14.1 challenge John Schmidt concedes to Shaw disgrace


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
John Schmitt is great guy

I have to tell you that John Schmitt is a real good guy and a class act and of course he's high strung, but you have to realize he dedicated his whole life to being one of the greatest pocket billiards players, he achieved that, but still don't make a decent living and knows it probably will remain as bad as it presently is. John, you are always welcome in Louisiana and we would love to have you back, Richie Richardson and Ronnie Wiseman both love it, continuous high dollar action available. GOD Bless !!!!:embarrassed2:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It was diarrhea, wasn't it? I told him to stay away from tippy's taco house.

It was Johns choice to concede, if any one of us play in a tournament tomorrow and are in the finals and decide to do the same then who really cares? The match is not televised and no big sponsors involved. The only people who might want to be upset could be the people adding the money. Who knows why John conceded, maybe he was not into it because Shaw obviously was not wanting to play and wanted to get sleep for the nine ball which he felt is more important.

I hate to see people tearing the man down on here. John is a good guy in my opinion who I think is just tired and disenchanted with pro pool which is easily understood since it pays about the same for most as the guy greeting people at Walmart. If you guys asked the question as to why he conceded as opposed to attacking the man you might find out what happened.

Cameron Smith

is kind of hungry...
Silver Member
I definitely agree with you, but there are plenty of players and AZB posters who think of pool not as sport, but primarily as gambling, hustling, and tournament-money-making opportunities for players.

I understand that line of thought, though it is certainly in their best interest for the game to be promoted such that there is more money to be won/gambled/lost.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have to tell you that John Schmitt is a real good guy and a class act and of course he's high strung, but you have to realize he dedicated his whole life to being one of the greatest pocket billiards players, he achieved that, but still don't make a decent living and knows it probably will remain as bad as it presently is. John, you are always welcome in Louisiana and we would love to have you back, Richie Richardson and Ronnie Wiseman both love it, continuous high dollar action available. GOD Bless !!!!:embarrassed2:

It's not like it's anything new that pool is a lousy career choice. If some great american athlete decides to play rugby or lacrosse for instance instead of football...assuming he could actually play football he would only have himself to blame for making peanuts.
If there were fortunes to be made playing pool, a whole different class of people would emerge to take the pots..... You think Tiger Wood's dad would have pushed him to golf if it paid like pool? Not a chance.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not like it's anything new that pool is a lousy career choice. If some great american athlete decides to play rugby or lacrosse for instance instead of football...assuming he could actually play football he would only have himself to blame for making peanuts.
If there were fortunes to be made playing pool, a whole different class of people would emerge to take the pots..... You think Tiger Wood's dad would have pushed him to golf if it paid like pool? Not a chance.

I know a guy who was a consistent state champion horseshoe pitcher. Won tons of titles...made pretty much zero. He accepted it. Was a 2nd rate college baseball pitcher however....oops talking to myself here...lol


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Well who cares if you guys paid to watch. That has no relevance to him. Personally you shouldn't be charged to watch if the players aren't being paid to be shown, players have an obligation to the event not the stream unless the stream is kicking money to the players or the event IMO.

The people who paid to watch should have a lot of relevance to him. Without the audience, they could all be in a basement playing each other with no added money.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
The people who paid to watch should have a lot of relevance to him. Without the audience, they could all be in a basement playing each other with no added money.

I believe even without the stream the contributors who put on that event add the money, not sure if the stream adds any money to it. Probably just there to capture the video for later viewing I believe.


Silver Member
I have to tell you that John Schmitt is a real good guy and a class act and of course he's high strung, but you have to realize he dedicated his whole life to being one of the greatest pocket billiards players, he achieved that, but still don't make a decent living and knows it probably will remain as bad as it presently is. John, you are always welcome in Louisiana and we would love to have you back, Richie Richardson and Ronnie Wiseman both love it, continuous high dollar action available. GOD Bless !!!!:embarrassed2:

Hey, I still like John too. Just a terrific player and person. Just needs to toughen up his mental game, and I'm sure he would admit that as well.

Terry Ardeno

I still love my wife
Silver Member
It was Johns choice to concede, if any one of us play in a tournament tomorrow and are in the finals and decide to do the same then who really cares? The match is not televised and no big sponsors involved. The only people who might want to be upset could be the people adding the money. Who knows why John conceded, maybe he was not into it because Shaw obviously was not wanting to play and wanted to get sleep for the nine ball which he felt is more important.

I hate to see people tearing the man down on here. John is a good guy in my opinion who I think is just tired and disenchanted with pro pool which is easily understood since it pays about the same for most as the guy greeting people at Walmart. If you guys asked the question as to why he conceded as opposed to attacking the man you might find out what happened.

That's a great post Lenny. I agree with your assessments.

John was, is and always will be a super friendly guy and a great all-around player.
He's said some of the most comical and greatest one liners about pool players that I've ever heard.
Along with Shannon Daulton, one of my favorite active champions. I wish him all the best always.

(PS-Life continues fellas) :)

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know a guy who was a consistent state champion horseshoe pitcher. Won tons of titles...made pretty much zero. He accepted it. Was a 2nd rate college baseball pitcher however....oops talking to myself here...lol

This gave me a chuckle--instantly thought of this story as the plot to the next Adam Sandler movie

Donny Lutz

Ferrule Cat
Silver Member
I hate concessions. Even if it's one ball. I understand them but they are terrible for any game that has even one person paying anything for it.

John screwed up in this case and I would bet if you talked to him about it in a calm manner he would admit that and probably wishes he would of done something different. John is a good guy. Like all humans he is subject to make bad decisions. Doesn't make him a bad guy. That said there needs to be a penalty for any player who quits in a match. It's horrible for the sponsors and really turns people off. It's not a boxing match. You dont throw in the towel. Either finish or don't play in the first place.

If all people want is what we have now which is a few guys in a hotel conference room playing for entries and basically donations from companies and individuals then allow this type of stuff to continue. If the players know they will be held accountable up front then they will either straighten up or schedule their time better and realize they should pass on an event if they want to focus their attention elsewhere. Other players see things like this (and many others that have happened over the years with many different players) with no one being held accountable. That breeds a mindset of having no responsibility to the fans and the people who spent time, money and effort putting on the event. That is bad for everyone especially the players themselves.

There are always exceptions but the problem now is that because there is zero accountability for anyone in the industry, promoter or player, its just a free for all. Fans show up not knowing if a guy is going to quit in the middle of a match or even show up for one and players show up not knowing what rules or equipment they are going to play with and in some cases even if they will be paid. It's all a mess and much bigger than John wigging out and raking the balls.

There are three pro players that I rather dislike for things they've done. I don't talk about it here because I don't know any of them personally, and don't went to hurt them anyway.

I've never been in a situation just like the one described here, but there have been a few times when I was gambling that I missed an important very easy shot and threw in the towel.. I was so disappointed with myself, I decided that I didn't deserve to win.

I'm guessing that something like this may have been in John's mind.
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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I don't know if anyone posted this prior, but John recapped DCC in a facebook post that included his behavior (I added paragraphs, but everything is word for word from John's finger tips):

Week recap. Went to derby play no events except 14.1 challenge. First hour in dollar play Richie richeson 6 ahead for 36000 and lose . He is great player and nice guy. Obviously after that I'm completely cracked and don't know which way is up.

Then Danny smith gives me 9/8 race to 10 for 20,000. I play much better and win 10-7.

Then I'm beating jayson shaw 117-60 going to 125 and I miss a shot that I've missed couple times this week and I implode mentally and quit. Between being stuck 8000 for trip and other issues I have missing that ball and losing to Richie , I had enough. I was totally in wrong.

On positive note I was then able to play Brandon Shuff race to 7 for 6000. It goes hill hill and I'm down 6-3 in balls and they go up table. I claw back and beat him to.

All in all great week for my game as I was under big pressure high dollar stakes and won 2 out of 3 times and if I didn't act like a infant might have went deep in 14.1. In closing I deserve all the criticism I received and I'll try to seriously work on not berating myself and quitting in future etc. Very exhausting, expensive and trying week. But I think I learned a lot from it.



H.RUN 311/Diamond W.R.
Silver Member
It was diarrhea, wasn't it? I told him to stay away from tippy's taco house.

Funny..... Do they have Tippys taco huts nationwide? Dont remember where they are in our area. Maybe near Weenie Beenies. Did Beenies serves tacos? Order from Tippys with caution and stay away from the beans Walter.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That would give you a better chance to win!! Haters will be haters.. I know it must be frustrating for you that the game comes so easy to him.. The good news for him is no matter what your comments are he'll still be John Schmidt Mr. 400 and you'll be ????

wow, white man speak black man ebonics to look cool learned from mtv


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He missed the break shot and scratched


Then he raked the balls

Capture 1.JPG

Just missed and was mad at himself and raked the balls in the spur of the moment
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Let's not forget...

Jayson conceded a match at the DCC as well...

If I recall correctly, he was playing Larry Nevel in 9B.

Larry was trailing in the match, while Jayson was on the hill.

Larry battled back, got a couple of rolls and came back to make the match hill-hill.

Jayson broke down his cue, and shook Larry's hand - not playing out the final game.

prima donna

[pree-muh don-uh, prim-uh; Italian pree-mah dawn-nah]

1. a first or principal female singer of an opera company.
2. a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.

Too much ego and pride amongst pool players, and not enough humility or sportsmanship.



The Dream Operator
Silver Member
Jayson conceded a match at the DCC as well...

If I recall correctly, he was playing Larry Nevel in 9B.

Larry was trailing in the match, while Jayson was on the hill.

Larry battled back, got a couple of rolls and came back to make the match hill-hill.

Jayson broke down his cue, and shook Larry's hand - not playing out the final game.

prima donna

[pree-muh don-uh, prim-uh; Italian pree-mah dawn-nah]

1. a first or principal female singer of an opera company.
2. a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.

Too much ego and pride amongst people, and not enough humility or sportsmanship.


Fixed that for you.