I've met most of my former girlfriends through playing pool. One particular memory stands out. I went on vacation to Daytona Beach for one week with two guys I used to shoot APA doubles with and one of their wives and there just so happened to be a bar with two 8' tables directly across the street from our hotel. While we weren't relaxing on the beach, we were getting drunk in the bar. While one of the guys and I were playing pool the first night, a pretty but slightly thick Brazilian girl (I am not lying!) and another guy walked in and our group started talking to them. Before you know it the girl was flirting with me and we all decided to go bar hopping that night. The girl ended up ignoring her guy friend, who happened to be her ex-boyfriend who she followed to Daytona Beach, and spending more time with me. He left town that night and her and I spent the weekend together having a blast. It was too bad she couldn't stay the whole week I was there. :wink: