RIP Danny Basavich


I am the storm
Silver Member
Well, this has hit me hard. Keith woke me up to let me know the sad news because he knew I really loved Danny and as a good friend. My heart is broken to learn that Danny Basavich has passed. He was 44. I have always loved Danny. He was special, really very special, and loved by all who knew him.
The first time I met Danny was at a pool tournament in New Jersey. We stepped outside in the parking lot for some fresh air and chatted for a spell. I was immediately attracted to his raspy laugh and charisma. He reminded me of a young Michael Gerace (Geese). In fact, Danny actually knew Geese and said other people had told him the same thing.

2004 was Danny's shining year. He came in first place in quite a few pool tournaments and was ranked "Rookie of the Year" by Billiards Digest Power Index. He caught the attention of a steel mogul who sponsored him, and Danny produced some instructional pool DVDs, which were quite popular. But the men's pool organization folded, Danny's steel mogul sponsor pulled up, and then Lion's Gate hit some financial difficulties and put Danny's movie on the shelf.

Over the years, I learned that Danny was giving pool lessons and driving a cab for a while. He was blessed in life with a loving family. They supported his every endeavor, especially in pool. They knew he was special, as did we all. His dad may have been his biggest fan when it came to rooting Danny in for the win.

I am blessed to have known you, Danny. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

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Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Heartbreaking news. Danny was a superb player and a very congenial guy. I remember meeting him in the mid-1990s when he was about 15, at which time he went to some tournaments just to watch. Of course, he'd be participating very soon after, and successfully at that.

He always greeted me warmly whenever our paths crossed and I enjoyed his company.

The world of pool has been diminished by the loss of Kid Delicious, a one-of-a-kind presence in the tightly knit community that is pro pool.

Gone but not forgotten. Condolences to his family and friends.
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Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Well, this has he me hard. Keith woke me up to let me know the sad news because he knew I really loved Danny and as a good friend. My heart is broken to learn that Danny Basavich has passed. He was 44. I have always loved Danny. He was special, really very special, and loved by all who knew him.
The first time I met Danny was at a pool tournament in New Jersey. We stepped outside in the parking lot for some fresh air and chatted for a spell. I was immediately attracted to his raspy laugh and charisma. He reminded me of a young Michael Gerace (Geese). In fact, Danny actually knew Geese and said other people had told him the same thing.

2004 was Danny's shining year. He came in first place in quite a few pool tournaments and was ranked "Rookie of the Year" by Billiards Digest Power Index. He caught the attention of a steel mogul who sponsored him, and Danny produced some instructional pool DVDs, which were quite popular. But the men's pool organization folded, Danny's steel mogul sponsor pulled up, and then Lion's Gate hit some financial difficulties and put Danny's movie on the shelf.

Over the years, I learned that Danny was giving pool lessons and driving a cab for a while. He was blessed in life with a loving family. They supported his every endeavor, especially in pool. They knew he was special, as did we all. His dad may have been his biggest fan when it came to rooting Danny in for the win.

I am blessed to have known you, Danny. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

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Thanks for sharing that picture. Danny had a great smile and it's one of the things I'll remember most about him.


Well-known member
Danny and his father sent me gratis a home made video of Danny beating Earl Strickland
Wow, I'd love to see that. Danny was one of the last players that perfected his craft in the pool halls and I loved his style of play. His personality really came through in any of the videos I've seen of him, you could tell he was a great guy to be around. And he had one of the top three nicknames in all of sports. Like, his nickname spread to the entire family! His love for the game will continue to inspire others, I hope that is some comfort to his family, I'm sorry they lost their son.

Does anyone have any favorite videos of his we should watch?


Bar Banger, Cue Collector
Silver Member
Danny was always the guy in the pool room that would be able to magically put a smile on your face no matter the situation. Got to spend a lot of time with him over many years. Watched him play in Joss Tour Events up and down the East Coast. Hung out with him many many many nights at many pool halls in NJ. Played cards with him many nights as well where he would make up crazy poker games to change it up. One night he had 5 boards of cards for an Omaha hand, it was always joyful to be around him.

I'll tell you the story about the very 1st night I met him. My buddies and I went up to Action Billiards in NJ which isn't there anymore, which was owned by his buddy Carlos. One of my buddies started playing him some cheap sets for practice and maybe a few pointers. At some point they started doing prop bets on a shot. I started getting in on the action and about 3 hours in, I owed Danny about $385. I bowed out at that point and everyone knew I didn't have that much on me at the time as I was still young. So Danny finds out and asks me how much I have on me. Told him about $135. So he says how about you give me $100 and smoke a joint with me and we will call it even. Of course I agreed and we became friends from them on.


A young and prime Danny came through MN many years ago and I got to play him a set in a local tournament

He was total class during the set and afterwards he gave me very specific positive feedback

I was blown away that he was so kind and I've always thought so highly and warmly of KD based of that one only interaction I had with him.

If a person can leave a 20 year imprint on another human being they've done life right.

Some people have a glow. Kid Delicious glowed.

RIP Danny


There's a video on his Facebook, I didn't know how to link it, from Christmas. He's discussing a new diet somebody has devised for him and how he's going to lose 100 pounds. In the video he looks very bad it's hard to tell but he can be somewhere in the 350 lb range. He seems happy though with his family and looking to the Future.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Danny was always the guy in the pool room that would be able to magically put a smile on your face no matter the situation. Got to spend a lot of time with him over many years. Watched him play in Joss Tour Events up and down the East Coast. Hung out with him many many many nights at many pool halls in NJ. Played cards with him many nights as well where he would make up crazy poker games to change it up. One night he had 5 boards of cards for an Omaha hand, it was always joyful to be around him.

I'll tell you the story about the very 1st night I met him. My buddies and I went up to Action Billiards in NJ which isn't there anymore, which was owned by his buddy Carlos. One of my buddies started playing him some cheap sets for practice and maybe a few pointers. At some point they started doing prop bets on a shot. I started getting in on the action and about 3 hours in, I owed Danny about $385. I bowed out at that point and everyone knew I didn't have that much on me at the time as I was still young. So Danny finds out and asks me how much I have on me. Told him about $135. So he says how about you give me $100 and smoke a joint with me and we will call it even. Of course I agreed and we became friends from them on.
Cool story. I met him once and he was just a pleasure to be around and talk to. And man, his top gear allowed him to play with absolutely anyone. Condolences to his friends and family.
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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
one year I put Danny in the pro event at SBE knowing what a long shot he was but still thought he deserved a shot at it. I was sitting ringside for his first match, can't remember who he was playing, doesn't really matter. He went on a players break maybe halfway through the set. Whenever I play pool I try to have as little 'stuff' on me as possible. Danny, on the other hand, had what seemed like half of his life's possessions right there in his front right pants pocket. It was a massive amount of stuff stored there.

Danny was finally returning from break and maybe 20 feet from the table he slips his paw into that bulging pocket and retrieves a king-size Snickers bar, peels it open and starts chomping on it. I'm sitting there shaking my head and smiling thinking to myself, that's my horse. :LOL:

How could you not love this guy?

RIP, Kid.