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  • Hi Ryan
    Just checking to see if you have material for a Huebler collar with 5 rings being black and white array
    sizes approx.
    Top ring black - .375
    Next 3 rings white -black-white - .066
    bottom ring black - .125
    Collar in total is .695"

    Let me know
    Ryan, thanx for the response. Looks like I may need to make a billet for these rings. What material do you use for the black/white rings. thanx greg
    hey ratman! was wondering when you are going to make some black/white 8 slot shaft rings. I tried to order some from meuller last week but was told they were out of stock. I need one to repair a meucci shaft. thanx greg
    Hi ryan , I was given your name by a couple of people who hold your cue repair expertise in high regard. I have a 10 or so year old predator sneaky pete that has it's clear coat in bad shape. I live in Michigan so some cold nights in storage is probably the culprit. Was wanting to see how much it would cost me to have you strip the old clear coat and put a new coat on it.
    Dear Ryan,
    I thank you very much for the begin of our friendship!
    Kind regards and all the best wishes, your Swiss friend Roberto
    Hey Ryan, Sorry to bother you but I am still waiting for those custom joint protectors for the RAT17 I got from you. The joint is rather long, most joint protectors I have tried are just a 1/16 of an inch too short to cover it. Thanks!
    hey ryan, we met at the expo, i have the rat-13 and bought the J/B cue, I was wondering how much longer for the extension I ordered. I'm really needing man, by the way, I get compliments on that break cue and playing cue all the time, do you have a patch or sticker with your brand, I'm spreading your brand, hopefully some will bite.( bite, get it, bc of your avatar, too corny??) sorry , im bored
    Hey Ryan, I wrote a review of your cue over on the cue reviews forum. I am really enjoying it and am looking forward to the joint protectors
    hi/ the bolwing center in brevard nc (rocking bowl) ordered 25 muller house cues. most of the tips fall off, the look very porus and brittle. is this from storage ? even the new ones pop right off with a little twist of the thumb. i am replaceing them . is ther a chance you could replace the tips with some lepro,s . they are paying the labor.

    Say hey!

    Just getting out of the sick bed (heart stuff) Anyhoo, how do I get my "Rifleman" to you for that butt plate? As to the engraving, the lettering is in two different sized fonts, can you match? Share an address, if'n ya please. My e-mail is jimmfulfer1@hotmail.com

    Also I wanted the forearm restored please allow me a quote after I sent it along to you. The points are raised slightly and I would like that addressed and the forearm coated and sealed. Also I want to lighten the cue. Its about a 19.5 - 20 oz. Want to get it down as low as I can.

    Pow wow with'cha later!

    There is no "replacement" butt cap that can be swapped out. All parts are oversized and machined to size. I can replace it for you. $50 with the engraving.
    Good morning.....new member here. You were recommended by Kim Walker, a cue maker here in the Athens, GA area. I have just procurred an original "The Rifleman" cue by Meucci. The butt plate is sevely cracked. I have called Meucci and cannot bet a call back. I have used his cues fo thiry years but the customer "no" service is a drain. Do you know of any source to obtain a butt pallte that has the label (for lack of better words) "The Rifleman by Meucci"?

    Many thanks,

    Jimm F
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