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  • Hi my friend-
    Hope you re doing great- thanks for the nice reputation.
    How it s rolling in moscow nowadays? :)
    Maybe you come to prague in 2014? i ll be there in january, february and march for 5 days each month.
    have a smooth stroke pal.
    Sorry I was not very clear. My daughter studies at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Connecticut. All the instructers are from Russia.
    Hey thanks for the Russian rep. I have been to your country many times on google earth and it is amazing. I hope to go myself in a few years as my daughter studies at the Bolshoi Ballet.
    Kurtz... Hmm I wonder if there is any relation ???

    And yeah I took some heat fror sharing a last name with the colnel !!!

    Happy Holidays,

    this is your eletronic Christmas card, I'm sending it to all my friends here and other people I dont know(yet), I'm in the Christmas Spreait this year!!! And want to share that gret feeling with my friends and pool players I havent met yet!!! 09 was a brutal year for all of us, so a litle joy now is what the Dr. ordered!!!

    I wish you to have a happy Christmas and a great 2010!!!

    shoot straight, and my best regards

    Eric aka Fatboy
    Hey mate, going to Moscow on Sunday for 1 night/day, know any good pool halls / bars / girls?! :)

    Do you live in Moscow?

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