Siming Chen


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Heck after 379 posts it is hard to tell what this thread is really about!

BTW you never answered my question regarding which leagues report information for Fargo ratings.


We have been developing software to get league data in. It is called FargoRate LMS (League Management System). It is directly tied to our database, so games are attached to the right person and go in immediately. Rating updates seen the next day.

LMS is currently in use for all USAPL divisions. In addition USAPL is using a our new mobile scoring APP.

We have also developed LMS for a wide variety of other formats, and those in final stages of testing now; LMS will be available at no charge to all BCAPL divisions and at a per-player-per-year charge for others...


Silver Member
The top 4 at the US Open last year were

(1) Shane (821) World # 2
(2) JL Chang (809) World # 6
(3) Dennis Orcollo ( 812) World # 3
(4) Jayson Shaw (810) World # 4

That's numbers 2,3,4,and 6 by Fargo Rating. And #1 didn't play.

Here is that straw-man thing again. NOBODY says she plays at this speed

This was one of the first few posts in the thread, by the OP.

Originally Posted by Rhea:

She plays even with skylar woodward if that gives you any indication of her speed, but shes trending up and so is he

She is clearly stating she is as good as the Skylar, one of the best US players and Mosconi Team member. And thus, if she lived in the US, would obviously be selected to play on the Mosconi Team. NO CHANCE.

If she can "hang" with Sky, surely she is a threat to win or place very high at the US Open? I'm saying she is not a threat to win or place highly at the US Open.

Rhea has her opinion based on emotion, and I have mine backed up by decades of results. Who you gonna bet on ;)
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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Same result. If we only look at Jennifer Baretta's 900 games against men, she is shooting at 651 speed.

In her 1100 games against women, she is playing at 648 speed --the same. ...

Thanks for doing that, Mike.

So you've looked at 3 women (at least) -- Sara Miller in the mid-500's, Jennifer Barretta in the mid-600's, and Karen Corr at about 730 -- and at all 3 skill levels their Fargo ratings are essentially the same whether we look at their matches against men or their matches against women.

It might be instructive to do the same thing for some men. Do you have any well known men in your system with lots of matches against women?

And, to address many posters' comments, it would also be instructive to do the same Babu/Bibi thing for marathon matches instead of just fairly short tournament matches, but I doubt that's possible.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I think you were at the US Open 9 ball the year that Barry opened it up to woman. What do you remember about those performances?

If I remember correctly Sarah R. was the only one that was in any of the matches played.

2010 was the year the US Open 9-Ball was opened to women. Sarah lost her first match (to Melling 11-2), then had a forfeit, then lost (to Bartram 11-5). Here's one of my posts from back then:
Gerda lost this afternoon, so all the women are now out. Gerda was the only woman in the money, winning $500 for finishing 65th-96th and a $1,000 bonus as the top woman.

Here's an update to the numbers I showed in post #7 of this thread.

  • 9 of the 14 women won no matches;
  • Barretta, Chen, and Laurance each won 1 match and lost 2 matches against men;
  • Mason-Parker split two matches against women and lost 1 match to a man;
  • Hofstatter won 2 matches against men, won 1 match against a woman, and lost 2 matches to men;
  • The women played 30 matches against the men, with a record of 5 wins (17%) and 25 losses;
  • The women played 488 games against the men, with a record of 176 games won (36%) and 312 games lost.

As many others have said, I hope there is no conflict in tournament dates next year and that we will see many more of the top women in this event.

Unfortunately, we haven't seen many women enter the event since then. The only finishes I can find in the money for women are as follows:

2010 -- Gerda Hofstatter, 65th/96th, $500 plus the bonus mentioned above.
2013 -- Monica Webb, 49th/64th, $500
2015 -- Karen Corr, 33rd/48th, $2,000
2016 -- Chezka Centeno, 33rd/48th, $2,000


You want some of this?
Silver Member
Thanks I remember her losing the match against Bartram, maybe I was thinking of Gerda. It was a long time ago.

2010 was the year the US Open 9-Ball was opened to women. Sarah lost her first match (to Melling 11-2), then had a forfeit, then lost (to Bartram 11-5). Here's one of my posts from back then:

Unfortunately, we haven't seen many women enter the event since then. The only finishes I can find in the money for women are as follows:

2010 -- Gerda Hofstatter, 65th/96th, $500 plus the bonus mentioned above.
2013 -- Monica Webb, 49th/64th, $500
2015 -- Karen Corr, 33rd/48th, $2,000
2016 -- Chezka Centeno, 33rd/48th, $2,000


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
2010 was the year the US Open 9-Ball was opened to women. Sarah lost her first match (to Melling 11-2), then had a forfeit, then lost (to Bartram 11-5). [...]

And in a strange twist---that forfeit was to ME. Brackets were hand written on the wall, and when I checked the time of my match, the time closest to my name was for the NEXT match. So the match was called on the TV table, and I was in my room... That was Sarah's chance to beat up on a man at the US Open...


Silver Member
And in a strange twist---that forfeit was to ME. Brackets were hand written on the wall, and when I checked the time of my match, the time closest to my name was for the NEXT match. So the match was called on the TV table, and I was in my room... That was Sarah's chance to beat up on a man at the US Open...

Seriously, that's funny :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You just keep picking any example except the title of this thread, done with you, you win.


Jason i didn't pick the example. I think Atlarge did. Sorry if you didn't follow what I was saying or how it relates to the original topic. I don't believe I replied to anything you've said the whole thread except this last. Atlarge asked a question, I replied, you replied to my comment, I replied to what you said. Where is the issue? The point I was making is that 650 is a notable Fargorate for a women. Not many have this. That makes them "top women". That makes them notable. A man with 650 is not notable because there are many of them. This obviously implies that the top men are better than the top women. Did you want me to focus more on your point about Jennifer's looks? Not sure that has anything to do with anything in this thread. Nonetheless, it's your opinion, you said it, so no worries.

Not sure what your issue is with this.


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Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Jason i didn't pick the example. I think Atlarge did. Sorry if you didn't follow what I was saying or how it relates to the original topic. I don't believe I replied to anything you've said the whole thread except this last. Atlarge asked a question, I replied, you replied to my comment, I replied to what you said. Where is the issue? The point I was making is that 650 is a notable Fargorate for a women. Not many have this. That makes them "top women". That makes them notable. A man with 650 is not notable because there are many of them. This obviously implies that the top men are better than the top women. Did you want me to focus more on your point about Jennifer's looks? Not sure that has anything to do with anything in this thread. Nonetheless, it's your opinion, you said it, so no worries.

Not sure what your issue is with this.


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My comment about her looks was due to the fact that she is not a top player today or anywhere near it, and comparing her to men or Chen is a joke. I don't care for Chens slow style of play but would like to see the match.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Still the numbers to me really don't say much , most of those numbers are a collective group playing the same players over and over again , so Fargo rate is obviously the average these numbers do not show a top gear it's a convoluted number based on averages taken from let's say the middle ground since she rarely is in with the top performers when they are in gear late in turney's where some wilt and some shine



Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Still the numbers to me really don't say much , most of those numbers are a collective group playing the same players over and over again , so Fargo rate is obviously the average these numbers do not show a top gear it's a convoluted number based on averages taken from let's say the middle ground since she rarely is in with the top performers when they are in gear late in turney's where some wilt and some shine


How would she not be in tourneys at the end when she is the one winning them???

Believe it or not, you're average IS how you play.

Mike keeps showing you hard numbers and you keep denying they are true. Do you also believe the earth is flat?

Unless you are talking about JB, but even then she still played top players and her rating is the same for men or women
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Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Still the numbers to me really don't say much , most of those numbers are a collective group playing the same players over and over again , so Fargo rate is obviously the average these numbers do not show a top gear it's a convoluted number based on averages taken from let's say the middle ground since she rarely is in with the top performers when they are in gear late in turney's where some wilt and some shine


If I'm betting on the same player every day, I sure as shit don't wanna be betting they will be playing top gear every day. Maybe that's why I've won so much $$$ betting AGAINST Alex, it's because so many people on here only see players TOP gear and think thats how they play every day.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Why travel to the US for Asia pays better...prestige?

Siming Chen

Karen Corr won $7,000 for winning 1st at WPBA Rivers by beating Siming.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My comment about her looks was due to the fact that she is not a top player today or anywhere near it, and comparing her to men or Chen is a joke. I don't care for Chens slow style of play but would like to see the match.

Ok gotcha. As far as American females, not too many play better than her, sadly. I guess Vivian, Monica, probably still Jeannette, idk many more. I actually never really saw Chen play too much so no comment on her. All that said, *none* of the women I mentioned are anywhere close to the Taiwanese girls, Karen Allison etc.

I think we think the same thing but just didn't communicate effectively with each other.

Take care,

Sent from my iPhone using AzBilliards Forums


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Ok gotcha. As far as American females, not too many play better than her, sadly. I guess Vivian, Monica, probably still Jeannette, idk many more. I actually never really saw Chen play too much so no comment on her. All that said, *none* of the women I mentioned are anywhere close to the Taiwanese girls, Karen Allison etc.

I think we think the same thing but just didn't communicate effectively with each other.

Take care,

Sent from my iPhone using AzBilliards Forums

Have a great night!

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How would she not be in tourneys at the end when she is the one winning them???

Believe it or not, you're average IS how you play.

Mike keeps showing you hard numbers and you keep denying they are true. Do you also believe the earth is flat?

Unless you are talking about JB, but even then she still played top players and her rating is the same for men or women

I'm am talking about JB so if the numbers are so true than you have no problem taking Chen against Sky ..
