This is why I don't like to play for money!!! ...


Author & PBIA Instructor
Silver Member
My gambling philosophy is simple.

When players are much better, I don't put money up because I'm throwing good money away.

When players are not as good, I don't put money up because I consider it stealing.

And yes, I have considered the need to "educate" other shooters, but still those are my operational rules.

When I compete with individuals around my level - there is just as much fun putting a quarter or dollar a game. Over my lifetime, I've had way too many episodes and situations where the thrills of potential great loss or expectations of great wins.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe I am still missing something. People are saying that the loser should have been given the chance to win his money back or warned that there should only be one set.

Can someone please articulate why? Not some "pool etiquette" nonsense but something that makes sense and doesn't sound like a set of rules made by hustlers to ensure that they are never on the losing end of a game?

I would really like to understand but nothing I have seen here points to why a person is obligated to tell someone how many sets they plan to play or to give someone who chose to gamble a chance to win it back. If someone is so concerned about their mark walking out before they set the hook then why not ask when you challenge someone for what you think will be easy money? Or would that risk alerting someone to the scam?

Sorry but until I see a reason here that actually seems to be on the up and up I don't get the sympathy for what appears to me to be a scammer that got himself bit in the ass.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Take it as a lesson learned. You knew you were tight or time and you know people who lose money gambling want a shot to win it back.

In any gambling, you have to set the ground rules for the action up front. We've all been burned one time or another.

Freddie <~~~ 1998

The ground rules were set, race for 5 for $50. If both players want to play another set that's great, but why should the dude who just won 50 bucks be expected to play again and lose his money? Even more importantly, the OP has a real life and needed to get home and go to bed. Your opponent doesn't exist SOLELY for the purpose of giving you a chance to win or lose as much money as you want.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe I am still missing something. People are saying that the loser should have been given the chance to win his money back or warned that there should only be one set.

Can someone please articulate why? Not some "pool etiquette" nonsense but something that makes sense and doesn't sound like a set of rules made by hustlers to ensure that they are never on the losing end of a game?

I would really like to understand but nothing I have seen here points to why a person is obligated to tell someone how many sets they plan to play or to give someone who chose to gamble a chance to win it back. If someone is so concerned about their mark walking out before they set the hook then why not ask when you challenge someone for what you think will be easy money? Or would that risk alerting someone to the scam?

Sorry but until I see a reason here that actually seems to be on the up and up I don't get the sympathy for what appears to me to be a scammer that got himself bit in the ass.

You aren't missing anything. There is no reason. If I bet someone that Miami is going to win by 10 pts in their next playoff game, what happens at the end? I either win or I lose and the game is over. There isn't any "redoing" it, which is basically what losers want to do after a pool bet. Now if me and the other guy want to make ANOTHER bet on another playoff game we can, but there usually isn't any pushing involved. A lot of pool players are, lets be honest here, stubborn assholes. In other cases someone may be trying to hustle you by losing the first couple. Either way when it comes right down to it, it's YOUR money and YOUR time. Screw what anyone else thinks. If you want to keep that 50 bucks you ****ing keep it. Two men made a bet and one lost. The winner doesn't need to just hang around and be the casino for the other guy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know what you're saying Eric. Even if I don't gamble, I have read enuff stories on AZ to know how it works.

You approach me to play for 5K, race to ten. I didn't ask you, you asked me.

I win your 5K. Now, I am supposed to give you the chance to walk out of the hall with the same amount as you walked in with. How do I know that the same courtesy would have been afforded to me. No guarantees on that one.

Now, I win the second set, race to ten. Am I supposed to give you another chance to win your 10K back now?

Thats not taking a chance. May as well play for beer caps then.

To Gamble is to Take a Chance on something.

You took a chance on losing your 5K and now it belongs to me.

no all due respect if i ask anyone to play for 5 large , first off i'm going to know about their reputation. and that means I will know if I will be given a chance to get even, if not, i aint asking. I been around a few years. I got one guy we bet than much a game and i'm stuck $30K we will play again cause i know he will lose 50-100K in one session and i will to. we have played twice, once my back went out, next time i played weak and scared and got robbed. but because of his reputation and mine we both know we got action, thats not always easy to find, so dont shit where you eat-even if you lose and especially if you win(always treat your customers good-cause thats what they are). thats big $ pool, the same rules 97% apply to small $ pool too.

second, think about it. say we play a $500 set, and In this case I dont know you from adam, If you win, and I ask to play again, say you beat me 11-7 playing a race to 11 9ball, Why in the world wouldnt you take the free shot at $1000? you just beat me 11/7, its a free shot? I have played guys and won 6,7,8 straight sets, they are chasing. I have seen guys play by the game and lose 44 straight games, when he won the 45th he quit, he didnt want to stop until he one one. thats happened lot of times, i wont name names, i have never beat anyone that many games, probably 15 in a row and had them pull up after they win one.

when you beat some one, and they want to play again, chances are your going to win the 2nd set too. and the 3rd. you have just created a customer and there is no telling how much you can win over time, today tomorrow, next month or year. I know a guy a pro beat for $80,000 on the golf table in Modesto 15-18 years back over a 8-12 month period, it was the guys whole retirement, then a 2nd guy went off just like that again in Modesto on the golf table to lots of players. Again no names, but real action.

now if it was real close hill/hill you know its close and you still got a free shot at a second set. so you lose, well you just got 2 sets of $500 pool played and that right there will make you a stronger player and next time you play for $100 it will seem like a joke, and give you a edge over a guy with less experience, so even tho you broke out even, you gained experience playing for $$$, I didnt start playing $500 pool I worked up to it, some guys get there fast, some never do. took me sometime i'll admit that. and when i havent played $500 pool for a year believe me its tough to bet that much, the first day back, but now after years and big action I fall back into $$$ mode faster now.

Some guys like keith ARE $$$ mode, I wasnt i had to build up to it, so playing the 2nd set for a free shot and double the cash and free experience if I lost was a winner no matter how the $$$ came out, i looked at the big picture. I wanted to be the strongest cash player I could be cause I cant play like Alex. So I had to find another route. Am the biggest action, nope, i have offered Dip to bet a mil, $100K/game, i never bet that in my life, i would have been scared shitless the first few games, I wanted to play 10 ahead 8ball for 1K-100K per game 10 games ahead, he declined.

TO answer your question about 2 sets, here is the answer: What your not obligated to do, is raise the bet, so If I play you for $500 and lose then say bet $1000!!! now you say, "no-i'll let you out, just like I leet you in, bet $500 or no action". then I got no beef. Its your prerogative to keep the bet the same but not raise it as the winner. So you play the 2nd set and are up 2 sets, i say"bet 1000" to get even, then no your not obligated, the origonal bet stands, now your up 1000 with a shot at 1500 or 500, its not smart to raise the bet until your up 4 -5 sets if at all, then you get the most $$$ possible, your obligated to play until the "Customer wants to stop" or like i said many posts ago, you manage your game and put a time limit on it, or leave the "up" up and come back tomaro and keep your customer happy. this is playing pool for $$ the right way. Ask anyone here with more experience than me, if i'm mistaken about something I wnat to know what it is. stopping after a set is THE mistake when you win.

A few rare times I have won a set and knew I wasnt suppost to, and as a matter of respect, I played the 2nd set, lost. the guy got even-i make him pay the time. Once this didnt happen in Hardtimes over 2 $1000 sets, i wast the player i was just in in the action. couple years ago, I walked ut on the time, it was on him for other reasons.

But always play a guy you just beat, its a free shot at double the cash, and the gamblers ethic.

this loss of ethic's is why there is no action anymore, im not picking on you personally, your good with me, i'm speaking in general terms about gambling on pool using you as a example for conversation purposes.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
no all due respect if i ask anyone to play for 5 large , first off i'm going to know about their reputation. and that means I will know if I will be given a chance to get even, if not, i aint asking. I been around a few years. I got one guy we bet than much a game and i'm stuck $30K we will play again cause i know he will lose 50-100K in one session and i will to. we have played twice, once my back went out, next time i played weak and scared and got robbed. but because of his reputation and mine we both know we got action, thats not always easy to find, so dont shit where you eat-even if you lose and especially if you win(always treat your customers good-cause thats what they are). thats big $ pool, the same rules 97% apply to small $ pool too.

second, think about it. say we play a $500 set, and In this case I dont know you from adam, If you win, and I ask to play again, say you beat me 11-7 playing a race to 11 9ball, Why in the world wouldnt you take the free shot at $1000? you just beat me 11/7, its a free shot? I have played guys and won 6,7,8 straight sets, they are chasing. I have seen guys play by the game and lose 44 straight games, when he won the 45th he quit, he didnt want to stop until he one one. thats happened lot of times, i wont name names, i have never beat anyone that many games, probably 15 in a row and had them pull up after they win one.

when you beat some one, and they want to play again, chances are your going to win the 2nd set too. and the 3rd. you have just created a customer and there is no telling how much you can win over time, today tomorrow, next month or year. I know a guy a pro beat for $80,000 on the golf table in Modesto 15-18 years back over a 8-12 month period, it was the guys whole retirement, then a 2nd guy went off just like that again in Modesto on the golf table to lots of players. Again no names, but real action.

now if it was real close hill/hill you know its close and you still got a free shot at a second set. so you lose, well you just got 2 sets of $500 pool played and that right there will make you a stronger player and next time you play for $100 it will seem like a joke, and give you a edge over a guy with less experience, so even tho you broke out even, you gained experience playing for $$$, I didnt start playing $500 pool I worked up to it, some guys get there fast, some never do. took me sometime i'll admit that. and when i havent played $500 pool for a year believe me its tough to bet that much, the first day back, but now after years and big action I fall back into $$$ mode faster now. Some guys like keith ARE $$$ mode, I wasnt i had to build up to it, so playing the 2nd set for a free shot and double the cash and free experience if I lost was a winner no matter how the $$$ came out, i looked at the big picture. I wanted to be the strongest cash player I could be cause I cant play like Alex. So I had to find another route. Am the biggest action, nope, i have offered Dip to bet a mil, $100K/game, i never bet that in my life, i would have been scared shitless the first few games, I wanted to play 10 ahead 8ball for 1K-100K per game 10 games ahead, he declined.

What your not obligated to do, is raise the bet, so If I play you for $500 and lose then say bet $1000!!! now you say, "no-i'll let you out, just like I leet you in, bet $500 or no action". then I got no beef. Its your prerogative to keep the bet the same but not raise it as the winner.

A few rare times I have won a set and knew I wasnt suppost to, and as a matter of respect, I played the 2nd set, lost. the guy got even-i make him pay the time. Once this didnt happen in Hardtimes over $2000 a couple years ago, I walked ut on the time, it was on him for other reasons.

But always play a guy you just beat, its a free shot at double the cash, and the gamblers ethic.

this loss of ethic's is why there is no action anymore, im not picking on you personally, your good with me, i'm speaking in general terms about gambling on pool using you as a example for conversation purposes.

Eric, I believe part of it is the "league mentality". Meaning, a lot of league players only play league. They "grow up" with the mentality that pool is just one short match, and that's it. When we "grew up", you went out to play pool, you had no idea what time you were going to be back. You might be there all night and into the next day playing. That just doesn't seem to happen any more.

In "our day", quitting after one set was about as nitty as one could get. And, it showed that the guy that would do it had no heart or gamble in him at all, just fear. Todays players are all done after just one short set. They don't even play long enough to really get their head into the game or really get into stroke. Where we are just getting started, they are all done. It's like playing football and quitting after the first quarter.

Where to us, one set is like playing one game, to them one set is the nights play.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Eric, I believe part of it is the "league mentality". Meaning, a lot of league players only play league. They "grow up" with the mentality that pool is just one short match, and that's it. When we "grew up", you went out to play pool, you had no idea what time you were going to be back. You might be there all night and into the next day playing. That just doesn't seem to happen any more.

In "our day", quitting after one set was about as nitty as one could get. And, it showed that the guy that would do it had no heart or gamble in him at all, just fear. Todays players are all done after just one short set. They don't even play long enough to really get their head into the game or really get into stroke. Where we are just getting started, they are all done. It's like playing football and quitting after the first quarter.

I never played in a league in my life and have ZERO idea how it even works. So i guess i'm a 46 year old dinosaur from the "gamblers era". i remember goingto the pool room watching Monk play from Friday night until Sunday night and i'm just on the rail side betting, i didnt know if i was getting home on sat, sunday or monday, goingto the pool room was a open ended event, sometmes it was a hour or two of nothing and a drive to another spot, hoping for something. to me thats pool, one set and go home WTF? thats domino's or chess.

Neil, I added a couple changes since you quoted me, if i'm wrong about something, please let me know, im always wiling t listen and learn.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I never played in a league in my life and have ZERO idea how it even works. So i guess i'm a 46 year old dinosaur from the "gamblers era". i remember goingto the pool room watching Monk play from Friday night until Sunday night and i'm just on the rail side betting, i didnt know if i was getting home on sat, sunday or monday, goingto the pool room was a open ended event, sometmes it was a hour or two of nothing and a drive to another spot, hoping for something. to me thats pool, one set and go home WTF? thats domino's or chess.

Neil, I added a couple changes since you quoted me, if i'm wrong about something, please let me know, im always wiling t listen and learn.

Don't see anything I disagree with, Eric. Good post. Too many today really don't have a clue what pool was like for us. I never bet the kind of $$$ you did, but the principles stayed the same whether it was for a dollar or ten thousand dollars.

JB Cases
Silver Member
Why do you have to let him know? I don't understand this attitude in pool. Same players sit in a poker game one gets up in the first few hands and quits playing I got to go and leaves that is OK especially in a casino maybe less so in a house game but still OK. The quitting while playing poker is acceptable not OK in pool.

Oh I know if I am playing some one and want to be done by a certain time to mention that at the start but when you beat someone out of something it is no longer theirs it is now your money.

Not true. If you become known as the type of player who leaves after snapping off big pots then pretty soon you are not welcome to play. Either people tell you flat out you aren't allowed to play or everyone else gets up when you sit down.

The majority is right here. It is just courtesy to define the length of the session in pool if either player is going to need or want to leave. Otherwise the narural assumption is that the session is open ended. I dont agree with all the moving though on the loser's part. He should have also been gracious and said that's fine would you like to play again sometime?

I do see the op's point here about such an attack taking the fun out of it.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Maybe I am still missing something. People are saying that the loser should have been given the chance to win his money back or warned that there should only be one

Can someone please articulate why? Not some "pool etiquette" nonsense but something that makes sense and doesn't sound like a set of rules made by hustlers to ensure that they are never on the losing end of a game?

I would really like to understand but nothing I have seen here points to why a person is obligated to tell someone how many sets they plan to play or to give someone who chose to gamble a chance to win it back. If someone is so concerned about their mark walking out before they set the hook then why not ask when you challenge someone for what you think will be easy money? Or would that risk alerting someone to the scam?

Sorry but until I see a reason here that actually seems to be on the up and up I don't get the sympathy for what appears to me to be a scammer that got himself bit in the ass.

I agree completely.

Of course, I am only a nitty league player, so I'm not mentally capable of understanding why someone is obligated to keep playing, if they choose to be done after the agreed upon race is over. I guess I got no heart.

Protection of the hustle, is all it is. Gotta be able to reel that fish in slowly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree completely.

Of course, I am only a nitty league player, so I'm not mentally capable of understanding why someone is obligated to keep playing, if they choose to be done after the agreed upon race is over. I guess I got no heart.

Protection of the hustle, is all it is. Gotta be able to reel that fish in slowly.

No need to take offense like you are. An explanation was asked for, one was given. That you want to take offense to it is on you. It is what it is. It's two totally different ways of thinking. One is about playing pool, the other is about playing a game of pool.

Why are you taking offense to "our side", when we don't take offense to "your side" calling us hustlers, thieves, con artists, ect.?? To people today that learned from the league side, to people from yesterday that learned from the gambling side, there is a whole world of difference. Except for a few areas, pool is nothing like it used to be. Now, it's more a social thing.

JB Cases
Silver Member
I agree completely.

Of course, I am only a nitty league player, so I'm not mentally capable of understanding why someone is obligated to keep playing, if they choose to be done after the agreed upon race is over. I guess I got no heart.

Protection of the hustle, is all it is. Gotta be able to reel that fish in slowly.

Not always. It's not about hustling if it's someone who simply likes to gamble. People get a rush and thrill with gambling. They like the competition. Money is only a way to keep score for them.

A REAL hustler would have NEVER EVER EVER gone off on the mark. If the mark says he has to go after winning one set then the real hustler says sure, no problem, I look forward to practicing a bit and seeing if I can't give you a better game next time, what's your number and we can do this again when you have more time....... that's reeling the fish in, or in hustler-speak, keeping the customer happy.

This is simply more of a case of two people who like to gamble and one of them feels that he was denied a chance to avenge the first set loss. The loser got hot.

As for the etiquette involved if there were not an unspoken rule that the default position for starting a gambling session were that both players would play until the loser quits then no one would play anything ever without a long written contract stipulating all the details. When people lose they almost always want another shot, it's the way we are brought up.

Think about it, all our lives we are told that failure is only a stepping stone to success. If you fail try again, if you fall get up and keep going, don't quit, etc..... So when someone quits winner they deny the loser a shot at becoming the winner. That's the underlying emotional drive here and why the loser gets pissed off. People don't see the future and the benefit to preserving relationships in the heat of the moment.

All that said there is the hustling trick where the hustler tries to goad the other player into playing for a lot more than the initial bet with taunts and insults. This sometimes works and the guy who wanted to quit gets hot and bets way above his head and then hustler plays a lot better the second set. Then the mark gets his nose open and goes off for far more than he intended. But I don't think that this is the case here.


Center Ball
Silver Member
You owed him nothing.

To the Op. You had a contract for one set and you fulfilled that contract.
Any serious player would understand that. He was probably just making noise to save face with his friends. Any that think that they are owed another set right here right now are just foolish.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
No need to take offense like you are. An explanation was asked for, one was given. That you want to take offense to it is on you. It is what it is. It's two totally different ways of thinking. One is about playing pool, the other is about playing a game of pool.

Why are you taking offense to "our side", when we don't take offense to "your side" calling us hustlers, thieves, con artists, ect.?? To people today that learned from the league side, to people from yesterday that learned from the gambling side, there is a whole world of difference. Except for a few areas, pool is nothing like it used to be. Now, it's more a social thing.

No offense taken, sorry if my tone indicates that. Though I always chuckle when any discussion becomes "a league thing".

I simply don't get it, and I'm quite sure that I wont. And that's ok. I don't have any money to risk gambling, so this is merely a mental exercise for me. I really ought not get drawn into the debate, as it really doesnt apply to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hehe, I love the conversation about quitting winner. If I go somewhere and only have a short period of time I always say that I have a time restraint. If I go somewhere and win a TON of money in a short period of time and decide to leave with that money that I made... I freakin leave! I could give a flying crap less about what others think about leaving while "up". I can't ever remember my bookie saying "well, you lost on that last bet, but I will let it ride cause I don't want to quit winner". I mean really, WTF!

This whole idea of, "you should never quit winner", is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever heard. So you think every person should come from behind and end up even? Otherwise, someone has to end up winner, right? So every freakin match that ever happens should end up even or else you are violating the code of "never quit up"?

F everyone who thinks this, in my opinion. If you want to win $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000 ... I don't care what your goal is ... when you hit that goal, get the F out of there and say thank you, buy a few drinks, and tell the guy that wanted you to come back because "quitting winner" was bad... that you will come back in just a bit, because "quitting loser" was what you actually wanted to do.

F them!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If the mark says he has to go after winning one set then the real hustler says sure, no problem, I look forward to practicing a bit and seeing if I can't give you a better game next time, what's your number and we can do this again when you have more time....... that's reeling the fish in, or in hustler-speak, keeping the customer happy.

I think that is actually called "investing". :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hehe, I love the conversation about quitting winner. If I go somewhere and only have a short period of time I always say that I have a time restraint. If I go somewhere and win a TON of money in a short period of time and decide to leave with that money that I made... I freakin leave! I could give a flying crap less about what others think about leaving while "up". I can't ever remember my bookie saying "well, you lost on that last bet, but I will let it ride cause I don't want to quit winner". I mean really, WTF!

This whole idea of, "you should never quit winner", is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever heard. So you think every person should come from behind and end up even? Otherwise, someone has to end up winner, right? So every freakin match that ever happens should end up even or else you are violating the code of "never quit up"?

F everyone who thinks this, in my opinion. If you want to win $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000 ... I don't care what your goal is ... when you hit that goal, get the F out of there and say thank you, buy a few drinks, and tell the guy that wanted you to come back because "quitting winner" was bad... that you will come back in just a bit, because "quitting loser" was what you actually wanted to do.

F them!

How do you know that the guy you just won 100 from wasn't going to go off for 1,000? If he was, you didn't win 100, you lost 900.;)

JB Cases
Silver Member
Hehe, I love the conversation about quitting winner. If I go somewhere and only have a short period of time I always say that I have a time restraint. If I go somewhere and win a TON of money in a short period of time and decide to leave with that money that I made... I freakin leave! I could give a flying crap less about what others think about leaving while "up". I can't ever remember my bookie saying "well, you lost on that last bet, but I will let it ride cause I don't want to quit winner". I mean really, WTF!

This whole idea of, "you should never quit winner", is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever heard. So you think every person should come from behind and end up even? Otherwise, someone has to end up winner, right? So every freakin match that ever happens should end up even or else you are violating the code of "never quit up"?

F everyone who thinks this, in my opinion. If you want to win $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000 ... I don't care what your goal is ... when you hit that goal, get the F out of there and say thank you, buy a few drinks, and tell the guy that wanted you to come back because "quitting winner" was bad... that you will come back in just a bit, because "quitting loser" was what you actually wanted to do.

F them!

As Buddy said, "if you don't quit winner then when are you supposed to quit?"

I think it's more along the lines of managing the session. You know the psychology of it every player does. You also know the reality of it and everyone who gambles knows that too.

Here is a good example I think of not managing it properly.

I played a guy the other day who gave me the six out. We played about 15 games and he had me stuck 8 games. The whole time we are marking with the bead. I won five in a row and it stands at +3 for him. We had been playing about an hour at best, games go quick.

So after I win five in a row he says now you have to pay up and pay by the game. I was like WTF is that nonsense. Every time we have ever played we mark the beads and pay off afterward. I don't carry a lot of cash in china where the biggest bill is worth $16. But I can go to the bank and pull out a $1000 at any time. Anyway, this guy and I had played several times and each time I lost and each time I paid and each time he pulled some crappy move that pissed me off. EVERY TIME.

Now I can't resist getting the six out. I can't, I HAVE to play. And I know when I play this guy I can probably ONLY win about $50 or MAYBE $100 before he quits.

But here is the kicker, he says to me at the point where I am down 3 games that he wants to know how long I will play? I am like why? is there a time limit, do you have a date?

Because prior to us playing I offered to freeze up several hundred and he declined. So we get into the session with no stipulations and then when I start winning a few games back he makes a move like that. So I said we can both freeze up $500 and play until someone loses or we can quit and start another day when he has more time. (he had plenty of time as his job is to play pool)

We quit. I paid him several days later as agreed and told him I have no time to play. I want to play with this spot and think I can win but the experience of dealing with this guy is so odious that I have decided that I will never give him another shot at my money.

Unless he decides to grow some heart an freeze up something and agree to play until one of us loses that amount. THEN we can play. Otherwise he doesn't get to shoot his peanuts at my stack.

In my opinion this is the type of guy who ONLY wants to quit winner and never stands still for a beating. From my perspective such people are not worth playing because there is no equal opportunity to win. And of course you don't always know this going in. When you find it out though they are cut off. Simple as that, go find someone else to play because my tap is turned off to you.

There IS an etiquette here and a protocol. Sure in REALITY you can pull up whenever you want to do but then don't whine about there being no action when no one wants to play you.