poolcuenews.com What's this dudes deal?


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Are you sure of your facts? I know Mike Feiman personally...and he has never said anything bad about you or any of the others you have mentioned. I have no idea if your allegation that he is the PCN guy is true or not...but I would be very surprised if that was the case.

On another note...it seems a strange thing to ask if the AZB community "knows what the dude's deal is." Isn't this thread more about exposing someone's alleged identity?

Whatev. My thoughts are...people are entitled to say what they want on their blogs. The PCN guy attacked Jen Barretta a long time ago...I hated him. He apologized and admitted that he has pegged her wrong later...and I forgave him. The guy is snarky...but at least he is funny about it.


My sources were all pretty surprised to find out who PCN was. They are pretty close sources. Lets say, hypothetically speaking that its not Mike... well, Mike sponsors this guys site, correct? Perhaps Mike can tell us who PCN is and I can be considered wrong. He would obviously know who he sponsors, right? Thing is, I've had several unrelated people all point the finger back to him. And not just nobody people, people in the know. No need to name names, I just want this guy to ease up on people and I'll never say another word.

In fact, on his site, the only mention of me was good. He was a fan of my big tony show despite being part of the "clique". Like mom used to say, 'if you dont have something nice to say, shut up before they call you out on the internet!"

I can appreciate you sticking up for your friend, thats what friends do.. which is where this comes from. My friends are attacked way too often for no reason and it makes my blood boil.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
And he's paying attention...

Last Activity: Today 05:07 PM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread poolcuenews.com What's this dudes deal?

So if he wants to clear the air, he could.


Silver Member
Are you sure of your facts?

The person who revealed Mike's identity is one of the most trusted people I know in the industry.

Besides, its too big a coincidence. Mike starts to write a reply to the thread, then never posts it, and instead the PCN site gets removed. The odds of the two occurrences being unrelated are far too high to be realistic.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member

I had made two comments on this site about 75 - 90 minutes ago. It was working just fine. In fact Cleary and Maximus were have a little tit-for-tat and trading a couple of comments back and forth.

I was responsding to correct a misstatement (he said 2011 is our last year at the Riviera - that is WRONG!)

To explain why CSI is doing their own Junior program and how it will support and enhance the BEF and the Nationals.

I also encouraged him to contact me for any additional info.

As usual, my request will probably be ignored.

mark Griffin

PS I don't care who the author is - but we all know he takes shots at many people - but it is odd that the site went DOWN so fast after the accusation of identity came up. This is the 2nd downing of the site - no??

Melissa Herndon

Pro Player
Silver Member
My sources were all pretty surprised to find out who PCN was. They are pretty close sources. Lets say, hypothetically speaking that its not Mike... well, Mike sponsors this guys site, correct? Perhaps Mike can tell us who PCN is and I can be considered wrong. He would obviously know who he sponsors, right? Thing is, I've had several unrelated people all point the finger back to him. And not just nobody people, people in the know. No need to name names, I just want this guy to ease up on people and I'll never say another word.

In fact, on his site, the only mention of me was good. He was a fan of my big tony show despite being part of the "clique". Like mom used to say, 'if you dont have something nice to say, shut up before they call you out on the internet!"

I can appreciate you sticking up for your friend, thats what friends do.. which is where this comes from. My friends are attacked way too often for no reason and it makes my blood boil.

You're a good guy Cleary. This was a very diplomatic response when you could have gone off on me for questioning you.


Melissa Herndon

Pro Player
Silver Member
The person who revealed Mike's identity is one of the most trusted people I know in the industry.

Besides, its too big a coincidence. Mike starts to write a reply to the thread, then never posts it, and instead the PCN site gets removed. The odds of the two occurrences being unrelated are far too high to be realistic.

I guess I don't jump to conclusions...even if the two seem to be related. I could probably spin a whole different scenario that could be just as plausible.

Either way...it's too bad this whole Jets/Sharks, east coast/west coast relationship developed. Say what you want...but the PCN guy has a brain. And all the smart people should work together for the betterment of the sport instead of wastin' time hatin' on each other. LOL.



Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
You're a good guy Cleary. This was a very diplomatic response when you could have gone off on me for questioning you.


And you are a good woman Melissa. It was very nice meeting you in Vegas.

I'm not a hateful person, but I hate when people take cheep shots at my friends. They can take cheap shots at me, I'm an easy target... I don't care.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And you are a good woman Melissa. It was very nice meeting you in Vegas.

I'm not a hateful person, but I hate when people take cheep shots at my friends. They can take cheap shots at me, I'm an easy target... I don't care.

I don't think you'll have to worry about it for a while.
He was only attacking people for the shock factor. You've outed him, now that he's left with nothing to hide behind he'll probably go silent for a bit.


Samm D. Vidal
Gold Member
Silver Member
Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are on this dude...

Well, since you ask...

Mike Feiman and PoolDawg have been a long-time friend and business associate of mine and many others in the industry. They've supported/sponsored numerous events and given many new products a chance on the market when no other retailers would carry them.

Personally, I find this accusation very tough to believe. I'm curious if anyone that thinks Mike is hateful has ever spent more time with him than sharing an elevator ride or a neighboring vendor booth.

Diplomatically, recalling some of PCN's posts, what exactly was it that he did so wrong? He was posting his opinions on his own personal blog, no different than what people do here everyday, on a public forum, or on Facebook. Everyone on here (myself included) is guilty of being caddy or judgmental at some point or another. What makes this so different?

Does more "hate" really end "hate"???

Melissa Herndon

Pro Player
Silver Member
Well, since you ask...

Mike Feiman and PoolDawg have been a long-time friend and business associate of mine and many others in the industry. They've supported/sponsored numerous events and given many new products a chance on the market when no other retailers would carry them.

Personally, I find this accusation very tough to believe. I'm curious if anyone that thinks Mike is hateful has ever spent more time with him than sharing an elevator ride or a neighboring vendor booth.

Diplomatically, recalling some of PCN's posts, what exactly was it that he did so wrong? He was posting his opinions on his own personal blog, no different than what people do here everyday, on a public forum, or on Facebook. Everyone on here (myself included) is guilty of being caddy or judgmental at some point or another. What makes this so different?

Does more "hate" really end "hate"???

*like* :thumbup:


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Well, since you ask...

Mike Feiman and PoolDawg have been a long-time friend and business associate of mine and many others in the industry. They've supported/sponsored numerous events and given many new products a chance on the market when no other retailers would carry them.

Personally, I find this accusation very tough to believe. I'm curious if anyone that thinks Mike is hateful has ever spent more time with him than sharing an elevator ride or a neighboring vendor booth.

Diplomatically, recalling some of PCN's posts, what exactly was it that he did so wrong? He was posting his opinions on his own personal blog, no different than what people do here everyday, on a public forum, or on Facebook. Everyone on here (myself included) is guilty of being caddy or judgmental at some point or another. What makes this so different?

Does more "hate" really end "hate"???

Samm, I've always respected your opinion and this is no different. We are all entitled to opinions and you usually have a good one. As I stated, Im going off of multiple sources which I don't want to name publicly.

You clearly are just as in the dark as everyone else as to who is behind PCN. I wonder what Mike's reaction is to being associated as poolsnark. Being as pooldawg is the main sponsor of that site, they should have no problem being associated with it, right?

Not everyone takes verbal stabs the same way so i guess since they wernt directed at you, you should have no reason to see the intent. But if the site wasn't taken down 15 minutes after this thread was started(odd), I would dig some things up. Off the top of my head, referring to Justin as "tons o fun" every time he brings him up is a good start in the wrong direction. Just a taste of what makes me mad about PCN.

It's just odd that Mike started to respond to this thread, but choose not to. Then poolcuenews.com was taken down shortly after.

I could very well be wrong


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't read a lot of pool blogs so I don't really know who's saying what on them, but recently I was made aware of this guy Mike Feiman (or as I call him, "Bald Mike, white guy") Apparently he is the man behind this blog, poolcuenews.com which is really his little sandbox of personal attacks and drooling over female pool players. It seems he doesnt want anyone to know who he is, but it wasn't hard to find out. My real beef with him is his personal attacks on friends of mine. Justin Collett, Sarah Rousey and apparently me... the "clique", what he calls Justin's friends. What's up with all this hate???? Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are on this dude...

Edit to clarify:
I've had several unrelated people who wish to not be mentioned point towards this blog as being run by Mike.

Something wrong with being white ? Just curious , but how many people read this guys blog ? TAR and Nathan just received a lot of compliments about they great coverage they delivered of the 1p and 10 ball last week , so don't think they should let someone bother them with any criticism , or you either. If you hadn't mentioned it here i doubt many would know about it . Nothing wrong with being in a clique , we all belong to one in one way or the other .

Cleary , water off a ducks back .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No matter if you are this guys friend or not, he decided tobe a internet bully and hide behind a screen name. He thought he was being sly and able to be mean at others expense. Well he was found out and now his pocket may be affected because people don't want to be associated with a D-Bag coward who only can only be mean behind a computer then share the elevator with Nathan and be as quiet as a mouse. Say it if you are gonna say it in person. BE A MAN!
See he has runaway, typical. I wish I could make a tv show of the internet tough guys and go around to their houses and see how tough they talk face to face.

Good job outing this guy, he may be a great guy in person but has a dark side.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Something wrong with being white ?

Of course not, nothing wrong with being bald either. Its a reference to the Jason Hunt interview story where he gets airbarreled by a guy they call "Bald Mike" and Jason says, describes him as "bald Mike, white guy"... I guess you have to watch it to see the humor in it.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Its most likely a little professional, or I'll say unprofessional jealousy on the Bloggers part.

Everyone knows the professional type of job Justin and Nathan do within the Billiard World. Everyone heaps praise on them and Blogger probably feels that he isn't receiving the same accolades that he thinks he may be deserving.

So instead of being part of the team, he is going to try and tear it apart
from his own little perch he created.

Justin and Nathan will never be looked down upon but Blogger will lose
a great amount of credibility considering the Blog was outed. I bet if the Blog comes back up, there will be no evidence of any bad mouthing. If thats the case, then its pretty clear who the Blogger is, Yes?
I wasn't able to read the Blog but whether it was out right criticism or a few pokes in the ribs, almost the same thing.
Personally, I can't feel where any criticism of Justin or Nathan can be justified in any way.

Sounds pretty needy and desperate to me.
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