Roy Mallott -


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Hello AZ,

I just wanted to inform those hear that I just finished a transaction with Roy Mallot and all I can say is that this man went way out of his way for me for a case that I ordered. Not only did he push the manufacturer (John Barton) but I got a very specific case in under 4 weeks total time, Roy handled everything in an extremely professional manner to say the least, and even went so far to realize there was a pricing error which was made and sent me a check for it after the fact.
I had read a negative thread some time a while back but in all honesty, the service rendered from him couldn't have gone any smoother and more perfect then it did, and no I am not affiliated with indyq either, thank you Roy Mallot. 5 Stars

A Very Happy Customer


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
you're lucky...

I had an absolutely horrible transaction with him. I would never recommend him to anyone I know. Unfortunately several az members here have had the same experience I did as well.

It was nightmare to deal with him. I have dealt and talked with many az members here and although we may not have agreed with all aspects of pool related topics/opinions/transaction. They have all shared and treated me with descency and respect. Roy Maylott did not.

If you had a good transaction with him it was most likely that you were purchasing something from him and he wanted your money.

If you would like further information feel free to pm me.


Pro Playa'
Silver Member
I had an absolutely horrible transaction with him. I would never recommend him to anyone I know. Unfortunately several az members here have had the same experience I did as well.

It was nightmare to deal with him. I have dealt and talked with many az members here and although we may not have agreed with all aspects of pool related topics/opinions/transaction. They have all shared and treated me with descency and respect. Roy Maylott did not.

If you had a good transaction with him it was most likely that you were purchasing something from him and he wanted your money.

If you would like further information feel free to pm me.

And what did your transaction include? Were you selling something?


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Hello AZ,

I just wanted to inform those hear that I just finished a transaction with Roy Mallot and all I can say is that this man went way out of his way for me for a case that I ordered. Not only did he push the manufacturer (John Barton) but I got a very specific case in under 4 weeks total time, Roy handled everything in an extremely professional manner to say the least, and even went so far to realize there was a pricing error which was made and sent me a check for it after the fact.
I had read a negative thread some time a while back but in all honesty, the service rendered from him couldn't have gone any smoother and more perfect then it did, and no I am not affiliated with indyq either, thank you Roy Mallot. 5 Stars

A Very Happy Customer

I had dinner with him one day a few years back and he was a gentleman and it is apparent that he continues to take care of his customers.

REP for you and Roy Mallot. :thumbup:

JB Cases
Silver Member
Roy is one of the very few dealers in this business who stands behind the makers he represents in a very strong and supportive way. I have been in this business for 20 years and rarely seen anyone who is so passionate about the business as Roy Malott.

Roy has standing orders with me from now until well forever essentially. So he is more than willing to trade any of those standing orders for a customer order to insure that the customer can receive their case faster than if they order directly through me. This works out well for all parties.

Kid Cuban, thank you for the business! Roy, thank you for the support.

Edit: Got something else to say,

I don't think it's very cool to jump into someone's thread who posts a positive review of a transaction unless they specifically ask for comments. We can all point to times when we had less than satisfactory dealings with someone and yes you are free to air that but do it in your own thread and don't pollute someone else's.

I can tell you a hundred stories about people in the industry and who they screwed and some about how I screwed over others. Sometimes it was a question of getting off on the wrong foot with someone, sometimes they neglected me or I neglected them. The point is that there will almost always be deals gone bad, feelings hurt, etc....

Roy Malott is one of the few people around who doesn't sugarcoat how he feels. He is very very busy all the time and takes calls every minute or so from people who want to buy from him as well as people who want to sell/trade with him. As such he doesn't like to have his time wasted. If you have $1000 to spend then he will spend hours on the phone with you educating you about the makers he stocks and try his best to get you into a cue you like. But don't take that time and then tell him you only have $500 to spend - you will find him to be less friendly at that point. Don't call him up and wheedle information about the market value of cues and then at the end of the conversation mention that you have a SouthWest for sale and try to get him to pay you what he just told you he would try and sell it for. There is a reason that Roy Malott survives comfortably in a tough and competitive business. He can be counted on.

Roy is not going to blow smoke up your ass. He is not going to tolerate tire kickers. He sells top quality cues and cases and gets premium money for them.

Any search on this forum brings up far far more people who are satisfied with Roy's service.

I have been in this business 20 years and I can tell you that Roy Malott stands out as a giant among dealers in my eyes. I can't tell you the amount of so-called "dealers" who spent most of their time when I had Instroke trying to get me to front them cases - and more than half of the time when I broke down and did I had to chase them around the country to get my money. Some of you reading this right now owe me money and I know I will never see it. Yet you have the audacity to smile at me and pretend the debt doesn't exist whenever I see you at a show.

When Roy Malott wants to buy something the first thing out of his mouth is how would you like to paid and how fast should it be.
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What's a "Taper Roll" ???
Silver Member
Roy went out of his way for me on a purchase of 3 to 4 cases! Couldn't have been more cordial!!! Thanks, Roy


I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
Roy Mall

I have been in this business 20 years and I can tell you that Roy Malott stands out as a giant among dealers in my eyes.

True words. I count Roy as an exceptional person, an outstanding dealer and a square shooter. Certainly straight talkin`, and a great friend. I give Roy my highest recommendation.

Will Prout


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hi all,
just wanted to say i've bought 2 capones,1 diveney,1 andy gilbert &
a jim murnak case from him in the last couple years and every transaction
was flawless got a good deal from him and treated me very well.
yes john your correct,he does say it like it is and i like that in a person.
thanks roy for being your-self.


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
I have been to Roy's place a couple times and know people who have known him for a long time. I have done several deals with him and here they are.

I bought a bocote Richard Harris from him and got a good deal on it because I paid cash. :smile:

One time I was at his place and he had some low end cases he said he would make me a good deal on. I was going to Vegas the next week and he said " take the cases and if you sell them bring me the money and if not then bring me the cases back ". I did sell them and shortly after I got back I returned with his money and made a little money myself. :smile:

I had a nice Keith Josey cue with two shafts that was in very good shape that I was thinking of trading and he said he would take the cue and money for a Jerry Olivier sneaky pete with one shaft. Hell, even an APA 3 would know that is out of line. Forget about the fact that sometimes you get the worst end of the deal when trading, because the Josey cue was a better cue and was almost new. Kinda like trading down and giving up money :mad:

A friend of mine was there one day and Roy had a cue he was sending to have refinished or have a shaft made, I cant remember which. My friend said he would like to buy it and Roy said he could when he got it back and he gave him a price. I said I would pick the cue up for him and when I got there Roy told me the cue was more than he quoted my friend. The cue was a sneaky pete with a cocobolo joint and a delrin buttcap, doesnt sound fancy but it was from one of the big 3 (so to speak) cuemakers. It had one good shaft and another that was liteweight and come to find out not real straight. :mad:

A friend of mine had a nice cue from a local cuemaker that he thought about selling and I called Roy up and he said bring it over and he would look at it. It was pretty late and we live about an hour and a half away but he said come on over. We went over and he looked at it and said it was a nice cue but being by a virtual no name maker it would be tough to sell and was not worth him buying which was very understandible. The cue has a common style with 6 or 8 high and low points with veneers and has a 3/8 11 pin. Roy did say if it were made by a well know maker or maker's it would be worth a significant amount so he was kind of helpfull but more willing to give up his time I guess.

I have delt with lots of cue dealers, makers and individuals and there are a couple things that are the same for all and that is 99 % of the time cash gets the best deal and the guy with the goods has the upper hand.

JB Cases
Silver Member
I have been to Roy's place a couple times and know people who have known him for a long time. I have done several deals with him and here they are.

I bought a bocote Richard Harris from him and got a good deal on it because I paid cash. :smile:

Cash is always a good thing to have when bargaining. :)

One time I was at his place and he had some low end cases he said he would make me a good deal on. I was going to Vegas the next week and he said " take the cases and if you sell them bring me the money and if not then bring me the cases back ". I did sell them and shortly after I got back I returned with his money and made a little money myself. :smile:

Thanks for being one of the good guys. Both Roy and I are owed a decent amount of money by people we fronted product to that never paid us back and never will. Or people we paid for product that never delivered. Too prevalent in this business unfortunately.

I had a nice Keith Josey cue with two shafts that was in very good shape that I was thinking of trading and he said he would take the cue and money for a Jerry Olivier sneaky pete with one shaft. Hell, even an APA 3 would know that is out of line. Forget about the fact that sometimes you get the worst end of the deal when trading, because the Josey cue was a better cue and was almost new. Kinda like trading down and giving up money :mad:

Don't know why you would be mad about this. There was no deal. Tell me HONESTLY that you have never made a lowball offer on something? I bet all of us have. In this case there was no transaction. No harm no foul. I have bought a few It's George cases for $50 and resold them for $300 simply because I made the offer of what I was willing to pay for them. That's the way business works. Remember this is the SAME GUY who gave you FREE MONEY when he fronted you cases to sell. He basically divided up his profit with you AND made a 100% investment in the inventory for you as well as extended trust.

A friend of mine was there one day and Roy had a cue he was sending to have refinished or have a shaft made, I cant remember which. My friend said he would like to buy it and Roy said he could when he got it back and he gave him a price. I said I would pick the cue up for him and when I got there Roy told me the cue was more than he quoted my friend. The cue was a sneaky pete with a cocobolo joint and a delrin buttcap, doesnt sound fancy but it was from one of the big 3 (so to speak) cuemakers. It had one good shaft and another that was liteweight and come to find out not real straight. :mad:-

This one sounds like mis-communication. I'd have probably walked away from the deal if Roy quoted me a higher price later. I am SURE - MORE THAN SURE - that if Roy was to find out he did quote a lower price then he would honor it. He probably didn't remember the deal exactly. Whenever I quote someone a price in person I generally write out a receipt or give them a business card with the quoted price on it. I also ask for those things when I ask for a price. No one forced you to buy the cue though and I probably would have declined it depending on the amount of the increase. If it was only a little bit and I didn't have written proof then I would have bought it and chalked it up to experience. If it was a lot then I would have passed on the cue, unless I was still stealing it.

A friend of mine had a nice cue from a local cuemaker that he thought about selling and I called Roy up and he said bring it over and he would look at it. It was pretty late and we live about an hour and a half away but he said come on over. We went over and he looked at it and said it was a nice cue but being by a virtual no name maker it would be tough to sell and was not worth him buying which was very understandible. The cue has a common style with 6 or 8 high and low points with veneers and has a 3/8 11 pin. Roy did say if it were made by a well know maker or maker's it would be worth a significant amount so he was kind of helpfull but more willing to give up his time I guess.

I have delt with lots of cue dealers, makers and individuals and there are a couple things that are the same for all and that is 99 % of the time cash gets the best deal and the guy with the goods has the upper hand.

So it goes. Each deal is different. In some places the guy with the cash is the one that is able to buy a lot of cues at lowball prices because he ALWAYS has cash on hand.

Roy has both. Cash to buy what he wants at whatever the price he feels comfortable at AND the financial stability to be able to sit on inventory until he sells it for exactly what he wants to get for it.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i've had 1 dealing with Roy Mallott. i bought a ron thomas from him and after ordering it he called me explaining that the only case he had left had a flaw. he was real up front with everything!


It is what it is...
Silver Member
I agree, Roy is great. I've actually never have purchased anything directly, but he has talked with me on the phone many times and giving me excellent advise.


daydreaming about pool
Silver Member
Hello AZ,

I just wanted to inform those hear that I just finished a transaction with Roy Mallot and all I can say is that this man went way out of his way for me for a case that I ordered. Not only did he push the manufacturer (John Barton) but I got a very specific case in under 4 weeks total time, Roy handled everything in an extremely professional manner to say the least, and even went so far to realize there was a pricing error which was made and sent me a check for it after the fact.
I had read a negative thread some time a while back but in all honesty, the service rendered from him couldn't have gone any smoother and more perfect then it did, and no I am not affiliated with indyq either, thank you Roy Mallot. 5 Stars

A Very Happy Customer

Yo D...wassup buddy? Did you get one of those Justis type cases?

warren lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
happy customer!!!!!



Nervous at Hill Mountain
Silver Member
im also had a bad experience with this person.. seems like if your not buying his cue and ask questions.. your wasting his time..

heres an example of my conversation with him via email:

As far as people’s opinion on the AtoZ billiard forum, I believe that most of them do not know what they are talking about. Many of them are wanna be cue dealers and think they know something about billiard cues.

At this point in time Bernard I think you have been a total waste of my time and efforts. I would simply like to know, are you a buyer of this Mike Stacey cue that I have put forth an enormous amount of efforts for you and you cannot make up your mind.

Are you a buyer or have you just simply been wasting my time? I offered you a tremendous package with over 20% in savings. Your reply is requested.

Arrogant seller i must say.. beware

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
I was having a problem with a used GTF. My own fault for not watching John's video on proper loading. I never put any money in Roy's pocket as it was a transaction with a fellow AZer. He went out of his way to help and and even took the time to BS with me in a few emails. Now thats great customer service, and I wasn't even a customer. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with Roy in the future.
PS - I guess he could have suggested that I was wasting his time but didn't.
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Hung Like a Gnat!
Silver Member
I've never dealt with Roy but I've talked to him on the phone. I'm not a huge fan of his attitude if you're asking questions but, with that said, every time I've asked him to send me a price list for SouthWest cues or prices on anything else he has gotten right back to me. I may not like his attitude very much but I can respect him being like that. I'm sure he talks to many many many people that just ask questions and then never move forward.
I would recommend indyQ