Jayson Shaw in the Hunt for Another 14.1 Record


New member
Is Shaw’s current record 714 or is it the lower number of 680 (or whatever the number was that the BCA adjusted it to following a review of the video???)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I believe the “BCA adjusted figure” was 669 but never heard anything more about it. Anyone have more info?
Jayson owns two world records: one is for cue ball only fouls, the lower number is for all ball fouls.

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Four Points/Steel Joints
Silver Member
I'm pretty sure Jayson never attained the #1 ranking. Do you really think there was ever a time when he was considered a stronger player than Shane? When Jayson won the 2017 US Open 9-ball, Shane had won three of the last four (2013, 2014, and 2016) at that event. In both 2015 and 2016, Shane won a silver medal at the World 9-ball Championships.

Jayson had his best run in the 2015-17 period you mention, but even in that stretch, he wasn't the best player. Did he dominate? Surely you jest. I'll add that in that period, Dennis Orcullo was easily Jayson's equal, and perhaps Darren Appleton, too. Jayson has been a superstar in pool for a long time and I'm a big fan of his, but he was never the best and any suggestion that he ever dominated pool is, quite simply, misinformed.
OK Stu. Not sure "How do you think Jayson stacked up against the field in 2015- 2017?" warranted such a forceful response, but it makes sense to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ShootingArts (Hu) said in post #387:
While Shaw with his love of massaging the balls just so with lots of nudging doesn't have the same elegance as Mosconi he does have that same air from immediately after the break shot that everything is copacetic and he'll be shooting his next break shot in a minute or two. It is kinda hypnotic to watch him hitting 14.1 racks.
Hu, There are so many writerly gems and perfect images conjured in those two vividly alive sentences of yours, I can't imagine anyone ever again capturing more precisely and completely the totally unique visual (and emotional) experience of watching prime Mosconi and prime Jayson beautifully running endless 14.1 racks with such rare and bewildering ease.

Kudos and appreciation for giftedly nailing in two sentences what so many fortunate spectators feel.

Arnaldo ~ Huge fan of exceptional writing and exceptional 14.1


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sometimes in 9 ball you break a ball in and have an easy out.
There is never an easy rack of 14.1 after the break shot,there are always little problems you have to solve.
The ‘problems’ (and solutions) in both games are typically fairly obvious. In 9-ball, the ball #s direct you. In 14.1, it’s the multitude of ‘choices’ that usually gets my head spinning.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
OK Stu. Not sure "How do you think Jayson stacked up against the field in 2015- 2017?" warranted such a forceful response, but it makes sense to me.
Sorry, I may have overdone it with my response, but it may be because of your wording. If you say you'd take a player against the field, that means you think that player has at least a 50% chance of winning an event and must, therefore, be the best by quite a bit. Hence, if you're asking whether Jayson was ever a good bet against the field, the answer is "no". If you were, instead, asking "where was Jayson in the pecking order during his best period of competition?" then I didn't read it that way.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Off the top of your head, any idea of the average age of the players?

Also, how old do you think the 5 youngest are?


Any time I have found golf games they were filled with a regular group that played the game together all of the time. Outsiders weren't made to feel welcome especially if they were more than donating.

Benchrest rifle shooting used to bang their heads against the wall trying to attract young shooters. Benchrest requires a fair amount of money and is time intensive. Rewards were generally small other than the acknowledgement of your peers. Few people were inclined to get seriously involved until their children were grown and gone. "Young" shooters in benchrest were in their fifties and early sixties for the most part which still gave them a chance to participate for twenty years or more. Organized benchrest's biggest issue was chasing shooters in their twenties and thirties who generally didn't have time or money to be involved.

Golf seems to be much like benchrest. Usually a morning group that met to talk and drink coffee as much as shoot pool. Not a whole lot of money in golf for the places I saw the game being played but it was played four to six hours a day unless the weather was really foul. That steady reliable drip of cash all of the time can be very welcome to owners.



America the Beautiful
Silver Member
Any time I have found golf games they were filled with a regular group that played the game together all of the time. Outsiders weren't made to feel welcome especially if they were more than donating.

Benchrest rifle shooting used to bang their heads against the wall trying to attract young shooters. Benchrest requires a fair amount of money and is time intensive. Rewards were generally small other than the acknowledgement of your peers. Few people were inclined to get seriously involved until their children were grown and gone. "Young" shooters in benchrest were in their fifties and early sixties for the most part which still gave them a chance to participate for twenty years or more. Organized benchrest's biggest issue was chasing shooters in their twenties and thirties who generally didn't have time or money to be involved.

Golf seems to be much like benchrest. Usually a morning group that met to talk and drink coffee as much as shoot pool. Not a whole lot of money in golf for the places I saw the game being played but it was played four to six hours a day unless the weather was really foul. That steady reliable drip of cash all of the time can be very welcome to owners.

In Detroit the money was big in golf and every game had a couple of guys trying to chop everyone up.

Games in a whole bunch of different pool rooms for different amounts and different times of day.

Liability was way better, you only had to worry about yourself.

Biggest thing for me concerning golf…I rarely sold out and the person following me almost never sold out.


Mini cues
Silver Member
ShootingArts (Hu) said in post #387:
While Shaw with his love of massaging the balls just so with lots of nudging doesn't have the same elegance as Mosconi he does have that same air from immediately after the break shot that everything is copacetic and he'll be shooting his next break shot in a minute or two. It is kinda hypnotic to watch him hitting 14.1 racks.
Hu, There are so many writerly gems and perfect images conjured in those two vividly alive sentences of yours, I can't imagine anyone ever again capturing more precisely and completely the totally unique visual (and emotional) experience of watching prime Mosconi and prime Jayson beautifully running endless 14.1 racks with such rare and bewildering ease.

Kudos and appreciation for giftedly nailing in two sentences what so many fortunate spectators feel.

Arnaldo ~ Huge fan of exceptional writing and exceptional 14.1
Arnaldo you should sit down with Hu over a bowl of Red Beans and Rice someday, it gets better.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jayson still had many balls on the table after failing to knock the 10-ball off the rail with the leave on the 8-ball. Why not set up another attempt at knocking the 10-ball off the rail? I think Jayson has so much confidence in his shot making that he just went for the difficult shot without too much hesitation. After he missed the 10-ball, he set up the shot again...this time hitting the 10-ball towards the opposite corner pocket. He slow rolled the 10-ball along the rail, and although it too drifted wide, it dropped into the pocket.
I thought the same. He had the whole rack to try to bump out that ball again.


Four Points/Steel Joints
Silver Member
Sorry, I may have overdone it with my response, but it may be because of your wording. If you say you'd take a player against the field, that means you think that player has at least a 50% chance of winning an event and must, therefore, be the best by quite a bit. Hence, if you're asking whether Jayson was ever a good bet against the field, the answer is "no". If you were, instead, asking "where was Jayson in the pecking order during his best period of competition?" then I didn't read it that way.
Sorry then - I meant general pecking order at the time in question.
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H.RUN 311/Diamond W.R.
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I thought the same. He had the whole rack to try to bump out that ball again.
i seen it the same way but he could not play the stripe off the 10 in the side even if he got position on it. the whole rack was open but didnt have any other balls close to the 10 ball. It was such a small margin to pocket the 10 that direction. If he would have shot it the other way he would have made it and extended the run. He made his decision and I asked him and he said it was the right time to shoot it so we didnt talk about it anymore.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Arnaldo you should sit down with Hu over a bowl of Red Beans and Rice someday, it gets better.
So scarily eerie that you said that! Just yesterday I bought my frequent family-size box of Zatarain's New Orleans-flavored Red Beans & Rice at Walmart.

I cook the entire box at one shot, with the result that I routinely have a bowlful as the main item during four consecutive nights' suppers! I go at it about five times a year.

So easy and so tasty and nutritious with (for me) pieces of vegetarian sausage chopped-in. Maybe I should Zoom-meet Hu while he simultaneously enjoys his choice of his ideal RB&R.

Hell, that just inspired a thought in me that 25 to 50 or so, of us AZBers could periodically and collectively Zoom-meet -- screen-to-screen -- that way often. Assembling from all states and countries worldwide, with live visual and audio!

Arnaldo ~ Now I'm suddenly interested in reading reactions to this mutual-interest socializing idea (Zooming). Let's hear from you!


Swim for the win.
Silver Member
I thought he was going to cut the 5 in the corner and try to push a ball up around center table.
If he didnt get there using the 5 he had the 8 and 9 to nudge a few up and play a carom off the 10.
When he missed bumping the 10 with the 8 I thought he may go for another bump or a carom.
He constantly plays under the stack and pushes them up, I thought he would work the rack more.
I'm surprised he took the 10 so early, he never has a problem using the entire table.
Jayson is an incredible player.
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
So scarily eerie that you said that! Just yesterday I bought my frequent family-size box of Zatarain's New Orleans-flavored Red Beans & Rice at Walmart.

I cook the entire box at one shot, with the result that I routinely have a bowlful as the main item during four consecutive nights' suppers! I go at it about five times a year.

So easy and so tasty and nutritious with (for me) pieces of vegetarian sausage chopped-in. Maybe I should Zoom-meet Hu while he simultaneously enjoys his choice of his ideal RB&R.

Hell, that just inspired a thought in me that 25 to 50 or so, of us AZBers could periodically and collectively Zoom-meet -- screen-to-screen -- that way often. Assembling from all states and countries worldwide, with live visual and audio!

Arnaldo ~ Now I'm suddenly interested in reading reactions to this mutual-interest socializing idea (Zooming). Let's hear from you!

Arnaldo, I let tech pass me by a long time ago after retiring in the 90's. I have went from MasterCNE with a paragraph of initials behind my name to can barely turn this computer on! Butterfingers too, I'll never own another laptop with a hard drive. This thing with firmware has fell with a sickening crash a handful of times to come up purring!

I don't know if I would get around to fooling with it or not but I think the zoom idea is a great one. In the early days of mailing lists and digests I was in a group with a couple dozen shooters around the world. Most were world class so the knowledge sharing was huge plus I think we all expanded our knowledge of each other's home areas. The list flew so fast and furious in the evening it was like a real time chat room.

One bit of local knowledge, we were in a four or five way conversation when one guy typed in, "Back in five minutes, I am going blow a fag." Only took me a few seconds to translate but the sudden silence on the list made me realize some were taking a little longer. The man, in Australia or New Zealand I believe, came back. "I went and smoked a cigarette!"

The realities of different people's lives is always interesting. Before realizing how great her pool skills were one of the lady pro's had tended a herd of sheep running free in Ireland or Scotland. I forget details now but I'm sure the lady would have quite a different perspective on many things.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ShootingArts (Hu) said in post #387:
While Shaw with his love of massaging the balls just so with lots of nudging doesn't have the same elegance as Mosconi he does have that same air from immediately after the break shot that everything is copacetic and he'll be shooting his next break shot in a minute or two. It is kinda hypnotic to watch him hitting 14.1 racks.
Hu, There are so many writerly gems and perfect images conjured in those two vividly alive sentences of yours, I can't imagine anyone ever again capturing more precisely and completely the totally unique visual (and emotional) experience of watching prime Mosconi and prime Jayson beautifully running endless 14.1 racks with such rare and bewildering ease.

Kudos and appreciation for giftedly nailing in two sentences what so many fortunate spectators feel.

Arnaldo ~ Huge fan of exceptional writing and exceptional 14.1
Brilliant post.

Hu is a brilliant writer. I admire his writing skills. He just has the correct most effective words. Expertly put together to paint pictures with language. I can do that speaking, not writing.

Great stuff gents🙏🏼