This is why I don't like to play for money!!! ...


Eric, I believe part of it is the "league mentality". Meaning, a lot of league players only play league. They "grow up" with the mentality that pool is just one short match, and that's it. When we "grew up", you went out to play pool, you had no idea what time you were going to be back. You might be there all night and into the next day playing. That just doesn't seem to happen any more.

In "our day", quitting after one set was about as nitty as one could get. And, it showed that the guy that would do it had no heart or gamble in him at all, just fear. Todays players are all done after just one short set. They don't even play long enough to really get their head into the game or really get into stroke. Where we are just getting started, they are all done. It's like playing football and quitting after the first quarter.

Where to us, one set is like playing one game, to them one set is the nights play.

I agree with both Eric and you.

Sadly what these guys are missing is really the most beautiful part of this game...testing your limits and abilities. The money is really only a measure os your sucess.

Most every guy around here is only good for 2 sets, win or lose...they have no heart. I have won more on a night where I had been down 2-3 sets and ralleyed, than they win in a year of $20 action. I wouldn't hardly think of going out to shoot pool if I wasn't prepared to be there when they close. I have had the window wide open for years, giving big spots just to get games and it's just about dead.

It is sad what the league mentality has done to real pool. There really is no middle ground, you get it or you don't.
Last edited:


No offense taken, sorry if my tone indicates that. Though I always chuckle when any discussion becomes "a league thing".

I simply don't get it, and I'm quite sure that I wont. And that's ok. I don't have any money to risk gambling, so this is merely a mental exercise for me. I really ought not get drawn into the debate, as it really doesnt apply to me.

For my curiosity, have you ever bet anything on a game of pool? Try it you may find it adds something to the game. There really is nothing like leaving a pool hall with piles of OPM (other people's money).


The Netherland Nihilator
Silver Member
Here he comes ladies and gentlemen, from parts unknown, the man who never met a thread he couldn't derail, the man who has always done something one more time than you, the man who will ask how much money you have on you and then ask to play for $1 more than you have.


Thanks for this thread about everyone's no playin asses. Didn't you offend the entire community a year ago and say you were done with pool, only to return like nothing happened. Now you're back with the insults.

i bet nobody here that ever quit winners, has played a set over $100, haha. or ever made a score and never will, bangers is all ya'll are. i wont play your no playin' asses cause you will quit, quiters are losers.


Where'd my stroke go?
Silver Member
I think all this "gambling makes pool better" is nonsense. I don't need or want your money nor do I want to give you mine, I'm just there to play, meet people, and make friends.

I quit playing strangers for money because it just wasn't fun. In some ways, winning is even worse than losing because a lot of the time of the time I had to deal with angry opponents and sore losers. And the higher the stakes, the worse it would get. I deal with those kinds of people all day at work, why would I want to bring that into my private life?

And what irks me to no end is the type of person who sees a weaker player and instead of trying to encourage and maybe share some knowledge, all they see are dollar signs flashing in front of their eyes. They are what's wrong with pool.

Over the years, I've come to realize that pool is just a beautiful game in itself and money just has very little to do my enjoyment of it.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy raising the stakes a little as much as the next guy, and if I know you can be an adult about it and act amicably, win or lose, then I'll play for as much as you want. Otherwise, forget it.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
There was a time

There was a few year period when my goal was to bust everyone I played. If I could sucker them into thinking they still had a chance and take their cue, their car, their watch, their boots, anything they had with them of value except gold chains and ol' ladies, so much the better. Never actually took a pair of boots but I won a few. Made a guy take a pair off for a couple hours when I won them for the second time in less than a month, had him sweating. Won a couple cars, damned things weren't worth hauling to the scrap yard hardly and in the days before mandatory insurance I had six vehicles already. I let them keep them. Main thing was to pound a guy until he knew he had been beaten as thoroughly as he could be.

A few guys won a little from me and had sense enough to quit while they were ahead.

Kinda like the girl that is easy or the one that keeps telling you no, guess which one I respected in the morning?



AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I stand by what I said. I would be interested in why at no time did you tell the guy you only had time for one set. In your original thread you never said you only had time for ONE SET. You left that open for a very good reason. I've been around this game for close to fifty years and I've seen most every move, and this is an old one. I suspectyou are thinking you will take one shot at this guy but if you win quick you will try to win a second set. You don't want to say that in the beginning because if you did you would have lost that advantage, wouldn't you? Time ran out on you though because you dogged it.

The thing that really got to me though wasn't the move, or the quiting, or the woofing afterwards, though that was pretty condescending to say the least. "Gosh, I play so much better than you that you should really thank me for quitting because I'm actually saving you money." LIke anyone would want to hear that! No, the thing that gets me is how you want everyone here to feel sorry for you because this guy you beat gave you a hard time for quitting and you want to blame gambling for the grief you suffered. IMO I simply feel you set yourself up for that grief and have no one to blame but yourself.

I believe anyone can quit whenever they choose, winners or not. It's no big deal one way or the other to me but at the same time you can't blame the other guy if he wants to give you a hard time for doing it. How would you have liked it if you all started playing by the game instead of by sets and he happened to win the first game and quit? "Oh, I've got to go now, thanks for the game." How would you or any of the others here on this site who have chimed in in support of your action in this case have reacted to that move?

As far as reputations go. I have for close to fifty years developed a solid reputation in the pool world. I've played pool for money in almost every State in the lower 48. I've played top players, short stops, and everyone in between and I have treated every one I've played with equal respect. I've never done what you did with this guy though I've seen others do it and it has been done to me on occasion. I never played guys again who pull that kind of thing on me or anyone else. Why should I? There is nothing to be gain by playing guys like you unless the whole bankroll is put up. Winner take all.

In the rooms I grew up in you would have earned the nick name "Lunch Money"

Happy playing,


Silver Surfer
Silver Member
Has gambling etiquette changed this drastically in the past few years or is playing one set and quitting acceptable in most rooms now? I know the rooms I played in around the midwest I wouldn't even think of pulling out after one set. I was surprised at how many people post here that said this was an acceptable move.


Silver Member
I stand by what I said. I would be interested in why at no time did you tell the guy you only had time for one set. In your original thread you never said you only had time for ONE SET. You left that open for a very good reason. I've been around this game for close to fifty years and I've seen most every move, and this is an old one. I suspectyou are thinking you will take one shot at this guy but if you win quick you will try to win a second set. You don't want to say that in the beginning because if you did you would have lost that advantage, wouldn't you? Time ran out on you though because you dogged it.

The thing that really got to me though wasn't the move, or the quiting, or the woofing afterwards, though that was pretty condescending to say the least. "Gosh, I play so much better than you that you should really thank me for quitting because I'm actually saving you money." LIke anyone would want to hear that! No, the thing that gets me is how you want everyone here to feel sorry for you because this guy you beat gave you a hard time for quitting and you want to blame gambling for the grief you suffered. IMO I simply feel you set yourself up for that grief and have no one to blame but yourself.

I believe anyone can quit whenever they choose, winners or not. It's no big deal one way or the other to me but at the same time you can't blame the other guy if he wants to give you a hard time for doing it. How would you have liked it if you all started playing by the game instead of by sets and he happened to win the first game and quit? "Oh, I've got to go now, thanks for the game." How would you or any of the others here on this site who have chimed in in support of your action in this case have reacted to that move?

As far as reputations go. I have for close to fifty years developed a solid reputation in the pool world. I've played pool for money in almost every State in the lower 48. I've played top players, short stops, and everyone in between and I have treated every one I've played with equal respect. I've never done what you did with this guy though I've seen others do it and it has been done to me on occasion. I never played guys again who pull that kind of thing on me or anyone else. Why should I? There is nothing to be gain by playing guys like you unless the whole bankroll is put up. Winner take all.

In the rooms I grew up in you would have earned the nick name "Lunch Money"

Happy playing,

You really don't read we'll...

Let me state again so you understand...
When I started the set, I didn't know how long it would take, nor consider how he may feel if the set ran long and I packed it up. I agreed to play A SET. I figured that this is America...and I wouldn't be held hostage all night til I lost.

The set took a long time...twice as long as I thought it would take, and I have a job. A real job. So I pulled.

I probably won't play for money anymore unless I lay down that it's only 1 set unless mutually agreed extension...that way I'm not held hostage to pool over work.

Now...I'm curious, I answered your question, I have a question, ...
Do you have a job?
What time you start work?
What do you do?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Totally agree with this. On the flip side, what if the other party wins and doesnt agree to play another set for a chance of me to even up. We agreed to gamble race to whatever for an amount. The buck stops there. If it was tough for me to win it and I decide not to play another its my discretion. A casino doesn't make you give them a chance to even up. Its called gambling.
I know what you're saying Eric. Even if I don't gamble, I have read enuff stories on AZ to know how it works.

You approach me to play for 5K, race to ten. I didn't ask you, you asked me.

I win your 5K. Now, I am supposed to give you the chance to walk out of the hall with the same amount as you walked in with. How do I know that the same courtesy would have been afforded to me. No guarantees on that one.

Now, I win the second set, race to ten. Am I supposed to give you another chance to win your 10K back now?

Thats not taking a chance. May as well play for beer caps then.

To Gamble is to Take a Chance on something.

You took a chance on losing your 5K and now it belongs to me.

JB Cases
Silver Member
You really don't read we'll...

Let me state again so you understand...
When I started the set, I didn't know how long it would take, nor consider how he may feel if the set ran long and I packed it up. I agreed to play A SET. I figured that this is America...and I wouldn't be held hostage all night til I lost.

The set took a long time...twice as long as I thought it would take, and I have a job. A real job. So I pulled.

I probably won't play for money anymore unless I lay down that it's only 1 set unless mutually agreed extension...that way I'm not held hostage to pool over work.

Now...I'm curious, I answered your question, I have a question, ...
Do you have a job?
What time you start work?
What do you do?

Laying out in advance is the way to do it. I often say i can only play for an hour or only play three sets. Sometimes i say i will only play 10 games win or lose. Saying any of that takes care of 99% of hassles later .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
... just skimmed the thread.. sorry if this has been stated... but...

If you felt you had a lock AND wanted to leave after one set then I think the approach would be ... "I would be happy to play one more set but I have work in the morning and should really get going... so.. how about we play for (insert whatever amount was in your pocket),,,, OR we can call it a night"

probably would work out well either way... just one more set and a double up ... or head out the door.....


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
For my curiosity, have you ever bet anything on a game of pool? Try it you may find it adds something to the game. There really is nothing like leaving a pool hall with piles of OPM (other people's money).

I said previously that I shouldn't participate in this thread, but since you directly asked me, I'll play along, for old times sake....

I have played a few times, nothing more than $5 a game. Not per set, per game, not an all night deal. Didn't do much for me. Probably lost as many as I won. No desire to look for those games either. If I wanted, I could gamble sets, after league is over. Plenty of opportunities. (Don't let it be said that no league players will gamble...). I'm not interested. I have enough money issues in the real world, I don't need to bring them with me playing pool.

If you folks enjoy it, great. Too much drama, too many unwritten rules to be aware of, "gamblers etiquette"... I have a hard enough time managing my pool game without adding all that to it, as well. I said it before, I don't understand it, and I never will. One less fish in your ocean. (No loss, tho, as you wouldn't get much out of me, even were I to gamble. Wouldn't take long to bust me, for sure.)


Pool Player
Silver Member
When is a good time to end a set...
I frequently make a condition of me playing a set(s) is that I will only play x number of sets. Usually just 1 or 2. I repeat that my condition that no matter what, win or lose I'm only going to play the number of sets I want. Repeating my condition and asking if they understand the condition before I start has never caused me any problems.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
You really don't read we'll...

Let me state again so you understand...
When I started the set, I didn't know how long it would take, nor consider how he may feel if the set ran long and I packed it up. I agreed to play A SET. I figured that this is America...and I wouldn't be held hostage all night til I lost.

The set took a long time...twice as long as I thought it would take, and I have a job. A real job. So I pulled.

I probably won't play for money anymore unless I lay down that it's only 1 set unless mutually agreed extension...that way I'm not held hostage to pool over work.

Now...I'm curious, I answered your question, I have a question, ...
Do you have a job?
What time you start work?
What do you do?

I read fine Mr. Lunch Money,
Maybe you should reread your own initial post. When did you ever say in your thread that you agreed to play "A SET" Answer: NEVER. That's when. Maybe the guy you were playing didn't hear you very well. Was that it? If as you say you agreed to play "A SET" then why did you have to say anything more? You would have simply told him that you had agreed to play ONE SET. Done, finished, going home, thanks for the game. Instead you tell him all about having to go to work in the morning and that it's to late to play any more. YOu tell us the same thing. If you agreed to play "A SET" you wouldn't have had to say any of that. You are simply digging yourself a hole. Just admit it. You acted like a jerk. Just say you will learn from it and try to do better the next time.

You were not held hostage. You quit. You are allowed to quit. That didn't make what you did right. You acted like a nit and that's OK you are allowed to be a Nit. The question is; Do you want to stay a Nit or grow out of it? Why do you insist on making lame excuses for yourself?

To answer your question, not that it is any of your business or that it has any bearing on this topic. I am now retired from a career in retail sales. And to make it clear, if I started a money game with someone late at night knowing that I needed my beauty sleep to function early the next morning like you, I wouldn't have gotten involved in the first place or at the minimum I would have made it clear to my opponent how long I can play. It is called common decency.

I answered your question now you can answer mine. You said in your original post that you felt like throwing the $50 back at him, but you didn't. Why not give him a shot at his cheese by offering to play him one game or a 2 out of 3 set for it and get it over with? You didn't do that either did you?

Still playing the victim? :frown:


Nice Gun!
Silver Member
Has gambling etiquette changed this drastically in the past few years or is playing one set and quitting acceptable in most rooms now? I know the rooms I played in around the midwest I wouldn't even think of pulling out after one set. I was surprised at how many people post here that said this was an acceptable move.

No, it hasn't changed that much, people who really gamble don't quit after they have won a set.

To the people who say you should just keep playing until you are back to even that isn't even close to what we are talking about.

If you are better than your opponent why would you quit winner unless you had other plans? If you have other plans then you should of known that before you started and let them know beforehand. This is just common courtesy and what anyone should do.

I have had an emergency come up while I was winning against someone and I agreed to play them again whenever they were available, I even offered to let them hold the money until we played again. As it turns out we played later in the week and I won three more sets.

I can honestly say I can't remember the last time someone had me stuck and quit me winner, I know it has happened but it is rare. There have been plenty of times where I have been stuck and didn't want to play anymore so I quit. There has been times where I have quit after one set when I could see I was in a very bad game.

All of this can change when players are being staked though. One time I was staking a player at Derby and we won a set for 4K, they didn't want to play another set so I gave the player his cut and we went to bed. The next day they wanted to play another set but the player that I had staked wasn't willing to put his share back in action. I wasn't willing to lose the next set and break even on sets but I would be the only one losing money. I guess the moral of the story is if you are going to play another set play right away and don't wait until the money is split up.