Pool Team Names: Clever, Funny, Great, Strange...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't remember if it was their team name or just their motto, "Shape is Overrated" - belonged to a very strong team from the Quad Cities.


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
FA-CUES sound it out lol,it was a local apa team's name.

That's along the lines of "Mike Hunt's problems" -- and yes, in a league I used to play in, a team did volley to have that name. It was declined fortunately, but can you imagine how that would sound over the P.A. system at the regionals or national level? A team being announced to play *that* team? :eek:

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Gold Member
Silver Member
2 more...

two more come to mind; one is in my apa league; they are "The Bald & The Beautiful" lol

And the other I can't recall where I heard of them but I like their name: "Chalking Heads"

Brian kc


As I was looking for my teams' table assignment at the recent BCA, I noticed one team named "Just the Tip".

Thats funny, I was about to post that one. That team played in my home league and they came up with it while playing us. Best team name I've heard in a while.


Silver Member
The First team I was on we called ourselves " Insane Giraffe Attack Squad" what can i say we needed a a name and i thought it was funny, it still makes me chuckle. Another was "Bond st. Saints" not really funny but the pool hall we played out of is on Bond st.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Played on a apa 9ball team. My team was "my dixie wreck". Made us change it for nationals..lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Our Name

Our team name is "Nobody To Worry About", and although not funny by itself.....taking it to the next step. "Who do we play next? Nobody to worry about" or "Man, who were those guys? They kicked our a**. Nobody To Worry About"

My favorite name right now are the girls from Dallas that took the BCAPL Womens Open Team title - We've Got The Runs


just jokin' around
Silver Member
just a few that made me chuckle from my divisions i've played in:
the shockers
rubber and liquor
got balls
cheeze it
crazy 88's (i love the kill bill movies - so i like that one)
sofa king good (over used joke but it makes me laugh a little, this was also the apa 8 ball team that used rubber and liquor for the 9 ball team name)
pocket pool
bourbon legend
ounce of fury
diamond cutters
short bus all stars


Psalm 27:3
Silver Member
dont know if this has been said but.. here is one EPHOPH for those that did nt get it, F OFF, and another one i thought was pretty good, IRAN IRAQ


Silver Member
These were pretty good:

Circle the Winner the BCA team scorecard says 'Circle the Winner'

Mark it Zero! Big Lebowski reference

My favorite women's team name was:

Fox Force Five an obscure Pulp Fiction reference


I play pool
Silver Member
I was on "The 4 Nick Haters" and I came up with it after weeks of people complaining about playing "those fu%*ing guys".

Measle Ball

King of the .99-ball run.
Silver Member
Some years back the Seattle Mariners (IIRC) had the slogan "Refuse to Lose"; a former co-worker who played out of Machias, Washington was on a team called "Refuse to Win". Always got a kick out of that one.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
"The Bus Boys." When he asked why, I said, "Because we clear tables." I'm pushing for that one.
So many good ones but that is my favorite.

I was talking about my wife and called her ATM. Someone asked why I call her that, I told him because shes a banking machine.

One team I played on had a women captain. We were: A Girl With 3 Boobs.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
here are the teams i have been on:

four shafts and a pocket (one girl on the team)


land sharks

and for most of my league career:

Pig Boys

(here is one of the special trophies made for us)

