Latest updates, 3 entries all hit about the same time.
One Salotto match against a new to me player that I've see around. He was 604/29 going in. We met a few times over the past few months and finally were able to play a couple races to 10. He won 10-8 and 10-9. Now he's 599/66. My rating didn't move. He had the weirdest stroke I've ever seen. He learned to play as a kid, sidearm, and never grew out of it. It wasn't smooth like McCready though. It was super jerky, and wobbled side to side like crazy. Plus his body and head would move sideways while stroking to fine tune the aim, which made the stick move even more. When I was in-line with his shot while sitting, I was literally going dizzy. While playing, I was thinking to myself this is what it must have been like to play Hopkins. The player sitting saying to themselves: "How can this guy possibly beat me with that stroke!?". After the first set, I honest couldn't figure out if he could play, as all I could think about was his stroke. On set two I said to myself "I'm going to not even look at the stroke, and only look at his CB". Conclusion was he has some position holes in his game, and I think I'm the favorite over the long term. I'll play him again, as he's really nice. I just won't look at his stroke anymore. ha ha.