14.1 challenge John Schmidt concedes to Shaw disgrace


What time is it?
Silver Member
I get the impression that a large portion of the added money to the straight pool event comes out of a few hard core fans pockets. Definitely insulting when they have to read that a player feels their money isn't big enough.


I see dead balls
Silver Member
I get the impression that a large portion of the added money to the straight pool event comes out of a few hard core fans pockets. Definitely insulting when they have to read that a player feels their money isn't big enough.

Couldn't agree more!

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Jayson just rang me from DCC and he had a lot to say but pertaining to the Schmidt concession he said it made no sense to him why he did it be he (Jayson) appreciated the extra money and he is hoping he'll do well in tonight's straight pool semi and hopefully finals.

brian kc


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
I don't really feel comfortable copy-pasting Schmidt's comments from Facebook to here, but it seems like he is basically saying "I had a good reason but I'm not going to tell anyone" and "It's my money, they don't pay us well, so I can do what I want and it's none of your (the fans) business."

Careful or he will block you then talk about how unhappy in life you are. lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Being that this was 14.1, I'd assume that John would have the edge, since Shaw isn't as well known as John for that game.

With that said, I'd assume anyone betting on John would have to give odds in balls or money to anyone taking Shaw.

Is that the case, or would they being playing even?

For what it's worth, I'm smart enough not to bet on anyone playing pool but myself.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
If there are any guilty parties here then they're both guilty. Saying there was wrongdoing because folks may have bet on the match is ludicrous. You don't like it? Don't bet on it. No need for a player to feel financially obligated to anyone except himself or his backer. They're playing for themselves and have their own reasons for what they do. Allowing people to make side bets on your match so they can make money off you is pretty much not a priority for them.

I'm not going for this.....it's one of the things that is wrong with pool.

Why shouldn't people be able to bet on a match....or bid in a calcutta without wondering
if you are going to get a fair run for your money?
...it's ripping off stream buyers also.

Golf had hundred thousand dollar calcuttas in the 50s....that was a lot of dough then.
Pool CANNOT generate this kind of outside money because of reputation.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Was John being paid by the stream? If not he had no obligation to that or those watching IMO. I do hope John chimes in but many hear have crucified this guy without even knowing what happened.

Who cares if he was getting paid. That has no relevance to the people that paid to watch.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Who cares if he was getting paid. That has no relevance to the people that paid to watch.

Not sure i agree with that. If he wasn't being paid and no one backed him in the event and he is essentially allowing himself to be taped doing his thing-well he did his thing.

John is not the devil but anyone who followed pool a little closely over the last 15 years knows if he gets hot, he is subject to quitting. Ho hum.

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Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
Who cares if he was getting paid. That has no relevance to the people that paid to watch.

Well who cares if you guys paid to watch. That has no relevance to him. Personally you shouldn't be charged to watch if the players aren't being paid to be shown, players have an obligation to the event not the stream unless the stream is kicking money to the players or the event IMO.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
John just posted this.

I got fined 300 for quitting match . I'm totally ok with that and think its appropriate that I was fined. People thought because guys running it are showing favoritism, I think it was perfect solution. I was having godawful week and honestly knew I had no business being under stress in front of crowd. Sorry to the sponsors and fans for quitting but sometimes I get so frustrated I just have to leave the room and all the glaring eyes that luv watching me fail. For the record I was ahead 117-60 going to 125 and missed breakball. So no I didn't quit because I was playing bad I was actually playing good and winning. I was just on edge. Anyways I'm far from perfect and ill most likely do more stuff in future I regret .


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not sure i agree with that. If he wasn't being paid and no one backed him in the event and he is essentially allowing himself to be taped doing his thing-well he did his thing.

John is not the devil but anyone who followed pool a little closely over the last 15 years knows if he gets hot, he is subject to quitting. Ho hum.


Let me just make it clear that I probably wouldn't have been upset had I paid to watch and this happened, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be people that would be upset.

And that's why I made the comment to Lenny to show him that to some people it does matter when this happens.

Not to mention if pool ever wants to grow, it can't have actions like those that took place, from both Schmidt and Shaw.

There was a thread a while back about Shaw looking for tournament backers. Why would anyone back someone not willing to give 100% in every match, barring an emergency or illness?


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Well who cares if you guys paid to watch. That has no relevance to him. Personally you shouldn't be charged to watch if the players aren't being paid to be shown, players have an obligation to the event not the stream unless the stream is kicking money to the players or the event IMO.

If the "pro" players truly want this game to grow, then they do need to give a damn about things like this. Attracting an audience that is willing to pay to see players should be paramount. Even if at this time they aren't seeing anything directly from it.


They can continue to complain about the sorry state of "pro" pool.

It's their game. What do they want from it? And what are they willing to do to get it?

(In this particular instance, John may indeed have had something more going on. I'm not discounting that possibility. What I'm doing is pointing out that the attitude of "what am I getting out of it" will continue to keep "pro" pool exactly where it is.)

Cameron Smith

is kind of hungry...
Silver Member
If the "pro" players truly want this game to grow, then they do need to give a damn about things like this. Attracting an audience that is willing to pay to see players should be paramount. Even if at this time they aren't seeing anything directly from it.


They can continue to complain about the sorry state of "pro" pool.

It's their game. What do they want from it? And what are they willing to do to get it?

(In this particular instance, John may indeed have had something more going on. I'm not discounting that possibility. What I'm doing is pointing out that the attitude of "what am I getting out of it" will continue to keep "pro" pool exactly where it is.)

I agree with this, without the fans...what is the point of professional pool or any professional sport. Professional sport is about to promoting the game, it's sponsors and affiliated companies. Ultimately it is about the spectators and not the players.

But John did apologize and I am satisfied with that. We all do things we ultimately regret and I expected he would apologize later on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree with this, without the fans...what is the point of professional pool or any professional sport. Professional sport is about to promoting the game, it's sponsors and affiliated companies. Ultimately it is about the spectators and not the players.

I definitely agree with you, but there are plenty of players and AZB posters who think of pool not as sport, but primarily as gambling, hustling, and tournament-money-making opportunities for players.

nick serdula

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Maybe John is just now seeing the light.

He learned to be the best. He probably thought he would have it made when he did just that. Sad thing is the real money is not there. And no matter how good he gets he realizes you have to win every where you go or starve.
Perfection and earnings do not go hand in hand in this game these days.
Babe Cranfield picked up a Cue ball and threw it at his mother just missing her head because he blamed missing a shot on her talking!
Earl bit one of my friends Cues so hard he left his teeth imprints deep in it after missing.
Pretty elite company.
Champions and nut bags.
Beat that.
Players have been nuts for ever.
They dedicate themselves to pool only to learn the grass isn't too green.
Pro pool? No such thing. It should be called Semi Pro if that.
Spend between $500 and $1,000 a week on the road and you have to make 40K to break even? That is a Pro?
In pool yup. Pizza on a good night. Beans when it's bad. Steak every chance you get. Not a lot.
It is like my dad said years ago.
Get a job.
Nick :)


Silver Member
John just posted this.

I got fined 300 for quitting match . I'm totally ok with that and think its appropriate that I was fined. People thought because guys running it are showing favoritism, I think it was perfect solution. I was having godawful week and honestly knew I had no business being under stress in front of crowd. Sorry to the sponsors and fans for quitting but sometimes I get so frustrated I just have to leave the room and all the glaring eyes that luv watching me fail. For the record I was ahead 117-60 going to 125 and missed breakball. So no I didn't quit because I was playing bad I was actually playing good and winning. I was just on edge. Anyways I'm far from perfect and ill most likely do more stuff in future I regret .

That's fine and dandy, and he has the right to do what he wants, his life. But I play with a few guys that would NOT give up a pool game if you put a gun to their head.

These guys are grinders, and if they are not on top of their game that day, they find another way to win, they do NOT want to lose, ever. Hard to believe a bunch of amateur league players are so much tougher mentally that a professional pool player and a Champion player at that.

Something John should keep in mind, just saying....

Hidy Ho

Missed 4 rail hanger!!!
Silver Member
I get the impression that a large portion of the added money to the straight pool event comes out of a few hard core fans pockets. Definitely insulting when they have to read that a player feels their money isn't big enough.

I hope those guys don't give up trying to keep the game alive.

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
He's not the first Athlete to get pissed at his performance. This forum has become too Lynching-centric. John's a big boy and he knows what he did and would probably like it back.

I remember when JA was beating SVB and said to Shane with a smirk..."It's all funny when you are winning the money". Look at some of the actions of current crop of NFL players making millions and should know better. They got whole crew of handlers and PR people and still show their azs.

