Is Schmidt's and charlie 626 Legit

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am not dumb as a rock.
Remind you of your kindred, no?, orang.
You know, if you and the alter ego spent half the time shooting you do creating nonsense might have a shot at Shaw or Schmidt spotting you 100 balls.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I heard' as much as 50% of the twitter accounts - may be fake accounts, after dealing with some of the fake news facebook cowards here on az - I believe that statistic. Their m.o. being to reaffirm woke media/cancel culture lie's - then laugh or poke fun at those who seek truth, very sad to invest and try to prop up the recent media lie's being fed to public about 14.1.
I agree, I have never used Facebook ever, don’t read Twitter or any other “social” media, this is the only place I’m at online and I do know some people here personally or know of them and do choose to believe them. I keep my posts truthful and don’t hide my real name.

The media is propaganda. I read a article about myself once on yahoo finance about selling Michael Jackson a house in Las Vegas the article went into great detail about the deal, price, terms, his intended use of the property. Talked about my personal details.

I never met Michael Jackson and never discussed selling that property with him or any of his representatives. Ever. It was complete fiction.

That wasn’t the only time I read fiction about my business dealings online that were completely false. And in the grand scheme of things I’m not a big deal like warren buffet, not even close. If they are gonna make up stuff about me. What else is propaganda? Everything online… time the wall st journal did a story on me that was accurate. Once.

So I ignore social media.

Another thing is trying to change someone’s mind online is impossible. It’s a waste of time. So I never try and change anyones mind. I have better things to do

Take care, hope all is well with you.

Eric Petersen

Palmetto cue

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yer missing a cue or maybe it's a clue. the 626 has not been confirmed - nor will it ever be. Eye think u meant u heard from yer facebook frenz there was a new record to share or promote. I am sure ur news machine has many good frenz eh?
Thanks for your comments. Have a nice day sir.


Professional Banger
Silver Member
I love how my last post has had no replies to how things should be measured and accounted for in this whole high debate
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Changing my post within the quotes is your way of "confirming suspicion"? You're a special kind of stupid aren't you...
Did he? Too funny.

It his idiot ass that raises hell about what others do, yet does the exact thing too.

Another example in this thread was him claiming Schmidt's legal first name being NOT John was evidence of fraud...yet xdannyx's real first name isn't Daniel or any variant of it either!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Vindictive, hell?
Since you've chosen to denigrate me at every turn, I chose to even the score a little, but not here.
Your name is written on the walls of most public toilets up and down the east coastline.
So, you carry on!
It figures you'd be spending time in most of the public restrooms.

Get the monkey pox vax. You give indicate you are in the at-risk demographic.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
Waiting for a reply from the dead, I suspect.

There seems to be an over abundance of nut cleaners and bottom feeders lurking around here.
Sounds like y’all enjoy strolling through the whale poop that sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
Took the bait like a guppy


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yall enjoy strolling through the whale poop that sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
Yes, we have enjoyed walking all over you.

You just figured that out?

Please, continue?

Dunno about the rest, but I'd like to see you enter a couple more sympathetic usernames into this thread.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What’s the record for talking about a record that maybe a record or was a record.
Another 200 pages FTW!
We are going for it but we can't do it alone.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don’t give one damn about what the rest, or you in specificity, want.
Argue amongst yourselves. Lap it up, lap dogs.
You are valuable!

Dan Harriman

One of the best in 14.1
Silver Member
Of course I WANT to like you..

Your the most entertaining psycho in a long time... Still love you bro!

I am already well, yer wrong to call me a psycho, and yer a poor sport for the game I love. Keep feeding this forum full of yer propaganda - they will eventually bar people like u from az - truly worthless existance sum of u out there. u call me a psycho and then tell me u love me - I feel bad for robots like u. Remember folks - this poster is 'claiming' I am sick - just cause I choose to see evidence before accepting charlie williams and adopted schmidt phony 626 promotions. as fer cuesport international - the sentiment is not the same from me - as with euw.
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