere. I told her "you owe me $40". She said "yeah". That was it. Then I told "you're not going to pay me?" She again said "yeah". But still no money. So I got the hint that she was not going to pay. I just walked out.

Man, if she was a guy, something bad could have happened. But she was girl. What am I supposed to do? I think I made the right decision by just walking out. Now I have one less person to bug me.

Now of course this is only my side of the story, but this is exactly what happened last night. Some of you regular AZers were there, but did not see what's happened. I am sure you know who I am talking about. She may be funny, but not as sweet as she appears. She fooled me also.

Sorry about the rant, but I just have to let it out.

You will never find me asking anyone to play for money. I will oblige if I am asked and the game is right, but that's it.

If I do gamble, I say how many games or sets I'll play and it's a pay after every game/set is concluded. Far too many times have I been a party in or seen the old "Let's double it up", "Let me get a chance to get my money back". One time I had a guy tell me you're not leaving until I get my money back. I told him the only way you're going to get your money back is if you pick my pockets after I have a stroke and die. We're done here.

I just don't need that adventure anymore.

Damn Sang, you barely survived the asassination (SP?) attempt by the Matador, now you get stiffed by a woman....what's next? :grin:
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My tush hog
Silver Member
ribdoner said:
:canoodle: If a "she" stiffed me i'd try to reciprocate

lol good one. but be careful what you say though we dont know who she is yet.
You might have to retract that statement after you find out shes a "swamp donkey" as someone in another thread so eloquently put it.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You need to post who it is just to clear the air of those top OB ladies that are honest and respectable... and happen to post here, too..


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
Posting the name....

1pRoscoe said:
You need to post who it is just to clear the air of those top OB ladies that are honest and respectable... and happen to post here, too..

Ross and All my lady buddies on the OB Cues Tour.

Sang has confided to me who it was. If he does not post the name by tomorrow, I will.

I don't know if she posts here or not, but it's always good to hear both sides. ;) IMO



Silver Member
Papa Red said:
By posting this the way you have is bring negativity to all the ladies and the sponsor of the tour. You should have left OB completely out of your post.

1pRoscoe said:
You need to post who it is just to clear the air of those top OB ladies that are honest and respectable... and happen to post here, too..

Sang, I agree with the two posters above and others on this thread. Why bring the Tour name into this? Why let it linger on and keep others thinking it could be someone else.... this tarnishes the tour, the sponsor, and the other top ladies.

I agree you should have been paid and that's unfortunate, but I think the story could have been told in a different way and your point would have still been made.

You are my friend and I know you were only telling your side of the story.

OB Cues Ladies Tour
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Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
TXsouthpaw said:
a "swamp donkey" .

LOL, this one is new to me, I gotta whip this one out sometime soon, it brings da funnae :D

OP, post the name.....we aren't high school girls trying to guess the name of the football player you slept with last night. Based on you dodging the question, if we were, I would pick the entire offensive line.

Sweet Marissa
Dragon: Male or female... make them post! Btw, name her or she'll keep doing it to other people. I also agree with others that it tarnishes the reputation and integrity of the other ladies on the tour.

PoolBum: Should have paid just your time and told them to collect from her when she comes back. It was the pool room's fault for just taking her word and not waiting for you to confirm.

Them being female is no excuse. If women want to play and gamble with men, they need to pay up if they lose.
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Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Big Perm said:
we aren't high school girls trying to guess the name of the football player you slept with last night.

That's so funny.

Thanks for the chuckle
