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  • Hi Glen, I live in northern Indiana and you recovered and leveled my Connelly Ultimate two years ago and Im still amazed at how tight the cloth is and how perfectly level the table has remained. Thanks again for your professional service and hope all is well with you. Stan
    Hi. I am a friend of Danny Lee in Houston, Tx. I believe he sent the rails of his Gold Crown to you so you could adjust the angle of the sub rail. I am looking at buying a Gold Crown IV. I want a Diamond, but the price of the GC is something I can actually afford. I am wondering if I can send the rails to you so you can adjust the sub rail angle. I would like to make the GC play as closely as poss to a Diamond. The person I am buying the table from is going to install and re-felt the table. So, I was looking at buying K55 rails (those would make the extended rail, correct?) Please let me know your opinion and how much you would charge me to do the work on the rails. Also, approximately how long would that work take.
    Thanks So Much!
    Kim Shannon
    Hi Glen, I bought a Gold Crown III from your brother last winter. I love the table and he did a great job refinishing it and setting it up. He told me that it may need new cushions so I just recently had new Artemis rubber put on it. The table still doesn't seem to play quite right. I play at Malarkey's and I was told that you may soon be in Tacoma. Clark said that he would talk to you about it. If possible I would like to meet you to explain what is happening.
    Hi Glen,

    Check out my avatar. I just started doing the 3D cad model of the table design. A long way to go but it will get there one eye-twitch reducing modification at a time until it is perfect - to me.


    hey Glen,
    Can you tell me anything about a table made by ARC Billiards in florida?Is it junk or decent?
    I can send you some pics if that will help any
    Hi Glen, I'm a newbie on the forum, but I have referenced your posts on several occasions and I know you have worked on every pool table known to man after reading some of your posts. I have a 1971 9' Brunswick Monticello that I bought on Craigslist. I disassembled it and brought it home then had it re-covered and set up by a local company who did a pretty good job. Problem is, the rails are melamine and it has cracked near the side pockets and there are also other surface blemishes I don't like about the rails including dents to the aluminum edge trim and cheap particleboard skirt. I am wondering if you had any suggestions for a Do-it-yourselfer to improve its appearance. Will any GC parts fit this table? You will not be in the Baton Rouge area any time soon will you? -Blake Ivey
    Hello Glenn, its been a long time. Hey, have you seen my latest post on that AMF table. Is that rail mounting steel strip factory? If anyone knows, I know you do.
    Hi there,

    i have an olhausen rattle problem driving me crazy lol people have mentioned your the person to talk to i guess 3/16 neoprene faceings or theres another way? thank you
    Glen - This is just a holiday wish for you to have a great Christmas!! I am an unknown lurker but I enjoy your posts. They are never nasty and you seem to try and do an honest job when asked. Keep being a good person and again.....Merry Christmas!
    Hi Glen -
    I have 3 8ft Diamond Smart tables that I would like to get recovered in Tournament Blue. I am located in Conway Pa. (about 30mins northwest of Pittsburgh), and would like to see if you would be willing to do it, or recommend someone who can? If so, what kind of a time frame?

    Ray Brooks
    Lounge Billiards
    In your personal opinion What brand of felt should I get? I've been practicing a lot on my table and the felt and rails need to be replaced.
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