Anyone have an opinion on this?


cue accumulator
Silver Member
I'll keep the back story on the back burner...for now.

Can you give us a hint?
Imaginations can go crazy, so I guess I could start a thread to get everybody's opinion on what they think the story is.
This is big, and the people have to know...:smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow, a carefully selected rock maple shaft, What will they think of next? A price of $185 for a Kamuii tipped finished shaft is cheaper than the LD shafts. Still, to date all I see is a lot of marketing. The sort of which requires careful foot work when walking in open pastures, corrals, and barns.

Incorrect. I have been selling mine for less than that for over 15 years, even currently with the Kamui tip.


Gold Member
Silver Member
I support that guy to the fullest extent..

Sounds like a potentially great Ld shaft .. :wink:


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I am one that feels what nature does at its best has yet to be improved upon. I am talking about heavier weight, straight grain, high growth ring count maple shafts. Now finding all those things in a fairly clean looking shaft is getting very hard to do. So all the LD shafts are trying to find ways to duplicate what nature does at it's best by laminating wood various ways. Then they do little things in the front of the shaft and ferrule area that they feel improves the play. So if he has heavier weight, straight grain, high growth ring count maple shafts and has done some tricks to the front of the shaft and ferrule area he might have a quality LD shaft. But time will tell. I recently built a hard curl maple shaft with special ferrule and the guy swears it deflects less than his other LD shafts.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i'm with chris on this

as many of you know i get most of my shafts from old one piece cues, and the best playing shafts i find are the one that chris described, only difference is i like mine darker [ honey color ]. if a customer wants i have all the standard ld shafts being sold to day avaliable, and i can play with anything on the market.
the very dense, straight grain old maple with out a ferrule, and the correct taper, in my opinion will play as good as any ld shaft made.


Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
as many of you know i get most of my shafts from old one piece cues, and the best playing shafts i find are the one that chris described, only difference is i like mine darker [ honey color ]. if a customer wants i have all the standard ld shafts being sold to day avaliable, and i can play with anything on the market.
the very dense, straight grain old maple with out a ferrule, and the correct taper, in my opinion will play as good as any ld shaft made.
Me too.
I have two racks now and will be getting a few more racks of it.
Thank God one person I know still mills em .


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
as many of you know i get most of my shafts from old one piece cues, and the best playing shafts i find are the one that chris described, only difference is i like mine darker [ honey color ]. if a customer wants i have all the standard ld shafts being sold to day avaliable, and i can play with anything on the market.
the very dense, straight grain old maple with out a ferrule, and the correct taper, in my opinion will play as good as any ld shaft made.

IMO that makes for some of the best playing shaft wood out there, cut off right at points or even into them a little cut the other end to about size and gives you plenty of meat to retaper with your own prefered taper cut.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

i am one that feels what nature does at its best has yet to be improved upon. I am talking about heavier weight, straight grain, high growth ring count maple shafts. Now finding all those things in a fairly clean looking shaft is getting very hard to do. So all the ld shafts are trying to find ways to duplicate what nature does at it's best by laminating wood various ways. Then they do little things in the front of the shaft and ferrule area that they feel improves the play. So if he has heavier weight, straight grain, high growth ring count maple shafts and has done some tricks to the front of the shaft and ferrule area he might have a quality ld shaft. But time will tell. I recently built a hard curl maple shaft with special ferrule and the guy swears it deflects less than his other ld shafts.



Gold Member
Silver Member
Nothings Changed..

^I'm still a Honest, and upstanding person, Im not out to mislead,or scam anyone, never have, never will be..

Only thing that's new about me is that, I have simply created a product, that I do believe will be beneficial for the World of Billiards..

I intend to market this product in hopes to better peoples games, and provide a alternative Ld shaft which combines the properties of low deflection,a stiff hit,and great feedback/feel all in one shaft..

Currently to my knowledge, there's no LD shafts on the market , that posses the 3 characteristics mentioned above ,combined in 1 shaft , "The Ghost" shaft however does posses all 3 properties..

The concept seems to be more than some people can fathom..

I understand the doubt and concern, being that if I was a outsider looking in ,Id have doubts and questions as well.

Until the product is available for purchase ,I expect doubts, that's natural with the current state of our World..

With that all being said, prior to the launch, to believe, or not to believe the statements in regards to "GHOST of MEGALODON" LD shafts, is a decision which the inquirer/potential consumers are free to choose using their own discretion..

As I stated before , Ill quote yet again ,,

"Believe what you will, I however already know,what you all will come to find out soon enough, "Ghost of Megalodon" LD shafts ,
may not claim the throne of shafts, but it will stand among the best of them !!!!!!!!!! "

Mr. Wilson

El Kabong
Gold Member
Silver Member
Outside of someone hawking a product, is there anyone that isn't paid to endorse this product that has ever even laid eyes on...much less shot with one?

Hype is just that. Advertising, nothing more. No patents? No copyrights? no endorsements?

I can think of a couple dozen real players here who'd give an honest review...still, nothing.

Seeing is believing.


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
Outside of someone hawking a product, is there anyone that isn't paid to endorse this product that has ever even laid eyes on...much less shot with one?

Hype is just that. Advertising, nothing more. No patents? No copyrights? no endorsements?

I can think of a couple dozen real players here who'd give an honest review...still, nothing.

Seeing is believing.

Shoot if this person needs reviewers I can give him some that want to give me a lie detecter test and I think are holding my 90 year old mother in a cave as hostage.:grin:


cue accumulator
Silver Member
Outside of someone hawking a product, is there anyone that isn't paid to endorse this product that has ever even laid eyes on...much less shot with one?

Hype is just that. Advertising, nothing more. No patents? No copyrights? no endorsements?

I can think of a couple dozen real players here who'd give an honest review...still, nothing.

Maybe all of the finished products are lost in shipping somewhere in Megalodonia


Damn, still .002 TIR!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Outside of someone hawking a product, is there anyone that isn't paid to endorse this product that has ever even laid eyes on...much less shot with one?

Hype is just that. Advertising, nothing more. No patents? No copyrights? no endorsements?

I can think of a couple dozen real players here who'd give an honest review...still, nothing.

Seeing is believing.

I remember when he first posted - apparently it was under a different name as searching on SkillZelite turns up little or nothing. He was asking how to properly put finish on a shaft. Along the way (IIRC) he once said that he wasn't going to release the cues for sale to the general public until his patents got approved. That was a while back.

I think your observations about the existence of a real product are accurate at this point.

My 2 cents,



Gold Member
Silver Member
Closing Bell..

Outside of someone hawking a product, is there anyone that isn't paid to endorse this product that has ever even laid eyes on...much less shot with one?

Hype is just that. Advertising, nothing more. No patents? No copyrights? no endorsements?

I can think of a couple dozen real players here who'd give an honest review...still, nothing.

Seeing is believing.

All in doubt will have their "PROOF", when all loose ends pertaining to "The Ghost" shaft are sealed !!!
:To answer your questions:

I currently have no paid endorsers, as Im still awaiting patent approval.

Their are roughly 15 people who've tried "The Ghost" shaft, within my surrounding area.

The deflection of my shaft was tested, and compared to leading brand name Ld shafts ,and held its own , with no problem.

Deflection test were done by a group of students, @ a World renowned College, in my area.

Those who've helped with the testing, and construction of the shaft, signed a "Confidentiality Agreement" prior to the unveiling of the shaft, to assure the blue print of the
"Ghost of Megalodon" shaft remains secure until patent is achieve..

In order to protect my product , I'll continue to keep my blue prints, and proto-type & final shaft under very,very, tight wraps...

This will be my final post in this thread ,or any thread for that matter in regards to "The Ghost" shaft..

Until patent is achieved, and launch date is established, I will not elaborate on the "Ghost of Megalodon" LD shaft any further in a public setting ,such as this..

Any additional questions anyone may have, Please feel free to pm me..


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
All in doubt will have their "PROOF", when all loose ends pertaining to "The Ghost" shaft are sealed !!!
:To answer your questions:

I currently have no paid endorsers, as Im still awaiting patent approval.

Their are roughly 15 people who've tried "The Ghost" shaft, within my surrounding area.

The deflection of my shaft was tested, and compared to leading brand name Ld shafts ,and held its own , with no problem.

Deflection test were done by a group of students, @ a World renowned College, in my area.

Those who've helped with the testing, and construction of the shaft, signed a "Confidentiality Agreement" prior to the unveiling of the shaft, to assure the blue print of the
"Ghost of Megalodon" shaft remains secure until patent is achieve..

In order to protect my product , I'll continue to keep my blue prints, and proto-type & final shaft under very,very, tight wraps...

This will be my final post in this thread ,or any thread for that matter in regards to "The Ghost" shaft..

Until patent is achieved, and launch date is established, I will not elaborate on the "Ghost of Megalodon" LD shaft any further in a public setting ,such as this..

Any additional questions anyone may have, Please feel free to pm me..

If it is real deal and good for the game I hope you do well. In the mean time I think you are doing the right thing, if its a hush hush secret best way to keep it that way is by not talking about it. I wish you joss one way or another.


New member
Silver Member
Well you very well may end up with a great playing ld shaft that is better than the rest. However, right now all your known for is bragging about a product that isn't out, showing that you know nothing about shafts because your not making them, not sealing them, not doing anything but advertising and collecting some money. Most cuemakers or people in the industry conduct research and testing themselves and actually know a little about what it take to make one so if they say it's a good product you can have a little trust.

I am always looking for a new ld shaft to try. Will entertain yours if and when it ever comes out. But for now your just another typical salesman sheister that says anything we want to hear to get us to buy.

Michael Webb

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All in doubt will have their "PROOF", when all loose ends pertaining to "The Ghost" shaft are sealed !!!
:To answer your questions:

I currently have no paid endorsers, as Im still awaiting patent approval.

Their are roughly 15 people who've tried "The Ghost" shaft, within my surrounding area.

The deflection of my shaft was tested, and compared to leading brand name Ld shafts ,and held its own , with no problem.

Deflection test were done by a group of students, @ a World renowned College, in my area.

Those who've helped with the testing, and construction of the shaft, signed a "Confidentiality Agreement" prior to the unveiling of the shaft, to assure the blue print of the
"Ghost of Megalodon" shaft remains secure until patent is achieve..

In order to protect my product , I'll continue to keep my blue prints, and proto-type & final shaft under very,very, tight wraps...

This will be my final post in this thread ,or any thread for that matter in regards to "The Ghost" shaft..

Until patent is achieved, and launch date is established, I will not elaborate on the "Ghost of Megalodon" LD shaft any further in a public setting ,such as this..

Any additional questions anyone may have, Please feel free to pm me..

I wish you the best of luck with it. As far as paying someone to endorse it, I think it's only fair if they make money with it and your paying or giving them free products, you deserve a piece of their prize money. Put that in a contract and see how many of those guys who only like to recieve like it then.