Siming Chen

jay helfert

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Siming Chen
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Karen Corr won $7,000 for winning 1st at WPBA Rivers by beating Siming.

There is a question as to whether she has been paid yet for winning the China Open. Many players remain unpaid from this event two months ago! One of Pool's dirty little secrets. :cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Roalmfao, I'm pretty sure the betting line isn't even race to 100 she's easily getting 10 games on the wire ,,


She might actually crush Wilkie. He's one of the most overrated "household" names out there.

Remember this is the guy that blamed his not using drugs as the reason he doesn't win tournaments.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This battle of the sexes Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean King thing has been overdone. I would estimate the VERY BEST FEMALE on the planet would have no chance with a legitimate Top 100 male pro (long race to 50 or better playing 10 ball) and a severe underdog in anyone above top 250. That's just the truth. Yes I know Karen Corr etc...etc. Fine player but in the long run no chance. Stealing a set here and there doesn't make it so. Statistical anomaly because she can play but is not top tier men speed.

I remember when Allison F battled a way past his prime Grady in that battle of the sexes thing. Allison was Queen of the female universe and Mr. Mathews best before date had long gone (not that he was ever a Top Tier Pro...great student, thinker and gambler). Throw out your female champion against SVB, Alex, Dennis or Jayson S plus 20 others in a long race and you'll need to call a coroner.

Anything else is just silly.

From what I read about the Billie Jean tennis match is that Bobby was taking it as a joke and not even trying very hard. Did he not show up in a skirt to play or something like that?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
She might actually crush Wilkie. He's one of the most overrated "household" names out there.

Remember this is the guy that blamed his not using drugs as the reason he doesn't win tournaments.

Shaun is a great guy and a very hard worker. He is very modest and would NEVER make claims about his own greatness.

I would think anyone with the intimate knowledge he has about the scene, who also made a living from said scene, would share his frustration about competitors' artificial enhacement.

I would love to see him play against the top women. He is a super solid player and it would take far better play than i have seen in women's events to beat him...and i limit that to easy games only, like 8, 9 or 10b. contest.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Shaun is a great guy and a very hard worker. He is very modest and would NEVER make claims about his own greatness.

I would think anyone with the intimate knowledge he has about the scene, who also made a living from said scene, would share his frustration about competitors' artificial enhacement.

I would love to see him play against the top women. He is a super solid player and it would take far better play than i have seen in women's events to beat him...and i limit that to easy games only, like 8, 9 or 10b. contest.

I agree with everything about him personally,, however I've seen Karen beat him and it's happened more than once and she's no where near the player Chen is , as for straight pool , I'd take Jasmin everyday of the week twice on Sunday .



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree with everything about him personally,, however I've seen Karen beat him and it's happened more than once and she's no where near the player Chen is , as for straight pool , I'd take Jasmin everyday of the week twice on Sunday .


I knew jasmine would be mentioned and she is an outlier, imo...cant be used as example of the general level.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I knew jasmine would be mentioned and she is an outlier, imo...cant be used as example of the general level.

She's an outlier only because none of the other top women play much straight pool. The same reason that the Europeans are now the favourite in the men's 14.1 events.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
She's an outlier only because none of the other top women play much straight pool. The same reason that the Europeans are now the favourite in the men's 14.1 events.

My ontent was that chen woud have the most competitive shot vs him at a rotation game, not 14,1...not abput potential gender proficiency...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Shaun is a great guy and a very hard worker. He is very modest and would NEVER make claims about his own greatness.

I would think anyone with the intimate knowledge he has about the scene, who also made a living from said scene, would share his frustration about competitors' artificial enhacement.

I would love to see him play against the top women. He is a super solid player and it would take far better play than i have seen in women's events to beat him...and i limit that to easy games only, like 8, 9 or 10b. contest.

I would agree with you in regards to the women ( most of them ), but I'm at best he is a second tier guy and that just reinforces what we've been saying about the Fargo ratings between the men and the women. Here we are talking about a second tier guy matching up with possibly best women on the planet???? Also, I know what you're trying to say but I'm not sure " modest " is the correct word. Btw; you and I both know they're are plenty with the same " intimate knowledge " ( I'd guess in the hundreds ) but you never see not a one of them talking that nonsense like he was.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe it's because I look at things logically, but how exactly do men have an advantage over women in a game where the only big difference is the power being generated to break the balls apart?

Unless I'm unaware of something else that is not there.

Well that is the question isn't it? None the less I wouldnt think that you can deny that it IS IN FACT the case though right? As mentioned, if that were the case there would be no women's tour or women's only tournaments then right? They DO NEED their own tour(naments) because they CAN not compete directly with the men in general.

Siming Chen has went up to 783 on FargoRate as of today. There are now only 3 American players that are rated higher than her, SVB, Mike Dechaine, and Justin Bergman. On the world list she is now 5 spots above Skylar Woodward.

Do you have a dedicated computer monitor just for the Fargo list that is a 24/7 live feed updated every 5 seconds and just sit and stare at it all day every day lol?

lol... I help the $$ for his match with Lou F.

Here is my email string. Let's just say you guys only saw the top of the iceberg

Hi Mike, question for ya: As we all know there's plenty of sports books in London and tons of money being bet thru them including cue sports. Do you know if any of them are using your Fargo rate to primarily setting the lines and if so about how many ( ie how much faith are they putting into Fargo as opposed to whatever / whoever they were using prior to Fargo? Just curious, thanks!

And a race to 100 is a race that takes more than just skill it takes endurance of mind and body ,, race to 25 offers a little of both and will bare out the best player more times than not


Let's just say OK to your statement. But in reality, isn't the endurance and the mind part an important part of the game - just as it has been the whole time? Also; if it's your position the men and the girls are all equals, then limiting the match to 25 would be a handicap for the women wouldn't it? I mean most would agree endurance and using ones mind ARE a huge part of the game so why change that to accommodate the girls? Why do you think that needs to be done anyway ? I think it's actually a disservice to the women, kinda like saying they can't think and their legs are gonna get too tired???

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well that is the question isn't it? None the less I wouldnt think that you can deny that it IS IN FACT the case though right? As mentioned, if that were the case there would be no women's tour or women's only tournaments then right? They DO NEED their own tour(naments) because they CAN not compete directly with the men in general.

Do you have a dedicated computer monitor just for the Fargo list that is a 24/7 live feed updated every 5 seconds and just sit and stare at it all day every day lol?

Hi Mike, question for ya: As we all know there's plenty of sports books in London and tons of money being bet thru them including cue sports. Do you know if any of them are using your Fargo rate to primarily setting the lines and if so about how many ( ie how much faith are they putting into Fargo as opposed to whatever / whoever they were using prior to Fargo? Just curious, thanks!

Let's just say OK to your statement. But in reality, isn't the endurance and the mind part an important part of the game - just as it has been the whole time? Also; if it's your position the men and the girls are all equals, then limiting the match to 25 would be a handicap for the women wouldn't it? I mean most would agree endurance and using ones mind ARE a huge part of the game so why change that to accommodate the girls? Why do you think that needs to be done anyway ? I think it's actually a disservice to the women, kinda like saying they can't think and their legs are gonna get too tired???

I'm not saying thier equal why do you think woman's tennis is shorter sets



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
FargoRate is legit! So while having this conversation about the men versus the women, we can no longer doubt the performance of the women since their performance is no longer a subjective measurent.

Now if you are like me and you are still skeptical of a female player's actual skill set in comparison to their male counterparts then you must look beyond their rating. How could it be that a female player like Siming Chen could have the same Fargo Rating as someone like Skyler Woodward? Are they really equally skilled players if you were to measure their overall aptitude on the pool table? These skills would include pocketing balls, playing safe, banking balls, kicking balls, and breaking the balls. If they are rated the same but they don't actually have the skill set, then what in the world could be going on? How could a player who has less overall skill then another player, have an equal or higher Fargo Rating?

My theory is -- it's the game! 9 ball played on fresh cloth, with lively rails, while using template racks, and breaking with the one ball on the spot without a break box creates a game that negates the value of all but one skill and that one skill is straight fundamentally sound cueing. Playing this version of nine ball, a player doesn't need a powerful stroke, nor do they need to exhibit great safety and kicking skills, because the racks tend to spread open more predictably. Add to this, the fact that many of these games are played on looser tables and the game is just so much simplier than other versions of the same game. So if you can cue the ball straight, and remain still throughout the stroke, then a very good female player will play run out pool. Maybe even close to perfect pool. If we were to simplify the game even more we would see the gap between the sexes draw even closer. Let's say we just played 6 ball on loose tables with a wired rack. At some point the game becomes so easy that it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between good and great.

I know what I see on the table when I compare the overall games of men and women of similar ratings and their overall skill set just isn't that close. So this is my working theory as to what is going on. If FargoRate could seperate ratings based on game types then my theory could be tested.

You like to simplify and that's good so let's do that : all it really comes down to at the end of the day is who wins and how often. So until we have men and women rated the same play each other and just see how it turns out. I think I have a pretty good idea what's gonna happen. One more thing ; whether they will publicly admit it is another thing, take those same rated man and woman and who the masses will take their hard earned money and bet on - end of story till we can see those two tings happen. We all can understand why Mike defends Fargo and claims the things he claims, no biggie.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fsrgo has shown numerous times and I believe in this very thread that Shanes Fargorate would be dang near identical aginst top players or against chumps..

Thanks Jason, this has brought up even yet another flaw with Fargo I had never even thought of. How can someone be accurately rated like this. Wouldn't common sense dictate that someone that plays all killers and wins be much better than someone that plays all chumps and wins ?