14.1 challenge John Schmidt concedes to Shaw disgrace

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
John Schmidt has been assessed a $300 unsportsmanlike conduct penalty which has been added to the prizes of the other 3 contestants who were eliminated in the first round.

Mark Wilson was on record as saying his Mosconi Cup team was going to include players of the highest character. And he also added that JS was there because of his dynamic leadership qualities.

This unsportsmanlike behavior isn't new for John and, for me, that fact pretty much nullified what Mark Wilson had to say regarding his inclusion criteria.

While I have no clue as to whether there were any backers involved, I definitely know there were bets placed on this match. To be that close to the finish line and rake the balls is not only disgraceful, it's also quite selfish.


briaqn kc
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Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I want to like John Schmidt so much. I always enjoy watching him play, and when listening to him doing commentary I think he is hilarious.

I've never met the man, I have no basis for judgement, beyond what we see, hear and read.

I want to like him

I read his comments on Facebook, and he always seems so angry. He throws the word "hater" around liberally, and takes offense at the slightest disagreement on social media, let alone here.

Someone said something on Cappelles Facebook post regarding the match, and John comes on and says that he was going to explain what happened, but because of the "haters" he would keep it to himself.

I want to like John Schmidt. I hope he finds something to make him happy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I hate concessions. Even if it's one ball. I understand them but they are terrible for any game that has even one person paying anything for it.

John screwed up in this case and I would bet if you talked to him about it in a calm manner he would admit that and probably wishes he would of done something different. John is a good guy. Like all humans he is subject to make bad decisions. Doesn't make him a bad guy. That said there needs to be a penalty for any player who quits in a match. It's horrible for the sponsors and really turns people off. It's not a boxing match. You dont throw in the towel. Either finish or don't play in the first place.

If all people want is what we have now which is a few guys in a hotel conference room playing for entries and basically donations from companies and individuals then allow this type of stuff to continue. If the players know they will be held accountable up front then they will either straighten up or schedule their time better and realize they should pass on an event if they want to focus their attention elsewhere. Other players see things like this (and many others that have happened over the years with many different players) with no one being held accountable. That breeds a mindset of having no responsibility to the fans and the people who spent time, money and effort putting on the event. That is bad for everyone especially the players themselves.

There are always exceptions but the problem now is that because there is zero accountability for anyone in the industry, promoter or player, its just a free for all. Fans show up not knowing if a guy is going to quit in the middle of a match or even show up for one and players show up not knowing what rules or equipment they are going to play with and in some cases even if they will be paid. It's all a mess and much bigger than John wigging out and raking the balls.

Agree 100%. Good post.


The Saw

Juicy Pop in 2016!
Silver Member
this is what JS had to say on FB:

John Schmidt I backed out of set with Danny smith. I've had rough week and rough day. When I backed out ray started bad mouthing me. I'll make sure to never play anything on his camera table. He didn't see me and was bashing me bigtime. I think it was smart to back out because I'm on tilt right now and they bash me. Also ac Henry I wasn't inferring that u are drug addict . I'm just saying pro pool tourneys are complete degenerate convention and then I quit a match and people talk like I set this billion dollar pro pool tour back to the dark ages. Lol

11 hrs · Like · 12



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sounds like both players need a serious attitude adjustment.

Also, really starting to look like betting on pool players is for suckers. Worse than college basketball.
To be clear Dennis swept the balls when he played Max.
To be clear Schmidt swept the balls not Shaw.
Schmidt also swept the balls against Charlie Williams in the finals of a SBE 14 1 event a couple years ago.
14.1 is a game of patterns and so is Schmidts sweeping of the balls and attitude.
I hope all pool players like this stay broke.They are getting exactly was they deserve with the exception of being barred from these events.
I'm glad I'm not a sponsor because I would have asked for my financial support back and I hope the sponsors do the same or put their foot down to stop this garbage.

2012 at Super Billliards Mika and Charlie Williams split the 14-1 finals instead of playing it out. If I was the promoter I wouldn't pay them a dime. These guys are all idiots with no sense of how they come off.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
this is what JS had to say on FB:

John Schmidt I backed out of set with Danny smith. I've had rough week and rough day. When I backed out ray started bad mouthing me. I'll make sure to never play anything on his camera table. He didn't see me and was bashing me bigtime. I think it was smart to back out because I'm on tilt right now and they bash me. Also ac Henry I wasn't inferring that u are drug addict . I'm just saying pro pool tourneys are complete degenerate convention and then I quit a match and people talk like I set this billion dollar pro pool tour back to the dark ages. Lol

11 hrs · Like · 12

Taken from Phil Cappelle's page (https://www.facebook.com/pcapelle1?fref=ts), there are other comments, but this sums up his reasoning why

While there's no way I would badmouth for Schmidt backing out of the set with Danny, Schmidt has to understand that of course Ray is going to be upset. He has paying customers and he sets aside time to put these guys on, and then is screwed. If Schmidt is on tilt then he absolutely shouldn't play, but don't be surprised that other people who have a different agenda (ie running his business) is upset.
There is one reason people act like this...entitlement.
They think they deserve better but are too ignorant to know how to get what they want.
In frustration they slam balls around and act like 3 year olds.
This is who pro pool goes nowhere.


Gold Member
While there's no way I would badmouth for Schmidt backing out of the set with Danny, Schmidt has to understand that of course Ray is going to be upset. He has paying customers and he sets aside time to put these guys on, and then is screwed. If Schmidt is on tilt then he absolutely shouldn't play, but don't be surprised that other people who have a different agenda (ie running his business) is upset.

Part of the job that comes with streaming action is that people flake, change their mind, don't have the money whatever. No use burning bridges over it. After the first ten or so times I got hung out to dry I stopped sweating it as much.

Besides if guys are betting big money and letting someone stream them the streamer should feel lucky. I always did. There is no way he can pay them anything that would matter. So they are providing him a way to make money for not a whole lot of tangible return.


AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
Part of the job that comes with streaming action is that people flake, change their mind, don't have the money whatever. No use burning bridges over it. After the first ten or so times I got hung out to dry I stopped sweating it as much.

Besides if guys are betting big money and letting someone stream them the streamer should feel lucky. I always did. There is no way he can pay them anything that would matter. So they are providing him a way to make money for not a whole lot of tangible return.

All true, but I believe the problem was with the 2 1/2 hour stall JS put on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Has anyone asked Schmidt if he was bothered by Shaw's lack of interest in the game. Some people would take Shaw's disinterest as disrespectful and would be pissed at that kind of action. Maybe Schmidt felt disrespected and said "Screw it, I don't want to play anymore." That kind of action can take one off their game and get into their head. Maybe this happened here.

That's my thought after reading what Shaw posted about the match. I have a feeling John was tuned in to Shaw's lack of enthusiasm to be playing and it probably irritated him. If this is true he should have ran to 124 and quit. It's not worth much to beat someone who doesn't even care to be there in the first place. Fairly uninspiring I'd say.


Silver Member
That's my thought after reading what Shaw posted about the match. I have a feeling John was tuned in to Shaw's lack of enthusiasm to be playing and it probably irritated him. If this is true he should have ran to 124 and quit. It's not worth much to beat someone who doesn't even care to be there in the first place. Fairly uninspiring I'd say.[/QUOT

I just don't get it. If your opponent isn't into it them just go through the motions I guess and take the win. Next round and another chance and a little more money. Don't give it away when you are so close to the win, you have done most of the hard work at that point.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
On those Facebook posts John Schmidt says he had no problem whatsoever with Shaw.

Can you imagine the look on the face of someone who had bet on JS? The were sat on the sidelines Looking at the score and looking at Shaw's lack of interest with a big smile saying to themselves "Easy money" THEN JS rakes the balls that exact moment the look on their face had to be just disbelief.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't really feel comfortable copy-pasting Schmidt's comments from Facebook to here, but it seems like he is basically saying "I had a good reason but I'm not going to tell anyone" and "It's my money, they don't pay us well, so I can do what I want and it's none of your (the fans) business."

Sloppy Pockets

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can you imagine the look on the face of someone who had bet on JS? The were sat on the sidelines Looking at the score and looking at Shaw's lack of interest with a big smile saying to themselves "Easy money" THEN JS rakes the balls that exact moment the look on their face had to be just disbelief.

Can you imagine the look on someone who had bet on Shaw and then read his FB post saying, "I hope this guy runs out because I'm sleepy and the 9-ball is more important to me." Love to have a pic of that guy's face. Lol

If there are any guilty parties here then they're both guilty. Saying there was wrongdoing because folks may have bet on the match is ludicrous. You don't like it? Don't bet on it. No need for a player to feel financially obligated to anyone except himself or his backer. They're playing for themselves and have their own reasons for what they do. Allowing people to make side bets on your match so they can make money off you is pretty much not a priority for them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If everyone was sane and no drugs or drinking then I surly would not be side betting on a short race to 10 for $18gs. Too fishy.
Nor the next one for $10g if it was a short race.

Glad to see Schmidt get a fine as his attitude hurts the game. How one can compare him to Masconi??? People stand up for JS by Blaming it on someone else, Sounds like Obama talk. Anyone who plays pool knows disinterest can be a big part of your opponent tactics. Can't tell you how many times people are texting if its not outlawed in a tourney. I've seen Shaw frustrated but he has always held my respect.

If Shaw was texting before Schmidt conceded the game he should also be fined.
I would think they have rules against cell phone usage or noises going off during match play. Its totally discourteous to be texting while playing.

JCIN Great Post !!!!!


14.1 - real pool
Silver Member
Agreed, John is a great guy. He was having a crappy day, and after the proverbial slap in the face by Shaw got fed up with the event, and decided it made more sense to rest up and focus his attention in the pit... where he MIGHT make some money.

Not quite seeing your logic here. This tournament pays $4000 to win plus whatever you can accumulate in high run prize money. Jayson stands to take home $5500 if he wins the whole thing. First round loser pays $800, seems to be a pretty good deal for a $100 entry fee. Winner of the John/Jayson match would have moved to 1300 and losing in the final would have been $2500. I guess it's not worth their time...

Bill Maropulos
Co-Director Derby Straight Pool Challenge


Silver Member
Not quite seeing your logic here. This tournament pays $4000 to win plus whatever you can accumulate in high run prize money. Jayson stands to take home $5500 if he wins the whole thing. First round loser pays $800, seems to be a pretty good deal for a $100 entry fee. Winner of the John/Jayson match would have moved to 1300 and losing in the final would have been $2500. I guess it's not worth their time...

Bill Maropulos
Co-Director Derby Straight Pool Challenge

Hey Marop, I am just stunned as to why John gave up when he was so close. I know that you and John are very good friends so is there anything that you can tell people as to what happened that made John make such a decision? I am sure if there is an answer that makes sense he will get less flame on here. Hope all is well.


I see dead balls
Silver Member
Not quite seeing your logic here. This tournament pays $4000 to win plus whatever you can accumulate in high run prize money. Jayson stands to take home $5500 if he wins the whole thing. First round loser pays $800, seems to be a pretty good deal for a $100 entry fee. Winner of the John/Jayson match would have moved to 1300 and losing in the final would have been $2500. I guess it's not worth their time...

Bill Maropulos
Co-Director Derby Straight Pool Challenge

First of all thanks to all the people putting on this event! As a straightpool enthusiast I salute you!

Second I can't believe the snotty, entitled attitude that is evident in the Posts and actions by JS. Everybody keeps saying what a great guy he is and what a fantastic attitude he has, even Mark Wilson. I guess he comes off different in person, or I'm reading the posts wrong, but there seems to be a bit of a pattern developing...

The stunt he pulled, raking the balls is pretty much the same as giving all the fans and promoters the middle finger, in my eyes. And his later facebook posts do little to change that impression. In a gambling set you can do what you want, as it is your money and any side betters are taking a calculated risk, but when you play in a tournament with added money, it's a different story. People are paying to watch you play. Why else would they add money? It's not like these people are becoming millionaires off the players, either...The sponsorship money in pool is pretty much non existent.

I guess the guys running the straight pool challenge are better people than I am. If someone pulled this and I was running the event I'd pretty much tell them to f off and never come back.