Str8Shots Has Not Paid for CO State 8-Ball Championships


Have cue will travel
Silver Member
beyond rediculous

This is unforgettable and unforgivable. I work in insurance and have been in charge of thousands of dollars and have never lost or gotten it stolen. Our local pool hall Starlite had a break and run pot over 5300 dollars this past week and finally someone snapped it off. Low and behold the owner counts out 5300$ with out a problem.

Was this held in a casino? Most convention centers and especially casino's have camera's every where! Why wasn't security called immediately? What would they be scared of??? Oh wait maybe scared because they have already spent the money or just pocketed it themselves.

This just absolutely disgusts me. Sorry this has happened to you.


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
What is different about the State 8-ball is that the margin of business between prize payouts and profits. Its a tight margin meaning if one thing goes wrong, complaints happen. But if things go right, everyone is happy.

Its not some Dragon Promotion type business where Charlie Williams is basically losing money to keep his tournament afloat.

The CO state has to keep costs down because no one is backing them the way CW can afford to burn money.

So what if the money for prizes is in the same bag as money for paying off equipment rentals. It just means whoever collects first gets paid first. If there isn't enough to go around, well this isn't a insured investment.

Pool tournaments are risky if you have issues with it, then don't play.



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Mr. Bond

Orbis Non Sufficit
Gold Member
Silver Member
This is not simply a case of 'business failure' due to circumstances beyond their control.

Oh and by the way, I have previously avoided this topic like the plague because I don't enjoy kicking people while they are down. But I also can't stand watching someone, or in this case, many people, being lied to and deceived.

Marc and Kim are the principle owners of this company and as such, they are the ones responsible for the actions of said company. They call the shots, not someone else. They take the risks, not someone else. And they have to accept responsibility for what happens, not someone else, even if it was not their fault that things went sideways. That's the way business works: you get all the credit and all the blame as well.

Nobody made them agree to sponsor junior players and then back out with no notice.
Nobody made them keep an entire prize fund in an unattended purse. (If that's even the truth.)
Nobody made them lie about payments made.
Nobody made them avoid phone calls and emails.
Nobody made them organize these events in the first place.
Nobody prevented them from filing their periodic reports with the state of Colorado, yet since the inception of the company, they simply never have.

These are the actions, or inactions as the case may be, of people who are clearly, good intentions or not, not capable of operating a business with honor and respect. There is simply no excuse and no justification for these repeated mistakes.

Health issues don't make you lie. Cheating employees don't make you avoid phone calls. A sluggish economy doesn't make you fail to file your reports. A death in the family won't make you make promises and then crawfish without the common courtesy of a simple phone call. The dog ate my homework doesn't fly when you don't even have a dog .

Do you get it? There are NO excuses for these personal failures to be upstanding business persons, I don't care who you are or what you've " been dealing with".

If Marc and Kim have any honorable bones in their body, they would own up to the truth, no matter how ugly, and do whatever possible to make things right. The first step being, admitting what you did wrong, truthfully, and then taking steps, no matter how small, to correct the situation, and this is simply not being done. Period. Case closed, end of story.

That said, to their credit, (sorta) at least they had the brains to register their company as an LLP. Which at face value, protects them to a certain degree from personal liability in events such as business failure. However, that protection only goes so far, as it relates to " the regular course of business ". In this case, I'm afraid that their LLP status will not entirely cover their asses because there are certain things that have happened that fall outside of their official business dealings. May the lord have mercy on their souls, and I truly hope they can bring themselves to make things right with the people they have mistreated in these various ways.

I wish them no harm and hate is not worth my time. Here's to the future .
Have a great weekend, get out and enjoy the sunshine.

EDIT: they have filed two periodic reports, and both appear to have been filed "late".
They are currently late filing their report once again and are considered noncompliant.
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Mr. Bond

Orbis Non Sufficit
Gold Member
Silver Member
The thing you are all forgetting or simply did not know is that Str8 Shots advertised themselves as a non-profit business...

I know for a fact that they are registered with the state of CO as an LLP.
(And that their periodic reports have never been filed since they began in 2011)


cue accumulator
Silver Member
Nobody made them agree to sponsor junior players and then back out with no notice.
Nobody made them keep an entire prize fund in an unattended purse. (If that's even the truth.)
Nobody made them lie about payments made.
Nobody made them avoid phone calls and emails.
Nobody made them organize these events in the first place.
Nobody prevented them from filing their periodic reports with the state of Colorado, yet since the inception of the company, they simply never have.

You left one out:

Nobody made them make up that cockamamie my dog ate my prize money story.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am just saying don't get your hopes up because your on the forum.

sorry, I'm trying not to bash but I get heated when I read this kind of sh**.

i do understand your flip of the coin to a certain degree. But it is this kind of situation that future generations of pool players become disenchanted with this industry and don't progress with it. We are watching our industry slowly die out, and this is major reason why.

jeremiahgage is trying to avoid small claims court and allow Str8shots to do the honorable thing and pay up without legal proceedings.

Good luck jeremiahgage, hope you get your money and hope this is all a wild misunderstanding.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
i do understand your flip of the coin to a certain degree. But it is this kind of situation that future generations of pool players become disenchanted with this industry and don't progress with it. We are watching our industry slowly die out, and this is major reason why.

Experience like this can be a turn off. It can also be a learning experience.

Instead of just being a player becoming a player-promoter is a decent aspiration.

Learning how to raise prize money for a tournament isn't exactly common knowledge. If some promoters franchise people might be more willing to own the pool market.

And try to be a promoter instead of just a player.

One of those young guns might have some money and people that can help manage them to a successful place.


Mook! What's a Mook?
Silver Member
Whenever people accept inferior, disrespectful, larcenous, and/or generally abusive treatment, whether in their personal or business lives, they have lowered the bar for themselves and that is exactly what they will get as long as they accept it.

If you have to do without that cruddy, dog meat, burger, or that pool tournament that doesn't pay, for a while, it's still worth it. Eventually someone will show up to provide that product you want and who will appreciate and deserve your business. Stop being desperate.



Silver Member
IMHO this situation is just another example that there's not enough money in the pool industry to support promotion companies.

I have no reason to doubt that Str8Shots had good intentions of making a profit while doing good things for pool. They probably invested $50K-$100K to get the company going. But like 9-out-of-10 new businesses, it just didn't work out. The money ran out before success arrived. Suppliers always get stiffed at the end...and pool players are suppliers just like anyone else.

Of course, we'll still see AZposters with threads like "Why don't more companies invest in pool?" and such.

everything you said, is not applicable to Str8 Shots & their business handlings since last NOV when they fired Mark Cantrill and decided to take "promoting" into their own hands.

this is not the 1st time, nor 2nd, 3rd, 8th....of non-payment and/or late payment. it is a recurring theme of incompetence & flipping cash. from the kids, to the pros, for the past 9 months.

Str8 Shots is an online knick-knack pool parts company operating out of their house, with sales of <$100K & 1 employee. They proclaimed "non-profit status", which apparently is also not true (unless they were referencing the word in general). And she does it all under the guise of "helping the Juniors".

i don't believe the pocketbook story - because no blind (nor sighted) woman would ever leave thousands of cash just laying around.

i wonder what John, and Nick, and Karen would say if they knew this had happened again? and i also wonder if John's recent "sponsorship" was up front, or in arrears?

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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If the money and a purse were stolen, was there a police report filed? If so then be transparent about it, offer the police report for the players to see.

If the police wasn't contacted - why not??
I'm reminded of an in-house league with case prizes I played in for one season. Towards the end of the season the owner announced that someone had somehow stolen all the league prize money from his safe. Nothing else had been taken. He was sorry. No, he hadn't and didn't intend to file a police report. There would be no prizes -- all the money was just gone.


Kid Delicious' Evil Twin
Silver Member
everything you said, is not applicable to Str8 Shots & their business handlings since last NOV when they fired Mark Cantrill and decided to take "promoting" into their own hands.

this is not the 1st time, nor 2nd, 3rd, 8th....of non-payment and/or late payment. it is a recurring theme of incompetence & flipping cash. from the kids, to the pros, for the past 9 months.

Str8 Shots is an online knick-knack pool parts company operating out of their house, with sales of <$100K & 1 employee. They proclaimed "non-profit status", which apparently is also not true (unless they were referencing the word in general). And she does it all under the guise of "helping the Juniors".

i don't believe the pocketbook story - because no blind (nor sighted) woman would ever leave thousands of cash just laying around.

i wonder what John, and Nick, and Karen would say if they knew this had happened again? and i also wonder if John's recent "sponsorship" was up front, or in arrears?

Hey PinkLady,


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
From day one their biz plan seemed to be-'Let's give away our money til we're broke'


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
everything you said, is not applicable to Str8 Shots & their business handlings since last NOV when they fired Mark Cantrill and decided to take "promoting" into their own hands.

this is not the 1st time, nor 2nd, 3rd, 8th....of non-payment and/or late payment. it is a recurring theme of incompetence & flipping cash. from the kids, to the pros, for the past 9 months.

Str8 Shots is an online knick-knack pool parts company operating out of their house, with sales of <$100K & 1 employee. They proclaimed "non-profit status", which apparently is also not true (unless they were referencing the word in general). And she does it all under the guise of "helping the Juniors".

i don't believe the pocketbook story - because no blind (nor sighted) woman would ever leave thousands of cash just laying around.

i wonder what John, and Nick, and Karen would say if they knew this had happened again? and i also wonder if John's recent "sponsorship" was up front, or in arrears?

This all smells of a Ponzi scheme to me.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
If everything in this thread is taken at face value (and, in the absence of any attempt by Str8Shots to explain what happened and how and on what schedule unpaid moneys will be paid to those that were stiffed, that's my inclination), it is all very disturbing.

If the facts as presented are accurate, this is not a case of deficit spending but a case of deceit. Barring a refutation of the facts presented and repayment of the moneys due those who were denied prize moneys earned, I think we can write off Str8Shots.

I sure hope I'm wrong on this occasion, for I want the best for the people they sponsor and want to share in the vision that guides Str8shots. I hope Str8shots, which has a history of addressing the AZB community to enhance and/or protect its own image, comes forth and explains its position and its plans and timetable to make good on the defaulted payments.