Of course I realize it was 7" away. I'm the one who told you to put it there for teaching purposes so we could be on the same page. When playing pool the only thing that matters is the pocketing of the ball as opposed to missing. I never said Shiskabob and the way we were doing it was going to produce a dead center pocket trajectory. I don't know why you're assuming it unless, of course, it's just another little piss ant way of trying to nitpick every thing that you can possible.You do realize the ob is 7 inches away from the 5" opening side pocket? The balls went in but not in the same path.
The point is, they went in with the same CB to OB alignment, CENTER TO CENTER. There was ZERO connecting the dots on two balls or overlaps as there would be for GB, Contact points, Fractions or anything else. CENTER TO CENTER made those shots!
The other part was the tip of the cue alignment which was identical from one shot to the next, to the next, to the next. If you had taken it further to the first donut on the end rail, that also would have been pocketed. Not as cleanly, but the OB would have gone in the same way as all the others with the IDENTICAL CUE TIP ALIGNMENT AND PIVOT. Could it have gone in cleanly? Hell yes with a hair more pivot for insurance because it just could have been. It does take some knowledge from experience.
Here you are doing something for the FIRST TIME with visuals you aren't used to seeing, pivoting you aren't used to doing and may not even be correct, or your eyes and brain telling you things it's never seen before to alter midstroke which could have happened. I also wanted you to start with center to center to center between OB, CB, and cue tip with an OUTSIDE pivot.
You didn't want to do it and refused to try or do it.
WTF is wrong with you? Show me any other aiming system outside of CTE itself that can produce IDENTICAL VISUALS and setup to make that many different cut angles go INTO a pocket. YOU CAN'T because it doesn't exist.
There are other things that are done to address greater cut angles like increasing the pivot distance across the CB instead of stopping at CCB or instead of aligning the two balls center to center they become center to A or C or Center to edge with pivot knowledge to go from there.
Your whole intent is to try to find stupid ass nit-picky ways why this doesn't work when it in fact does like a charm just as CTE does and you will NEVER, NEVER in a million years admit it even though you did admit that all of those balls went into the pocket using an identical setup and pivot for different cut angles. It doesn't matter whether the OB is 7" from the hole or greater. Nor does it matter whether it went in dead center or a little off center as long as the balls go in whether it's for demonstration and learning purposes or in a tournament. Balls go in!
When your hand heals up, try again and glean whatever you can and want out of it and come to your own conclusions which I already know what they'll be. But it's NOT going to be with my knowledge and tutoring because I know where it's headed in the end. You and PJ will always be the same with nothing changing your mission.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot regarding CTE...BUY THE BOOK. Then the two of you can go totally nutso bat shit crazy together trying to pick apart every page of 400 pages. That'll fill the time and void until both of you croak.
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